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Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

Iranians tolerating each other? Who are you trying to fool, kid? Say that to all those thousands of political activists, journalists and moderate ayatollahs/mullahs in jail. Or to those who were beating in 2009, and whose children were killed by thugs.

This is not Khatami's era. Iran is in a much worser state right now. If nothing will change, people will go mad. You better listen to the people.
keep feeding from western propaganda, after all you have become one of them.
and again FYI, Rohani isn't a reformist, he calls himself a moderate, so again keep dreaming.
Output is far away from what I was expecting, in fact people said a big NO to current administration rather than a yes vote to Mr. Rohani ... at least there is a huge difference btw candidates base on their votes ...

By the way I hope he could make a step forward in this country as he promised what we do sure need it .
Polls that were done do not support your claims. You have no evidence, only opinion and personal feelings. Let's look at it objectively and not make statements out of personal feelings.
Ahmadinejad won in 2009 and to this day, there is absolutely no evidence pointing to otherwise.

What do you have? Polls? Like I said; don't make me laugh.
What do you have? Polls? Like I said; don't make me laugh.

Why do they make you laugh? Because they are not in your favour? yep, thought so.
Polls may not be 100 % conclusive, but they indicative. All you have is protestors, but there were protestors on the other side as well (and no, not just rural people).

So, at least I have something. You, on the other hand, have nada. Nothing to support or back up your statement. Only personal feelings and wishing it to be the case, but it isnt. Show me one single shred of evidence, and maybe your claims can be taken more seriously.
Why do they make you laugh? Because they are not in your favour? yep, thought so.
Polls may not be 100 % conclusive, but they indicative. All you have is protestors, but there were protestors on the other side as well (and no, not just rural people).

Only in Tehran 4 million people took it to the streets, in despite of the threat of being arrested, beaten or killed. Those protestors on the other side were largely brought in by the regime from rural areas, while those green protests started spontaneously.

So, at least I have something. You, on the other hand, have nada. Nothing to support or back up your statement. Only personal feelings and wishing it to be the case, but it isnt. Show me one single shred of evidence, and maybe your claims can be taken more seriously.

You have nothing more than a fake election result and polls conducted in one of the most repressive dictator states in the world. Keep beating yourself on the chest with it.
Only in Tehran 4 million people took it to the streets, in despite of the threat of being arrested, beaten or killed. Those protestors on the other side were largely brought in by the regime from rural areas, while those green protests started spontaneously.

You have nothing more than a fake election result and polls conducted in one of the most repressive dictator states in the world. Keep beating yourself on the chest with it.

Im not beating my chest. You say 4 million protested, but that is no proof of fraud. You have nothing to convince that the greenies represens Iran (or even Tehrans) majority.
If anything it is you who is beating your chest like a loud ape, trying to enfoce your minority voice on the rest.
Ahmadinejad won in 2009, and you still have not provided one shred of evidence that points to opposite. Other than your hunches and personal feelings.
Im not beating my chest. You say 4 million protested, but that is no proof of fraud. You have nothing to convince that the greenies represens Iran (or even Tehrans) majority.
If anything it is you who is beating your chest like a loud ape, trying to enfoce your minority voice on the rest.

Nobody has proof of fraud, besides the men who initiated it. The minority voice enforced on the rest isn't my voice, but mullah voice. That is why Iran is one of the most repressive states in the world.

Ahmadinejad won in 2009, deal with it.

No, I won't, just like millions of other Iranians won't. Anyway, Ahmadinejad is gone and the 'reformists' won.
Which I dont mind, because I didnt even like Ahmadinejad in the first place. But majority of Iran in 2009 did.

I do like Ahmadinejad, and have nothing to do with reformists. But the majority didn't vote for him in 2009.
I do like Ahmadinejad, and have nothing to do with reformists. But the majority didn't vote for him in 2009.

Polls and elections results indicate otherwise. But that's right, polls make you laugh, and election are fraud because people protesting "where did my vote go"?
Their votes went to their loosing candidate Mousavi lol
Iranians voted for the most reformist option they could: Rohani. I'm sure a part of pro-reformists also voted for Rezai and Qalibaf.
By this elections we can say about 75% of Iranians want a (more) democratic system and only 25% want a clerical system.
Yeah, keeping convincing yourself of that. At least those Greens didn't had to gather dahatis from all over the country to the big cities by giving them money and food.

Iranians voted for the most reformist option they could: Rohani. I'm sure a part of pro-reformists also voted for Rezai and Qalibaf.
By this elections we can say about 75% of Iranians want a (more) democratic system and 25% only want a clerical system.

Exactly. The only real ideological candidate was Jalili, who couldn't collect more than 13% of the votes.

اين روحاني منو ياد خط حمله*هاي مفت خور تو فوتبال مي ندازه

کلا امثال پله مارادونا رونالدو و مسي که نمي تونن بازي کنن

مهدوي کيا توي حصر خانگي
کريم باقري به خاطر عزيزي نيومد
عزيزي هم که رد صلاحيت شد
علي کريمي هم به خاطر مفت خوره رفت کنار

مفت خوره واسه ملت گل زن شد

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