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'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted


Do understand that a certain ethnic minority would love to sabotage pakistan's relationship with UAE

You are disrespecting your countrymen ... this is sectarianism !

As an Iranian there is no difference between shia or sunni pakistanis for me and 90% of Iranian people . (if i don't say 100%)

When a massive flood occurred in pakistan in 2010, i was 19 years old and wanted to buy a new mountain bike ... when i saw pakistani people suffering on the TV i said **** it and sent almost everything i had to help pakistani people ...

But now in 2019 a pakistani disrespecting his own countrymen because Iranians are also shia !?
Some of our Sunnis also give too much credit to Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Jamaat e Islami, or Fazlu too.
But difference is all these mullahs are Pakistanis not foriegners
Religious people are a very small minority in Pakistan

You are disrespecting your countrymen ... this is sectarianism !
Those Pakistanis who are loyal to any other country are traitors there are some Pakistanis who are in love with India like our former prime minister Nawaz and some with Iran
But difference is all these mullahs are Pakistanis not foriegners
Religious people are a very small minority in Pakistan

Those Pakistanis who are loyal to any other country are traitors there are some Pakistanis who are in love with India like our former prime minister Nawaz and some with Iran

Name calling and disrespecting won't make anything better ! Just makes you more divided ...
Name calling and disrespecting won't make anything better ! Just makes you more divided ...
I have said those who are loyal to any other country are traitors
Imagine an Iranian siding with Americans
You sure ?
Yes there are some extremists in every sect but it's a certain an extremist Sunni won't be pro Iran but follower of an other sect would be
But such type of people are a small minority
Lets talk substance, even better, lets look at some pictures while we are at it and look at the data about bilateral trade ties available on the internet.

If we go by the exalted views of all the childish name callers and accusers of each others limited or skewed knowledge as is evident on this thread, then Pakistan is indeed entitled to lay blame of its own failures at other countries rather than itself and all of the following leaders of these countries have indeed completely lost it as suggested by this thread title and not just UAE:

Qatar-India Trade ties at unprecedented level.
View attachment 575662
UAE India trade ties at unprecedented level.
View attachment 575661
Iran India trade ties at unprecedented level.
View attachment 575663
Saudi India trade ties at unprecedented level.
View attachment 575664
Iran India Strategic ties at unprecedented level.
View attachment 575665
By the way, I hate UAE's decision to go ahead with conferring the medal despite Kashmir lock down by Modi, UAE should at least learn how to provide lip service from Iran.

GCC vs Qatar, best reason why my argument is not sectarian but about putting Pakistan's interest above all.

UAE should be the least of our worries right now vs Chabahar port right next to Gwadar being India's base of activities from where Kulbhushan was operating from.

Why single out one country for giving a medal annunced in April, when another has given its most strategic port to our most mortal enemy to perpetually and literally spew its web of deceit, espionage and terrorism around us, and yet most of the crowd here bends over in appreciation just by mere lip service to Kashmir of our Enemy's strategic Partner in Chabahar right next door to Gwadar.

Why didn't Iran kick out India from Chabahar to express solidarity with Kashmiris or even warn of such a consequence?

Simple Answer: County's Interests.

Pakistan not only has to repair its economy but also the destruction to Pakistani Interests due to a decade of rudderless foreign policies which were subjugate to the interests of corrupt ruling families.

We Pakistanis have to get it through our heads that we should consider Pakistan's Interests as the factor uniting the nation, instead of thinking of keeping the nation united at the cost of Pakistan's Interests.

Pakistan Zindabad :smitten::pakistan:

Proud of you, my very dear YoungPak!

Great post. A 'spiritual' positive rating from my side!

Please, look at the Momentum of History .... and now thanks to GanguFacists and their masters... we have entred into Acceleration of Global Dialectics.

I have said it many times...and I shall keep saying... Kashmir Struggle will suck everyone in....

For now it is high time that we overlook the trivia of localised mini-geo-politics... totally irrelevant now.

