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Hate Speech in a Secular State

who in their right mind would want to invade India?
Worlds largest starving population.
A crazed majority that will kill minorities at the drop of a hat.
No protection for women.

Thanks but no thanks, keep your Bharat to yourself.

don't you like the Indian muslims?
who in their right mind would want to invade India?
Worlds largest starving population.
A crazed majority that will kill minorities at the drop of a hat.
No protection for women.

Thanks but no thanks, keep your Bharat to yourself.

Ok, now since you have spoken about India lets see what Pakistan got..

1. Starving population

Malnutrition constrains economic growth and national progress: an estimated half the nation (49.6 per cent) is growing up stunted, unable to reach their full physical and mental potential, while the adult half is too weak to contribute fully to the country’s production efforts. The World Health Organisation cites malnutrition as the single greatest threat to public health, and a significant factor in maternal and child mortality, killing six million children each year in Pakistan. A 2006 survey estimated that 58 per cent or over 36 million died of causes linked to malnutrition.

Starved to death | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

I can see Pakistan is not starving at all and then a Pakistani has guts to talk non sense about others..

2. Now lets see what minorities has to face in Pakistan

Religious freedom limited for minorities in Pakistan: Report – The Express Tribune


Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

Pakistan Struggles to Protect Religious Minorities

and then we see a person of the country with most intolerant and extremist minded people in the world passing stupid comments on others.

3. Women secuity in Pakistan. Do I really need to show the proof of it? But anyways -


According to a 2011 poll of experts by the Thomson Reuters Foundation Poll, Pakistan is the third most dangerous country for women in the world. It cited the more than 1,000 women and girls murdered in "honor killings" every year and reported that 90 percent of Pakistani women suffer from domestic violence.
To Be a Woman in Pakistan: Six Stories of Abuse, Shame, and Survival - Zara Jamal - The Atlantic

Pakistan ranks 3rd on list of most dangerous countries for women – The Express Tribune

Pakistan's women remain voiceless amid all the talk of war and terrorism | Halima Mansoor | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

hmm this shows women can not be safer elsewhere that they are in Pakistan. Kudos!!

I think it is wise to at times make use of brains before writing crap about others!! Truth can bite you back really hard way!!

don't you like the Indian muslims?

Now when they have so many issues with Muhajirs then how would they be able to tolerate more Indian muslims!!
Ok, now since you have spoken about India lets see what Pakistan got..

1. Starving population

Starved to death | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

I can see Pakistan is not starving at all and then a Pakistani has guts to talk non sense about others..

2. Now lets see what minorities has to face in Pakistan

Religious freedom limited for minorities in Pakistan: Report – The Express Tribune


Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

Pakistan Struggles to Protect Religious Minorities

and then we see a person of the country with most intolerant and extremist minded people in the world passing stupid comments on others.

3. Women secuity in Pakistan. Do I really need to show the proof of it? But anyways -


To Be a Woman in Pakistan: Six Stories of Abuse, Shame, and Survival - Zara Jamal - The Atlantic

Pakistan ranks 3rd on list of most dangerous countries for women – The Express Tribune

Pakistan's women remain voiceless amid all the talk of war and terrorism | Halima Mansoor | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

hmm this shows women can not be safer elsewhere that they are in Pakistan. Kudos!!

I think it is wise to at times make use of brains before writing crap about others!! Truth can bite you back really hard way!!

Now when they have so many issues with Muhajirs then how would they be able to tolerate more Indian muslims!!

so at least you admit that you have the worlds starving population, Majority that will kill at the drop of a hat and no rights for women. Good, first step to solving the problem is to admit you have one.

And again, no one in their right mind would want to Invade such a country.

don't you like the Indian muslims?

not particularly.
They are happy in their country so let them stay that way.
Huge crowds waiting at Hyd airport for their "tiger" to return. Looks like the rot is deeper than Owaisi. Something needs to be done.


it is and to fix it,we need Telengana.
I dont know why you keep bringing in irrelevant stuff in this discussion.If you have nothing to discuss on topic do not quote me henceforth. The lies about temple "expansion" are discussed here. Stop going offtopic here.

