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Hate Speech in a Secular State

And similarly the last time I checked the Endowments and Charity board was controlled by the State Govt. So what gives the Razakar permission to comment on that ?

But they do need permission of ASI.

The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : Extension of temple illegal - ASI

Its not like there have been no attacks on Hindu people. Stop this wallowing in victimhood. In India everyone faces the short stick and law is a ***** towards everybody. And even in that case what gives him the right to abuse our Gods and call for killing of 100 crore hindus ?People like Owaisi should have been chased away..Its our mistake that we let these razakar leftovers to live here in India.

So why not posts some proof of those alleged attacks??

"call for killing of 100 crore hindus?" -- Where did he say that?Get me the post where he says so?

Well atleast they did not call for complete extermination of Muslims or runaway like rats to London when faced with law like the hijda-e-deccan.

Really?? You have to take a notice of the below statement then

Vishwa Hindu Parishad international working president Ashok Singhal today termed Gujarat as a
‘successful experiment’—and warned that it would be repeated all over India. —The Indian Express, Sept 4 2002

Show me a thread opened for their speeches where this is not criticized, but do not expect me going haywire because those which you pointed out were not half of what this guy is saying.

Regarding the emboldened part, yes it needs to be showcased, cause we are in a secular country.. Going by our country, you cannot just condemn anyone's religion and get away.

What I am trying to say is why is this issue on PDF when hate speeches by saffron right-wingers are never posted over here...
Response in red and btw if they were attacked why so much time gap? Anyone can see through your play here dude..

We will condemn and criticize them but just because you want me to do that now here and diminish this arse's wrong, never!

The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : Six Hindu Vahini activists arrested for string of attacks

6 Hindu Vahini activists arrested in Hyderabad

Hindutva activists arrested for attack on Muslim youths in Hyderabad | TwoCircles.net

And the reason for the gap is because I did not list all the events but just some of them. And there have been regular communal flare-ups since 3-4 years...
What I am trying to say is why is this issue on PDF when hate speeches by saffron right-wingers are never posted over here...

Now you have made your issue clear, but still you have not answered many of my questions.

The thing is no sane person of import will say those things against your religion or any religion for that matter.. If writing some verses , you might know very well of, a novelist is opposed to come to a conference in his own country is not enough, then nothing ever is..
The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : Six Hindu Vahini activists arrested for string of attacks

6 Hindu Vahini activists arrested in Hyderabad

Hindutva activists arrested for attack on Muslim youths in Hyderabad | TwoCircles.net

And the reason for the gap is because I did not list all the events but just some of them. And there have been regular communal flare-ups since 3-4 years...

Dude, again if they were arrested what is your beef?

Hindutvas really exist? :lol: i thought they were only a pdf thing :partay:

Extremism is everywhere, the number and who are what matters..
The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : Six Hindu Vahini activists arrested for string of attacks

6 Hindu Vahini activists arrested in Hyderabad

Hindutva activists arrested for attack on Muslim youths in Hyderabad | TwoCircles.net

And the reason for the gap is because I did not list all the events but just some of them. And there have been regular communal flare-ups since 3-4 years...
God knows how many people been Bombed or killed in riots If someone from Majority community said something that vulgar about your prophet ,his mother and Mecca?
See the difference in the Behavior of followers of hinduism and the religion of peace.
Now you have made your issue clear, but still you have not answered many of my questions.

The thing is no sane person of import will say those things against your religion or any religion for that matter.. If writing some verses , you might know very well of, a novelist is opposed to come to a conference in his own country is not enough, then nothing ever is..

And what are those questions???
The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : Six Hindu Vahini activists arrested for string of attacks

6 Hindu Vahini activists arrested in Hyderabad

Hindutva activists arrested for attack on Muslim youths in Hyderabad | TwoCircles.net

And the reason for the gap is because I did not list all the events but just some of them. And there have been regular communal flare-ups since 3-4 years...
Its funny how muslims always try to justify their huge problem of radicalism with the tiny minority of Hindu fanatics in India. scale and intensity definitely matters. dont defend the indefensible. Even now we are hating only this guy . If it were a minority abusing islam in a muslim country, the whole minority community will be burnt to death.

On the other hand, I do think that Bhagyalakshmi temple is totally unnecessary. Hyderabadi muslims are one of the most fanatic in India. they should be left alone. having that temple there and doing puja regularly only makes things more complicated.
Dude, again if they were arrested what is your beef?

Well Owaisi was using the same agenda to portray the victim hood of muslims as Saffron leaders do by repeatedly bringing Godhra or other attacks to score some brownie points even though those responsible for these acts are systematically punished...

Its funny how muslims always try to justify their huge problem of radicalism with the tiny minority of Hindu fanatics in India. scale and intensity definitely matters. dont defend the indefensible. Even now we are hating only this guy . If it were a minority abusing islam in a muslim country, the whole minority community will be burnt to death.

Who is justifying my dear???
Well Owaisi was using the same agenda to portray the victim hood of muslims as Saffron leaders do by repeatedly bringing Godhra or other attacks to score some brownie points even though those responsible for these acts are systematically punished...

Who is justifying my dear???

why are you posting unrelated links?
Well Owaisi was using the same agenda to portray the victim hood of muslims as Saffron leaders do by repeatedly bringing Godhra or other attacks to score some brownie points even though those responsible for these acts are systematically punished...

The same agenda? :blink:

When did Modi ask whether your god was a p*** or not?

Did he dispute Mohammed being the last Prophet?

Please stop comparing incidents.. Owaisi is another bigot and should be put away for a good number of years for this..
The same agenda? :blink:

When did Modi ask whether your god was a p*** or not?

Did he dispute Mohammed being the last Prophet?

Please stop comparing incidents.. Owaisi is another bigot and should be put away for a good number of years for this..

Agenda is votebank...:agree:

I dont know why you keep bringing in irrelevant stuff in this discussion.If you have nothing to discuss on topic do not quote me henceforth. The lies about temple "expansion" are discussed here. Stop going offtopic here.

So why not posts some proof of those alleged attacks??

Again irrelevant stuff...During the past two months especially during Dusshera and Deepavali Hyderabad was a virtual warzone with Old city gangs routinely indulging in violence and clashing with police and public after each Jumma prayer and dozens of muslims were arrested for that.And dont be such a jerk..if we start counting the number of Hindus killed by islamist terrorists over the decades then you would have a very long list to account for.

Really?? You have to take a notice of the below statement then

Vishwa Hindu Parishad international working president Ashok Singhal today termed Gujarat as a
‘successful experiment’—and warned that it would be repeated all over India.

Dont burn alive 59 pilgrims as in Godhra and nothing will happen. We are all cool. That's a fair warning IMO.
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