Our focus needs to be The Heartland..from Ladakh to Gawadar... it is Our Land....

As for GanguFacistRegime... well Kashmir is the capstone of the fragile arch called GanguDaesh... and now this capstone is shaken and is becoming loose by every passing day.

The Struggle has begun.

And when The Struggle ends the New Global Power Architecture shall emerge.



someone sent photos of Modi in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Qatar, but left out Bahrain

Narendra Modi becomes first Indian PM to visit Bahrain
Filed on August 24, 2019 | Last updated on August 24, 2019 at 05.50 pm

(Picture retrieved from @narendramodi/Twitter)


The Prime Minister Holding modis hand

The King of Bahrain, Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, will host a banquet dinner in honour of Modi.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Bahrain on Saturday on the third leg of this three-nation tour, marking the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to the country.

Landed in Bahrain. This visit is historical and will improve ties between our nations. I look forward to meeting the top spectrum of leaders and interacting with the Indian diaspora. pic.twitter.com/E34BsTopks

- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 24, 2019
Modi was received by Prime Minister of Bahrain Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa at the airport here, External Affairs Minister Raveesh Kumar wrote on Twitter. "Infusing new energy on the foundation of close civilizational linkages. PM @narendramodi arrives in #Manama, Bahrain. As a special gesture, received warmly by HH Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, the PM of #Bahrain. This is the first-ever visit by an Indian PM to Bahrain," Kumar wrote on Twitter.

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- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 24, 2019
Modi is scheduled to hold a bilateral with Al Khalifa, during which the two leaders are expected to discuss the entire spectrum of bilateral relations, as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, the PM of Bahrain, in Manama. This is the first-ever visit by an Indian PM to Bahrain.

- ANI (@ani) August 24, 2019
Later, the King of Bahrain, Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, will be hosting a banquet dinner in honour of Modi. The Indian Prime Minister would also launch the renovation of Shreenathji (Shree Krishna) temple in Manama.


The formal trip to Kuwait is coming soon
Now Pakistan has to revisit its foreign policy.
Top Kashmir resistance group slams UAE for Modi award


Indian PM Narendra Modi's induction into "Order of Zayed" by UAE monarchy doesn't reflect the "will of the people" of UAE, Kashmir-based APHC says while releasing five-point plan to defy what it calls India's bid to dilute Kashmir's demographics.

A popular resistance group in India-administered Kashmir on Saturday derided UAE for awarding Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the highest civilian honour, saying the act has "disappointed" Kashmiris and that it doesn't reflect the "will of the people of UAE."

"It's an embarrassment for the entire Muslim Ummah (community)," a Pakistan-administered Kashmir-based spokesperson of APHC, which functions in India-administered Kashmir told TRT World.

All Parties Hurriyat Conference [or APHC] is an amalgam of dozens of political groups that challenge India's sovereignty over the disputed region.

"The award has come from the country's monarchy. It does not reflect the voice of the people of UAE. We urge democracies like Turkey and Malaysia to intervene in Kashmir dispute and show mirror to such monarchies," said Sayied Abdullah Geelani.

Modi received the UAEs' highest civilian honour during a visit to the oil-rich Gulf nation on Saturday.

Modi's induction into the "Order of Zayed" shows the importance the UAE places on India, the world's third-largest consumer of crude oil, even as the Indian right-wing leader pursues stripping statehood from the disputed Muslim-majority region of Kashmir.

India is home to a rapidly growing consumer market and labour pool that the UAE relies on for its own economy.

Activists, however, decry the UAE bestowing the award on Modi as he clamps down on the Himalayan region claimed by both Pakistan and India.

Modi also flew to Bahrain to become the first Indian premier to visit the island nation.

Kashmir's nominal autonomy

On August 5, Modi revoked Kashmir's decades-old nominal autonomy that was guaranteed under Article 370 of India's constitution and sent thousands of troops to the region.

The move has touched off anger in Pakistan and in the Indian-controlled region, which has been under a security lockdown that has seen thousands detained to prevent protests there.

