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Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

Rohani's supporters cheering and celebrating in streets:








Iranians voted for the most reformist option they could: Rohani. I'm sure a part of pro-reformists also voted for Rezai and Qalibaf.
By this elections we can say about 75% of Iranians want a (more) democratic system and only 25% want a clerical system.
you see that white thing on his head, right? Rohani IS a cleric, and he will defend this system with no doubt.
unfortunately khatami wasn't as sure as you, else he wouldn't ask Aref to withdraw for the favorite of Rohani.
people like you said the same thing in the khatami era, while he was a real reformist and has by far more votes, so keep your BS to yourself.
First of all, in 2009 nothing was rigged, because Mousavi himself was not able to proof his allegations of fraud:

Ahmadinejad supporter speaks - YouTube

And to the current elections:

Congratulations to Rohani, I think he will make a good job.

But there is no rural - urban split in Iran, that's a lie. All political factions have supporters in all sections of the society:

From page 9 on:


You have the conservatives, you have the reformists, but the most important are the moderates in the middle, they are the "king makers" - sometimes they support the conservatives, and sometimes like this time they support reformists (and still Rohani got only slightly more than 50%).

You can compare it with US: the Republicans have their core voters, the Democrats have their core voters, and then you have the people in the middle, which in the end decide who becomes president.
Iranian presidential candidate: Azerbaijan has become a threat to Iran’s security

Iran should not show indifference to Azerbaijan’s threats, Hassan Rohani, Iranian presidential candidate, representative of the Iran’s Supreme Leader in the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), told Irdiplomacy.ir in an interview.

The Iranian presidential candidate spoke of Iran’s foreign policy problems and challenges of relations with some neighboring countries. “After the collapse of the USSR, new states were established in the Caspian Sea region and Azerbaijan is among them. It is not an exaggeration to say that Azerbaijan has become a threat to Iran’s security. The actions taken by some Azerbaijani officials pose threat to Iran’s territorial integrity. Therefore, Iran’s responsible officials should not show indifference to Azerbaijan’s threats.”

موفق باشید آقای رئیس جمهور :D From Armenia :cheers:
First of all, Dear Iranian members;

Honestly I can not say that I have a sempaty on Iran.
Your elections are over. And Hasan Rohani won it. I hope he will make it's best to serve Iran's national interests and the sovereignity of it's people. Congradilations !

BTW, what do you think that how will the new president of yours effect the Turk-Irani relations?
First of all, Dear Iranian members;

Honestly I can not say that I have a sempaty on Iran.
Your elections are over. And Hasan Rohani won it. I hope he will make it's best to serve Iran's national interests and the sovereignity of it's people. Congradilations !

BTW, what do you think that how will the new president of yours effect the Turk-Irani relations?

i read it as no SYMPATHY on IRAN knowin ur innr wrong feeling for dat country
i read it as no SYMPATHY on IRAN knowin ur innr wrong feeling for dat country

Sorry sista but it's not our or your fault. History always kept us aggressively to each other. That resulted with Iran's support of PKK and our stand with West. I just expressed a common Turkish opinion. I wish we had better relations but... :)
Sorry sista but it's not our or your fault. History always kept us aggressively to each other. That resulted with Iran's support of PKK and our stand with West. I just expressed a common Turkish opinion. I wish we had better relations but... :)

yes dat i agree....:tup:
yes dat i agree....:tup:

In fact, at the World scene; Turkey and Iran are at the same position, same place, same importance, same development. BUT ONLY IN TWO DIFFERENT POLES. As I said we can only "wish" for better relations :)
Rohani is the wrong choice for Iran in today's situation.

Right now , we are at a time where we have wars all around us.

The Middle east is in a middle of a crisis, whatever happens today will shape our future and destiny in the Middle East.

A president like Rohani is a softy that will more than likely work against Iran's interest and give in to western powers.

i congratulate Rohani and Persian for having a new president through free and fair election as always it has been
but one thing the new president has to be careful
he is i think not a harsh and strong
more like soft but lets see what he does

wish he dont trust the middle eastern nato and usa israel
i congratulate Rohani and Persian for having a new president through free and fair election as always it has been
but one thing the new president has to be careful
he is i think not a harsh and strong
more like soft but lets see what he does

wish he dont trust the middle eastern nato and usa israel

I'm afraid you and I will be disappointed, Rohani is very pro-western, the first thing he will do is hault the nuclear program and then slowly change the constitution, before you know it we'll have an American military base in Iran! That's why we don't like him.
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