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Hate Speech in a Secular State

On the other hand, I do think that Bhagyalakshmi temple is totally unnecessary. Hyderabadi muslims are one of the most fanatic in India. they should be left alone. having that temple there and doing puja regularly only makes things more complicated.

Never bow down before the fanatic. If they are fanatic then a nice danda needs to be inserted up their rear so that they let go of their fanatic ways and learn to live with the majority. India was not partitioned for things to happen the other way around. And thanks to communal assholes like Owaisi, the previously unknown Mandir has started attracting huge crowds nowadays.
Well Owaisi was using the same agenda to portray the victim hood of muslims as Saffron leaders do by repeatedly bringing Godhra or other attacks to score some brownie points even though those responsible for these acts are systematically punished...

Calling the elected MLAs of Andhra derogatorily as Kaffirs, calling the Andhra Assembly as kuffarstan, labelling the police,hindus as namard fauj, saying he would behead Taslima Nasreen, saying he would have murdered Narasimha Rao with his own hands, talking ill of our Gods in a public meeting..where the heck did victimization come into these speeches ? Are you than blinded by religion to not see what he is and how he is harming your own community's interests ? Honestly do you think you can live in this country by making enemies with the majority community ? You know what I'm done with you and your Islamist mentality and seeing victimhood everywhere. Keep defending him and it only serves to expose your agenda. Owaisi is only giving what you guys want and what you deserve.
It is very difficult to change muslims mentality.I dont say change wont come but it comes at a snail's pace in their case.Why are these people whining about hindu organizations?Can they show even a single comment by any hindu leader insulting muhammad or quran?For muslims this world is only a test for an eternal after life.Then why bother about hindus not giving equal opportunities?(which is utter non sense)Dont they have real faith in god?
Muslims have been speaking and acting the way akbaruddin did ever since islam set foot on indian soil.It is just that pseudo secular media has chosen to ignore it.But the times have changed.Hindus are prospering with good education and are becoming aware of their history.Adding to that social media has given them a platform to communicate those things which sickular media wants to hide.Even this issue was brought to light by social media otherwise media would have buried it like it has been doing for long.
With my limited knowledge of Islam, I think that clause is only applicable to the religions of book - christianity and Judaism. Shirk and idol worship are the worst possible offences under Islam and Indian religions do that in plenty..

Karthic, I also have limited knowledge about Islam.. But EjazR pointed out this when Al Zakir was abusing Hinduism in one thread.. The same was told to me by Aeronaut also..
Karthic, I also have limited knowledge about Islam.. But EjazR pointed out this when Al Zakir was abusing Hinduism in one thread.. The same was told to me by Aeronaut also..

I look forward to the day when the all the Muslims start practising Islam the way they claim it is.
I look forward to the day when the all the Muslims start practising Islam the way they claim it is.

None of the religion practices the way they preach now a days!! :)
Never bow down before the fanatic. If they are fanatic then a nice danda needs to be inserted up their rear so that they let go of their fanatic ways and learn to live with the majority. India was not partitioned for things to happen the other way around. And thanks to communal assholes like Owaisi, the previously unknown Mandir has started attracting huge crowds nowadays.
this is not about bravery or cowardice but fairness. that makeshift temple has not place on the wall of charminar. it is not only an eye sore but also a political stunt played by Hindu and muslim leaders to keep that area on the edge.
this is not about bravery or cowardice but fairness. that makeshift temple has not place on the wall of charminar. it is not only an eye sore but also a political stunt played by Hindu and muslim leaders to keep that area on the edge.

Jayron, eyesore or not the temple has been there for atleast 50 years now and is listed with the Endowments and charity board ..what sense does it make in trying to remove it now..Any attempt to remove the temple now after all this drama will only cause inflamed religious passions.
Jayron, eyesore or not the temple has been there for atleast 50 years now and is listed with the Endowments and charity board ..what sense does it make in trying to remove it now..Any attempt to remove the temple now after all this drama will only cause inflamed religious passions.

I think we can definitely find a way. I don't know if you have been to charminar. It is not of the most communally sensitive areas I have been to. One of the main reasons for it is the temple. They ring bells and play loud bhajans everyday and throughout the day during festivals. It is just shenanigans. Charminar is a historic monument while that temple is a makeshift shed built just to create trouble. One can see which one has to go.
I think we can definitely find a way. I don't know if you have been to charminar. It is not of the most communally sensitive areas I have been to. One of the main reasons for it is the temple. They ring bells and play loud bhajans everyday and throughout the day during festivals. It is just shenanigans. Charminar is a historic monument while that temple is a makeshift shed built just to create trouble. One can see which one has to go.

Bro till last year everything was smooth..no one cared for that temple..not the Owaisis, not the Muslims, not the ASI..no one..why suddenly this year..? The reason as I explained in the other thread is the refusal of the Kiran reddy govt to give the Mahaveer jain hospital to the Owaisi run medical trust on lease. This was the reason they ratcheted up the pressure on the state govt and this was the reason they withdrew support.

As regards the bells and bhajans I think you are wrong...i heard from people there that there was some sort of unwritten arrangement between the mandir and mosque to be silent in their respective activities when the other is going on..i.e., the mandir will first conduct its uchi velai puja with all the bhajans and bells and after some time the jumma prayer will start. The mandir had absolutely nothing to do with the tensions.
Bro till last year everything was smooth..no one cared for that temple..not the Owaisis, not the Muslims, not the ASI..no one..why suddenly this year..? The reason as I explained in the other thread is the refusal of the Kiran reddy govt to give the Mahaveer jain hospital to the Owaisi run medical trust on lease. This was the reason they ratcheted up the pressure on the state govt and this was the reason they withdrew support.

As regards the bells and bhajans I think you are wrong...i heard from people there that there was some sort of unwritten arrangement between the mandir and mosque to be silent in their respective activities when the other is going on..i.e., the mandir will first conduct its uchi velai puja with all the bhajans and bells and after some time the jumma prayer will start. The mandir had absolutely nothing to do with the tensions.
They do have some kind of agreement and a bunch of goondas on both sides with respective religious flags to enforce it. It will look like a riot waiting to happen. I just hope masses come to their senses and dont get played into the hands of politicians.
This is going to sound nasty.
But gujarat prior to godhara was in a similar condition, even more so. So much that muslims didnt think twice about burning a coach full of people returning from pilgrimage. Alive.
What happened afterwards is common knowledge. A couple of days of inaction from police and now even muslims play the development tune. This amuses me no end.
What owaisi says or does is of no value really. Once telangana is formed they will turn into a ghetto and religious politics aint gonna help then.
OTOH if he wants early treatment, he is always welcome to Gujarat. We will ask the police to stay inactive for 15 mins. With pleasure.
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