You keep ranting abt the legality abt temple expansion so I just posted a source which states as following

Modifications and repairs to buildings are allowed in these limits subject to prior permission. But the Bhagya Laxmi temple, officials say, falls under the prohibited limits and therefore any attempt to extend it constitutes an ‘illegal activity’.

Authorities are surprised at the way the construction activity was sought to be taken up at the temple during night. “Nobody from the temple committee approached us for permission”, say senior officials pleading anonymity.

Source: The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : Extension of temple illegal - ASI

Again irrelevant stuff...During the past two months especially during Dusshera and Deepavali Hyderabad was a virtual warzone with Old city gangs routinely indulging in violence and clashing with police and public after each Jumma prayer and dozens of muslims were arrested for that.And dont be such a jerk..if we start counting the number of Hindus killed by islamist terrorists over the decades then you would have a very long list to account for.

Irrelevant stuff?? You keep posting obnoxious posts without any proper proof. So I simply asked to post proof abt those "alleged" attacks. And instead of posting something substantial, you prefer to go on a rhetoric.

Dont burn alive 59 pilgrims as in Godhra and nothing will happen. We are all cool. That's a fair warning IMO.

Oh wow so you are justifying the Gujarat genocide. Even Owaisi said something similar. Even he justified Bombay blasts by saying "Had there been no demolition of Babri Masjid and subsequent riots, there wouldn't have been any bomb blasts either"
First tried against the Sikhs, then Muslims, and now Christians are currently being "put in their place"
I guess it works.

Jai Hind indeed.

Where is Christians come in to this scenario??
Calling the elected MLAs of Andhra derogatorily as Kaffirs, calling the Andhra Assembly as kuffarstan, labelling the police,hindus as namard fauj, saying he would behead Taslima Nasreen, saying he would have murdered Narasimha Rao with his own hands, talking ill of our Gods in a public meeting..where the heck did victimization come into these speeches ? Are you than blinded by religion to not see what he is and how he is harming your own community's interests ? Honestly do you think you can live in this country by making enemies with the majority community ? You know what I'm done with you and your Islamist mentality and seeing victimhood everywhere. Keep defending him and it only serves to expose your agenda. Owaisi is only giving what you guys want and what you deserve.

I think Owaisi in just one of the speeches spoke for over one and a half hour and he just didn't rant abt Hindus or Hindu Gods for those 90 mins. He spoke abt how Innocent muslim youth are arrested and jailed without any proper charge(Victimization), he also spoke abt how muslims have been attacked and yet administration was late to react(Again victimization). He also spoke abt how muslim traders were attacked while they were transporting the cattle during Eid after they were bought from Farmers(Yet again victimization). So he did play the victimization card?? But won't your beloved right-wing nut jobs do a similar thing?? I can see that he is harming India's overall growth in the same way as the Saffron goons do just to benefit themselves but I can seldom explain this to someone who is blinded with bigotry and hate...
Huge crowds waiting at Hyd airport for their "tiger" to return. Looks like the rot is deeper than Owaisi. Something needs to be done.


KS there is nothing wrong with mobs waiting for their leader. The sad thing is if Owaisi had used his popularity and leadership skills to bring harmony in to the community.. wait who am i kidding! He wants to kill 100 crore hindus with his 25 crore muslims.

