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Have you ever lived in rural Pakistan ? (Excluding tourism)

Have you ever lived in rural Pakistan ? (Excluding tourism)

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while now sitting in Miami downtown (USA)

Wah Baba jee Wah...
Lives in exotic place like Miami after getting citizenship of secular America and declares secular and atheist pakistanis as traitors in other threads.

Rural Pakistan is real Pakistan. Rural Pakistan is the heartbeat of Pakistan. Let us see how many of PDF members have gone through first hand rural life experience.

My MIND, my HEART, my SOUL has lived in every inch of Pakistan because every moment of my life it goes with me wherever I am.

:-) I've also experienced a few weeks in rural Pakistan, when I was much younger, rather than experiencing it for any length of time.
The vast majority of Pakistanis in Europe come from rural parts of Pakistan's Punjab province.
I have experience of spending a few weeks each year of 80s in pinds. We used to visit relatives. Loved it.

Not had a chance to repeat but I want to retire in the rural areas.
I used to have my own cattles , poultry and a lot of cats. 40 years have passed since. When I look back to those days of my childhood while now sitting in Miami downtown (USA) , I shed tears. My wife always asks why I cry. I say nothing.

Damn bro...I grew up in rural Jalalabad, sylhet ( EP/BD) in similar conditions as you. :(
I used to have my own cattles , poultry and a lot of cats. 40 years have passed since. When I look back to those days of my childhood while now sitting in Miami downtown (USA) , I shed tears. My wife always asks why I cry. I say nothing.

Back in 2006/2007 my pops bought you could say a "summer home" in a rural area near Hafizabad, it was fun at first people were generally nice compared to city slickers but I did not like the fact they were always coming to our place" all the time it did not matter my pops was from Pakistan to them he was a foreigner and I was more of foreigner cause I could not speak Urdu, or Punjabi and had lighter skin tone so often picked on not in a mean way but kinda jovial, the food was great, and it was fun watching the train pass but it got boring anyways the reason we ended not setting up this "summer home " or little farm was people who we tried to "entrust" to take care it kinda took advantage of us and so my pops decided to sell it and we bought a home in Lahore for a "summer home" again same problem we barley use it I havent been to Pakistan in over 5 plus years so has my pops so it sits there we have a neighbor take of it but its just sitting there btw what you doing in a cesspool like Miami lol
These sort of people are everywhere just as parasites.

But all these parasites all group each other in one place to get support from USG/Deep state be it the Cubans/Venezuelans in Miami, Iranians in LA, Pakistanis in DC/Northern Virginia they all stay in one place and are traitors to their homelands
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