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Have you ever been cheated by a shopkeeper ?

i learnt so many things off internet/online forums, i was doing this way back going 10 or more years becuase for me the internet was the next big thing. i learnt to fix phones made good money back in the day / unlocking, fixed watches/mods, learnt to solder, learnt to read basic electronic diagrams but still struggle, can fix most motorbikes especially wiring can even build my own cdi, learnt to buy and sell online, learnt to wire up car stereo, build basic power supply or reuse one for another prupose, learnt to use power tools, built my own little scooter, learn about history, banking system, etc

if i went out today in the streets to learn about some things that have i learnt on the net, no body would take me on because they dont want me to learn the trade especially pakistanis while others it could be racial or skills/qualification but the internet has given that opportunity.

here is a phone i modified long time ago.

That's great, very inspiring actually for you to have made the effort to learn and understand so many different things. Some people don't want you to learn from them for the very same reasons mentioned in this thread.
I don't want to just say negative things about Pakistan and my business experiences though. I have come across some very honest businessmen too.

1. A young brother called Dawud who does wedding lighting, stage decorations and catering in our local area. He is not very educated but is very intelligent. He works hard and is available all times of the day providing excellent customer service. His work is as good as any of the more expensive providers in the cities. He will give you prices up front and will offer different designs for different price ranges, rather than try and rip you off or haggle.

2. Again in our village we have some people who run a grocery store. These were VERY poor people (our village is very wealthy generally) and they have worked very hard to make this store. Their honesty and good business practices have made it a very successful store. They get customers from neighbouring villages too. My young cousins went to their shop and bought a load of crisps and sweets. He told them the price in Urdu but they didn't understand, so they put all their money on the counter for him to take what he needs. He took payment, gave them change and then later on that evening came to our home to explain to my cousin that the kids are doing this in the bazar and risk being ripped off.

3. The radiator burst on my hire car. I went to a mechanic and instead of selling me a new one, he told me I could get it repaired in the next town. He then took the radiator off for me, I then took it to the next town, got it repaired, bought it back late at night, rang the guy, he came back to work from his home and fitted the radiator for me.

4. My friend runs an ecommerce business and is supplied by a Pakistani supplier. He's never had a problem and has been working with this man for years.

5. My family often order designer salwar kameez from Pakistani designers online. they are delivered in the UK and if there is a problem, or an item missing they never ask for proof, instead they send out the missing items the next day.
Some people have developed such a chaska for haram, that halal doesn't taste good to them anymore. When i go to Pakistan people can tell from looking at me that i am from abroad, even though i have very simple hair, don't speak english, wear plain salwar kameez, speak mirpuri with a proper pendu dialect, they still know. The prices offered in shops are nuts, you have to try and knock off at least 50% of each price. Where i can i now just go to the more modern shops. I know what i am buying is more expensive but i know that upfront.

Having said that sabzi wale etc don't offer such bad rates, i tend to pay them what they ask. the way i see it i'd rather pay a ghareeb insaan a little bit extra rather than spend it on a burger or a milkshake afterwards anyway.

I have one story about a toilet brush. It was during ramadan and i went to the bazar to buy a toilet brush. The guy wanted Rs200 for the most flimsy, cheap plastic toilet brush. I knew i could buy the same thing in the UK for Rs 130 (£1 at the time), but i didn't bother arguing, i looked at him disapprovingly, double checked the price and gave him 200. he then gave me 50 back as change and said "bhai ji, ithe bande price katane hone" (people reduce prices here). I just thought to myself this guy has a very busy shop, a large shop in a very busy bazar, yet he still risks his iman for Rs50.

lolz for a toilet brush fcuk that i make one out of my sister hair brush and cellotape/tree branch.
they always use allah name as excuse to get us to trust them. we bought rice and the shop keeper was told that we want the highest quality, price is not an issue becuase its for khatam.
He replied no problem sister to my maasi and he went at the back and we were given the rice sack which was loaded up in the van.
anyway chef cooks it, peope start to eat it and start to complain about his cooking. In the end we find out they mixed it with good quality rice with low quality rice, I think there were stones in it.

by the way this was dadyal market what a ripping off bas trds kanjars. anyway no more money no more charity i had enuff. if you have disability they jump on you especially airport security.
This time i am using phone camera to record them, make them feel shame for bribes.

i want to know does this happen to lahore and karachi people?