One of Modi's revisions allows anyone to buy land in the territory, which some Kashmiris fear could mean an influx of Hindus who would change the region's culture and demographics.

Critics have likened it to Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories, and Pakistan says the demography change will affect a future plebiscite in the territory where majority Muslims want independence or merger with Pakistan in a UN-brokered self-determination vote.

APHC calls for "peaceful protests"

Meanwhile, for the first time since the clampdown, APHC's Syed Ali Shah Geelani, an old but popular Kashmiri leader who holds sway on many Kashmiris especially youngsters, issued a statement on Saturday calling on Kashmiris to organise "peaceful protests," under a five-point "programme of action."

"If the Indian armed forces still attack our gatherings, the entire responsibility for the possible loss of lives and property will be on them and the world will remain witness to their deeds," the statement said.

Geelani said it's time for Kashmiri bureaucrats and police force to revolt and take people's side, adding during recent events the region's police force was "disarmed" and the entire command was given to the Indian Army and paramilitaries – a claim Indian officials reject.

"If such a humiliation does not awake them to stand up and protest, probably nothing will, and then they should mourn their consciousness and faith, and wait for their destiny of total irrelevance like pro-India politicians in Kashmir," he said.

Urging Kashmiri diaspora and Pakistan to keep the world informed about the situation in the region, Geelani said India's decision will affect all areas of the disputed Himalayan territory inhabited by majority Muslims, and minority Buddhist and Hindus.

"At this juncture, there's no other alternative but to fight with full determination. India should know that even if it brings its entire armed forces into Kashmir, people will not let go of the struggle for their rights and liberation."

Article 370

Indian leaders say scrapping temporary Article 370 will vitalise the region's economy.

The provision dates to 1927 when an order by the administration of the then-princely state of Jammu and Kashmir gave its subjects exclusive hereditary rights.

Two months after India won independence from British rule in August 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, signed a temporary Treaty of Accession, disputed by Pakistan, for the state to join India, formalised in Article 370 of the Indian Constitution.

Further talks culminated in the 1952 Delhi Agreement, a presidential order that extended Indian citizenship to the residents of the disputed region but left the maharaja's privileges for residents intact.

Regional pro-India parties in Kashmir, whose leaders have also been detained by Indian police have called abrogation of Article 370 an aggression against the people, but many parties in other Indian regions have welcomed the decision.

Kashmir conflict

Kashmir, the world's most-militarised region, is divided between India and Pakistan and both claim the region in its entirety. China also controls a silver of the territory.

Two of the three wars between the nuclear-armed neighbours have been fought since their independence from British rule were over Kashmir.

Over a dozen rebel groups are fighting nearly 500,000 Indian soldiers deployed by New Delhi in the region since 1989.

Most Kashmiris support the rebels' demand that the territory be united either under Pakistani rule or as an independent country, while also participating in civilian street demonstrations against Indian control.

About 100,000 people have been killed in the uprising and the ensuing Indian crackdown.

برما کے مسلمانوں پر مظالم تو یاد ہوں گے نہ پاکستانیوں

ان مظلوموں پر ظلم کرنے والی خاتون کو اپ کے ملک نے ایوارڈ دیا تھا

برما کے مسلمانوں پر مظالم تو یاد ہوں گے نہ پاکستانیوں

ان مظلوموں پر ظلم کرنے والی خاتون کو اپ کے ملک نے ایوارڈ دیا تھا


Poori dunya k musalmanu ka theka hum uthayen jab hamara time aaye to pichwaray mein laat khayen.

Not to mention that was legally a part of Burma not an occupied area. Many Muslims of mostly Bangladeshi origin moved there during British time from Bengal. Still Pakistanis condemned it in the Parliament, as well as became a host to rohingyas and was the country where the highest number of rohingyas took refuge until recently.

It is sad the value and quality of your posts going downwards, sometime you call it a punishment for Pakistan for not butchering Yemeni Muslims, sometimes rohingyas sometime any other xyz.
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