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Hasina's interview with CNN

Why can't none of Bangladeshi politicians speak decent english? Even its foreign minister speaks with a think bengali accent. They look extremely dumb and create a very crappy image of BD.

There is nothing wrong with accent... as long as you can speak English. She seems to be struggling for words.
Have you heard mamta? much worse.
There is nothing wrong with accent... as long as you can speak English. She seems to be struggling for words.
Have you heard mamta? much worse.

If the accent is so thick, you can't understand what she's saying , then it's a problem. At least the foreign minister should be more articulate.
She should have used an interpreter. She could have given much more nuanced and detailed answer. This interview is painful to watch. :)

There was no answer she could have possibly replied back with except for agreeing with whatever Amanpour was throwing at her. She lied through her teeth but couldn't even lie properly and failed to back it up with proper diplomatic statements.
Why can't none of Bangladeshi politicians speak decent english? Even its foreign minister speaks with a think bengali accent. They look extremely dumb and create a very crappy image of BD.

It was her dad, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who stopped the using of English in all walks of life. I've heard he even took down billboards written in English so that we can become super duper....ultra bangali (Joy Bangla)....Oh the Irony!
:omghaha:Indians talking about accents....the irony:rofl:

We have some highly educated diplomats and ministers in india who are smart and articulate. Sri Lanka and Pakistan also are represented by similar people. Bangladesh... Not so much.

May be to the Indian but not to the outside world

So bangladeshis actually think dipu moni is classy. Wow!
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