@abdulbarijan .. your opinions ? .. as you r a person related to business nd markets .


Guys here , plz tell me the prices of peacock feathers in your city ? How much 1 feather cost ? @313ghazi @El Sidd @Sher Shah Awan @Azadkashmir ..

what you need peacock feather for? put it in your hair?.
bibi me adrak lehsun chaant chaant kar kharidta ho ap peacock feathers ya surkhaab kay parr ki baat kar rahi hai..

i have zero fashion knowledge haha
Lol okayyy

lolz for a toilet brush fcuk that i make one out of my sister hair brush and cellotape/tree branch.
they always use allah name as excuse to get us to trust them. we bought rice and the shop keeper was told that we want the highest quality, price is not an issue becuase its for khatam.
He replied no problem sister to my maasi and he went at the back and we were given the rice sack which was loaded up in the van.
anyway chef cooks it, peope start to eat it and start to complain about his cooking. In the end we find out they mixed it with good quality rice with low quality rice, I think there were stones in it.

by the way this was dadyal market what a ripping off bas trds kanjars. anyway no more money no more charity i had enuff. if you have disability they jump on you especially airport security.
This time i am using phone camera to record them, make them feel shame for bribes.

i want to know does this happen to lahore and karachi people?

what you need peacock feather for? put it in your hair?.

No , am making a peacock sculpture nd i need feathers for it but its very costy here . Dnt know the market price for it .
instead of constant bickering we prefer to have a standardized rule.
only indians have enough energy to save that buck

now if i say that is baniya logic @Joe Shearer this guy will go nuts

If you say.

Then if we remind you that a nation of shopkeepers kicked the shit out of you, you will go nuts, right?
Im asking this question cause i do get cheated by the shopkeepers in quetta , pakistan oftenly . They sell so expensively to me .. and i am so unable to argue cause when i argue i fear people will watch me with weird stares and that shopkeepers will misbehave ... cause thats what they do here in quetta . These pathan shopkeepers are so ill mannered ( sorry.. i dont meant to all pathans but am talking about the shopkeepers ) . One of them sold 100 thing for 350 :( .. nd i was unable to argue ... that time i realised im easy to get fooled by the shopkeepers .
How to deal with them ? Im scared to shop alone and that is why i shop along with my mother .. When im with mother , my mother argues a lot and is succesfull at managig discount , she buys 180 thing for 120 .. nd 50's thing for 30 ..
So i just wanted to satisfy myself , is there anyone else like me who gets cheated ?
And why do these pakistani shopkeepers stand on your head , its like they r forcing u to buy their goods. They dont have manners or ' lehaz ' . When you enter their shop , they will open their goods and commodities very speedlyjust to show you that they r dojng a lot 4 u so u would be forced to select . . .

These shopkeepers in quetta are so badtameez .. duhh .. @Fawad Masīd
Try not buying anything when they act like that.
Name a price you want to pay and stick to it,if they dont budge,dont buy anything,do that a couple of times and see what happens.
Dont be a softy.
you were the shops of different empires. you just became the keepers 70 years ago.

atleast get the definitions correct

You wouldn't recognise a definition even if one kicked you in the face. The nation of shopkeepers used the other end, and that explains your difficulty in sitting down to this day.

At least get your national appellations correct. Try not to make a public fool of yourself.
You wouldn't recognise a definition even if one kicked you in the face. The nation of shopkeepers used the other end, and that explains your difficulty in sitting down to this day.

At least get your national appellations correct. Try not to make a public fool of yourself.

I can fit the mother of terrorism reference as well as the rape capital of the world reference to the above sentence as well.

India has infact used terrorism and terrorists as a trade as well as extension of its foreign policy.

I admire your honesty
I can fit the mother of terrorism reference as well as the rape capital of the world reference to the above sentence as well.

India has infact used terrorism and terrorists as a trade as well as extension of its foreign policy.

I admire your honesty

I wish I could reciprocate your admiration. Until you find out what and who the nation of shopkeepers was/is, I must remain with the sad conclusion that you are truly illiterate and lack learning and education.

Hint: they were not Indians.

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