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Hatf-IX - Tactical Multi-Tube Ballistic Missile

Suffice to say the new system could be deployed in the same profile as say the patriot, albeit with completely different roles.


is it the same NASR?
in the video their are two tubes and in this pic 4?
this is the new trend in nuclear warfar. Instead of exploding a big megton size nuke,the ne idea is to deploy mini nukes of 10 or less kiotons. Those are safe from 60km,and can do lot more damage than one big nuke whos most part of energy is lost in digging crater and throwing up debri.
this is the new trend in nuclear warfar. Instead of exploding a big megton size nuke,the ne idea is to deploy mini nukes of 10 or less kiotons. Those are safe from 60km,and can do lot more damage than one big nuke whos most part of energy is lost in digging crater and throwing up debri.

This is an Old trend, there are many Nuke tipped rocket artilleries available...But such developments are always a symbol of conventional deterrence
What will happen to our Previous Short range Ballistic Missiles? Abdali, Ghaznavi, Hatf-1? Weren't they suffice that we have to develop another SRBM?
What will happen to our Previous Short range Ballistic Missiles? Abdali, Ghaznavi, Hatf-1? Weren't they suffice that we have to develop another SRBM?
Arent those 100 plus km in range? And a bit bulky? Plus no multiaunch option?
I stand corrected, its 2 tubes not four.
Its the yield as well as the logistical challenges of moving the above around in a highly fluid battlefield. For Shoot and scoot purposes, this system is better.

This is perfectly correct.

The long range missile are very big, slow moving and take a lot of time for prep and loading.

this missile will help Pakistan in two ways:

1. We can have a lot more nuclear deterrence "on the prowl" around the battlefield.
2. It Signals that Pakistan's doctrine of low yield weapons finally has had finishing touches.

The long range missile will stay for deep penetrative strike.
The short range low yield missiles will help to cope up the numerical advantage of the enemy, as well as allow minimum collateral damage.

In a subcontinent/ Middle east theater of operations where terrain is more or less flat, and spotted with continuous population this will be an excellent weapon and great strategy.
so it a 2 tube ,2 missiles on a Truck...with a 60Km range...which can carry nuclear war head right????

It is not a ballistic missile,coz it doesn't leave the atmosphere....
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