Strange how RSS and other Hindu fanatics are never discussed like this, in their case the offense is limited to one person or leader. When it comes to Muslims then all the crowd also gets the blame. In 84 riots blame is put to some actors not the Hindu mob which burned and raped, In Gujrat blame is put to some leaders not to the Hindu mob which burned, murdered and gang raped. In this case the blame also goes to the Huge Muslim Crowds. Secular India, never ceases to amuse me :coffee:

Sedqal, hindu fanatics like these get ample criticism from digvijay and tribe. Even we dont support them. But make no mistake retiliation is not the reserve of selected few. When owaisi makes this sort of statement, he hurts the secular fabric himself. And then guys like you make fun of our stated constitution.
Muslims in our country have equal opportunities. Something hindus in your country can only dream of, with their temples being burned and daughters being kidnapped.
If a similar statement had come from a hindu in pakistan, he would be dead by now. You know it as well as i do.
My bharat may have plenty shortcomings, but compared to yours it is still mahan.
I think Owaisi in just one of the speeches spoke for over one and a half hour and he just didn't rant abt Hindus or Hindu Gods for those 90 mins. He spoke abt how Innocent muslim youth are arrested and jailed without any proper charge(Victimization), he also spoke abt how muslims have been attacked and yet administration was late to react(Again victimization). He also spoke abt how muslim traders were attacked while they were transporting the cattle during Eid after they were bought from Farmers(Yet again victimization). So he did play the victimization card?? But won't your beloved right-wing nut jobs do a similar thing?? I can see that he is harming India's overall growth in the same way as the Saffron goons do just to benefit themselves but I can seldom explain this to someone who is blinded with bigotry and hate...

Yaar, i can understand your point of view. That muslims are discriminated thats what you mean in a nutshell. Right.
Now please tell me are you aware of discrimination against biharis in maharashtra? Or against tamils in mumbai or delhi. I am from delhi at present based near wheeler island orissa. I encounter it too.
Its human nature, being reserved against people different from oneself. So dont take it so personally that it stymes you in the end.

There are plenty good people here, if you know what i mean. So take the positives please and dont be so bitter. A couple of muslims standing against the ideology of guys like owaisi will have a magical effect.
who in their right mind would want to invade India?
Worlds largest starving population.
A crazed majority that will kill minorities at the drop of a hat.
No protection for women.

Thanks but no thanks, keep your Bharat to yourself.

Are you saying that starting from 1962 to 1999 your loved leaders were not in their right mind...

That's an admission which few Pakistanis make, and yeah if it was so immaterial for you and you ilk why bother with this thread?

Mental masturbation works for you I guess.. :lol:
Are you saying that starting from 1962 to 1999 your loved leaders were not in their right mind...

That's an admission which few Pakistanis make, and yeah if it was so immaterial for you and you ilk why bother with this thread?

Mental masturbation works for you I guess.. :lol:

when have we ever wanted a piece of India?
We are not a beligerant state like India who invades any area that she deems to be her own.
We simply want what is rightfully ours, Muslim majority land that India agree to give us when they accepted two nation theory.

And accoring to Indian logic, stating facts mean that it is mental masturbation :cheesy:
I think we can definitely find a way. I don't know if you have been to charminar. It is not of the most communally sensitive areas I have been to. One of the main reasons for it is the temple. They ring bells and play loud bhajans everyday and throughout the day during festivals. It is just shenanigans. Charminar is a historic monument while that temple is a makeshift shed built just to create trouble. One can see which one has to go.

This will not be the first instance of mosque and mandir standing next to each other.

I know several cities of india where you coud hear "vishnu shahasra naam " and Aazan simultaneously at break of the dawn.
when have we ever wanted a piece of India?

Kashmir is a part of India which you guys want like crazy.

We are not a beligerant state like India who invades any area that she deems to be her own.
We simply want what is rightfully ours, Muslim majority land that India agree to give us when they accepted two nation theory.
When did we agree to give you any Muslim majority land? :lol:

Looks like you don't even know history - TNT was rejected by leaders of then Political India and accepted only by the Muslims who wanted to move and form Pakistan.

And accoring to Indian logic, stating facts mean that it is mental masturbation :cheesy:
For stating facts you need facts, not some gibberish which only Pakistanis world over understand.
This will not be the first instance of mosque and mandir standing next to each other.

I know several cities of india where you coud hear "vishnu shahasra naam " and Aazan simultaneously at break of the dawn.

This is not one of those harmony stories for sure. They are alway at each other's throat.
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