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Hate Killings & Violence in India : Updates, News & Discussion

He is only limited to Hyderabad
He is an interesting character and should have been engaged early on by our side. Although that would have damaged his support and credibility in the first place.

Which is why I insist that any cry for rights, disenchantments or even militant groups in India along the lines to stop muslim persecution in India must be homegrown and independent in ideals
For last 70 years, Indian Muslims turned blind eye towards poor oppressed Muslims in Kashmir, now when the fire has reached their own houses , they are looking at Pakistan. No thank you ,we are not fools.
Well, absolutely no. People are dying on both sides. But if you only show a one sided story, then the moderates in society will join the extremes. So its essential to show an unbiased picture and crackdown on these fanatics irrespective of religion. IMO police should crackdown severely on them, broken bones is better than dead people. Sometimes these guys beat the rioters entering the colleges and sometimes face a gun bare hand. And there are other times the same Delhi police is waiting for orders and not doing enough to stop the riots in the national capital. India has one of the most incompetent police force honestly.
What’s wrong in India ? Why they attack on Muslim population ?

They claim Muslims are foreigners and have no place in India. According to them, Muslims are children of Arabs, Turks, and Persians. They are a reminder of Muslim rule of the region for 1,000 years under various empires.

Even though most Indian Muslims are converts from Hinduism and foreign blood is very low in them. So some Hindus use coercion to force them back to Hinduism which they call Ghar Wapsi. Others engage in violence in the shape of mobs for Cow protection, anti Love jihad (they claim handsome Muslims convert and marry Hindu females and they get left unmarried,) and general arson, rape, and murder.

As for Pakistanis/Kashmiris, because of our different phenotype, we stand out from them and they reserve their most vile hatred for us. Most Pakistanis are mixture of Iranic nomads and IVC population (Harrapa, Mohen jo Daro, etc.) We also have high rate of Turkish blood due to Khilji, Ghaznavi, Mughal royal blood.

This is the pseudo-historical map they have concocted of ancient Hindu realm which they call Akhand Bharata.

Just like JNU's Komal Sharma? And the mob from Maujpur was trying to overrun the womens at Jafrabad when the other incident happened. And why Justice Muralidharan was transferred within hours?
Explanations have been given and there is proof that Supreme Court Collegium had recommended transfer on Feb 12. Still the timing is suspect. Idk about the things you mentioned earlier.
I think its time for PM to come out and do an extensive briefing on the situation to calm the things down and crackdown on the BJP leaders who have made inflammatory speeches. But its not solely the BJP but AAP and AIMIM leaders have done too. Also the timing of rioting during Trump's visit is suspicious. Things should be taken care of before it gets worse.

They claim Muslims are foreigners and have no place in India. According to them, Muslims are children of Arabs, Turks, and Persians. They are a reminder of Muslim rule of the region for 1,000 years under various empires.

Even though most Indian Muslims are converts from Hinduism and foreign blood is very low in them. So some Hindus use coercion to force them back to Hinduism which they call Ghar Wapsi. Others engage in violence in the shape of mobs for Cow protection, anti Love jihad (they claim handsome Muslims convert and marry Hindu females and they get left unmarried,) and general arson, rape, and murder.

As for Pakistanis/Kashmiris, because of our different phenotype, we stand out from them and they reserve their most vile hatred for us. Most Pakistanis are mixture of Iranic nomads and IVC population (Harrapa, Mohen jo Daro, etc.) We also have high rate of Turkish blood due to Khilji, Ghaznavi, Mughal royal blood.

This is the pseudo-historical map they have concocted of ancient Hindu realm which they call Akhand Bharata.


They are playing with fire. This mindset will end up with a different kind of reaction. How many Muslims are living in India ?
I think its time for PM to come out and do an extensive briefing on the situation to calm the things down and crackdown on the BJP leaders who have made inflammatory speeches.
Forget it, not even FIRs have been registered by Delhi Police, whereas Waris Pathan was booked the same day. SG told justice Muralidharan not to get "angry".

Idk about the things you mentioned earlier.

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