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Have you ever faced near death experience?

I was deep water snorkeling south-east Egypt in the Red Sea (30 years ago) and the party I was with returned to the boat while I lingered a little longer. Dove down one last time then surfaced and looked over to the boat which was about 300 meters away and suddenly I felt something vigorously brush one of my fins. Before even looking down in the water I knew I was in trouble and sure enough I see a huge oceanic white-tip shark about 5 meters away. I started screaming and waiving to the boat I was in a state of fear and panic that frankly I've never had since that day. Slowly swam back to the boat while keeping an eye on the shark as it kept pace with me but never coming close again, thank God!

Had nightmares of being in the water from that day on for a very long time.

The other time was 3 years ago, took the boat out of the marina here in the northeast US and took the family out for a great day of boating and fishing and hanging out. Went out about 15 miles and anchored in about 100ft of water, fished, cooked and ate and listened to music and talked. Had 8 people on our 30 footer and after an hour of great fun, things turned from heaven to hell. A sudden storm (that wasn't in the marine forecast) suddenly moved in faster than I've ever seen. Barely had enough time to pull the anchor and start the boat before the 8ft waves started pounding the boat. I tried to navigate these high waves and in several instances found myself pushing the boat over the waves and ending up flying vertically with 8 members of my family (3 kids under 13) holding on for their dear lives. It was probably the worst experience I've ever had since my entire family on board had their lives in my hands. Having a 30ft boat go vertical in the air and then slam into the rough water only to happen again in a few seconds is one of the worst things ever. The alternative is to submerge the bow and that will definitely be the end of things since even in the summer time, you have barely 5 to 10 minutes of exposure to that water temperature before hypothermia sets in. Coming out of that was one of the greatest reliefs I've ever had.
Any major accident? Did it change your psyche? How did you deal with PTSD?
When I was at a shopping mall at Karachi and was nearly shot by some guy.
It took me a long time to deal with it.
Near Death Experience ______________________________________

From this old post, Pray for Soheil .... , user @SOHEIL seems to be one of those.

other Iranian member explain it to you but he have some "Spinal cord " problem ( if Google translated it correctly ) ....
sadly , it was an simple accident from past but now it become a big problem ... :frown:

So Soheil talked **** about the entire Western World for the past year, now he probably has to go to the West so these evil Westerners can save his life. He already mentioned that he's been to NZ, US and Europe to see doctors.
There's also a chance that he's trolling.

it has 70 % to he become paralysis after the operation
20 % for death
and 10% for full recovery ....

and it notjust Spinal Trauma .... it is Spinal Trauma in his neck ....

I thought He is Joking and I said I WILL MEET YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE. Sorry man. Get healthy soon man.

Mara come on, the guy is dying and then you post a picture of Sir Stephen Hawking?

Sleep Paralysis ______________________________________

I get sleep paralysis all the time.

@lastofthepatriots, this topic already discussed in Iranmilitaryforum.net back in 2012. Seems Iranians are mostly affected also.

Former particle physicist at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), A.Hicheur et al. 2016 already clarified in this regard, that it only needs to take shelter at 1000 meters underground to block these v-particles used by the U.S. 20,000 orbital mind-control satellites in their war waged on mankind since their coup of 1947, at the root of all such unconventional physical ailments.

Any major accident? Did it change your psyche? How did you deal with PTSD?
Yes I had a near death experience when my first girlfriend Fiaza left me, I was dead and then suddenly my neighborhood girl kissed me and boom I was back to life.
Sure. During drown-proofing while going through SAR training. I didn't almost drown, but had the onset of hypothermia due to heat exchange with the water and loss while struggling to breach the water's surface.


Granted the whole concept of drown-proofing is to make sure you, well, don't drown and can manage you stress and fatigue levels and energy expenditure. But it's scary as hell when you're new at it, getting cold, fatigued and are losing oxygen.

I never had any issues learning to repel from a helicopter, dive or recover a victim, never had issues with cold weather survival training since I love snow and cold weather sports, never had issues with rescues in piss poor water states or weather either. Just that one time for me and hopefully never again.

Lol. Yeah, not really what we'd recommend for PTSD, especially for combat-related cases.

Long-term psychotherapy or drug therapy is preferred, but with regards to narcotics, MDMA shows far more promise when paired with psychotherapy then does weed.

I dealt with cases of PTSD among soldiers, police and civilians for several years following the Utoya Island Attack in 2011, good counseling and support helps greatly, even when pharmaceuticals aren't used.
People have such interesting lives. Compared to all this my life seems dull
It was year 2001 and i was just 11 years old.I was living at PAF base malir karachi when my father was officer commanding of that base.I used to do swimming during evening at a nearby army swimming pool.
The trained swimmers aka lifeguards of pakistan army were always present to save any drowning person.Few of them were instructed by my father to keep an eye on me,never leave me alone and don,t let me go to a deep water pool as he know i was a naughty boy always eager to learn things quickly in life.
I was a learner of swimming that time and one day at around 5 pm when i was alone at pool a lifeguard went to his nearby barracks for few minutes and i thought this is a good time to try a next deep water pool which was about 7 feet deep.
I knew little swimming and lacked the confidence which is required in deep waters.I slowly climbed down the pool ladder and i was a little terrified as that was my first time in a 7 feet deep pool.I made a push in the water and the next moment i felt something is pulling me down i was going up and down and the water was going in lungs and stomach.I tried to grab the ladder that was about 3 feet away but at that time shocked and confusion of mind kicked in and i felt helpless.That whole thing continued for about 1 minute and final stages i felt i am gonna die and my body was giving up.Suddenly i felt something grabbed me from behind,yes that was a lifeguard who came back from the barracks.He took me out of the pool pumped water out of my belly and i was in shock for next 30 minutes.He requested me not to tell the incident home as the fault was mine and he will be scolded by my father.But another lifeguard told my driver and the driver told the whole thing at home.After that i was not allowed for swimming and the disciplinary action was taken against the lifeguard as he left me alone when he was not allowed to do so.If the guard that day came late by 2 more minutes i was definitely a dead person.That incident still haunts me today.
Had a gun put to my head in Lahore, got chased by bloodthirsty fascist goons in Moscow and also had an car accident which luckily I received only some minor abrasions though the vehicle was a complete right off.
I am sure you are talking about russian skinheads.When i was in st petersburg i had a fight with one of them when he passed a rude comment on me.I punched on his face and kicked him few time when a night club bodyguard came and ended the fight.Though i was lucky he was alone other international students were beaten to pulp by those racist skin heads.
couple of incidents actually. One major incident was when my plane got struck with lightning and malfunctioned but safely landed at Delhi Airport when it was supposed to be landed at Lahore, stayed there for another 2 days or so but eventually came back to Lahore. I was probably among the 1% people who did not cry or react to what was happening but then I realised it could be due to the fact that we were not so sure about the extent of damage the lightning had caused to the plane and were quite optimistic that we will land safely

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