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Have you ever faced near death experience?

Every time you sleep, spiritually, you are dead. Some souls are kept, while majority are returned to their bodies. But there are times, when the connection between the body and soul is disconnected for time being and then the soul is returned, I have experienced that.

Yeah ,
I've demons nd devil's runing after me ..

But death is such an arrogant beauty that doesn't wanna accept me . For it , I ain't even worth of her attention .

Why don't you run after them?
Every time you sleep, spiritually, you are dead. Some souls are kept, while majority are returned to their bodies. But there are times, when the connection between the body and soul is disconnected for time being and then the soul is returned, I have experienced that.

Why don't you run after them?

Because well.wisher is a girl and girls don't chase. It's guys job :D
How did you deal with flashbacks? How long they lasted?
It lasted a year or more everytime biker passed by me i have had severe anxiety symptoms like shivering sweating. But changing a country was a reason i fully recovered as i feel more safer here in UAE.
Me too. I secured 79.8% marks in matric and got A grade. Only if I had gotten 2 more marks, I would've gotten 80%(A+). But hey, that was 15 years ago.
for me it was end of world because we were told in school that matric is most important it is first step and blah blah
A friend of mine was given anesthesia. He went through the exact same thing what you mentioned.. He traveled through a long whirlwind type tunnel to reach some stars where he was flying with other birds.. who were talking to each other and calling them with human names... he thought that he died.. when he woke up he took the same tunnel. He told the doctor that he died.. Doctor laughed and told him that it was a controlled procedure and there was no indication at all that he died.. his heart continued beating, he didn't require ventilator etc.. it was a small half an hour procedure which is very common..

The purity level mentioned can't be achieved through drugs. Patients accounts after anesthesia are like common dreams, unless they start having true dreams.

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