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Has the American establishment finally crossed the line with Pakistan ...

Dont divert the topic and answer the questions? The same taliban you called terrorist are the ones you are negotiating with. So Pakistan never double crossed you we kept telling you that your strategy is wrong. Not our fault you blew billions and came to the same conclusion.
And dont even get me started on OBL. That was a hoax of the highest order in which Obama won at the expense of Pakistan while Zardari led government failed to get anything in return for Pakistan.
And if we did indeed give shelter to OBL than again why was Obama administration hell hent on giving us a pass? Ask this from your government, we dont owe you any explanation.
The Americans have no respect for Pakistan. They have stopped supplies of F16s and embargoed our Zulus. On the other hand they offering India the enhanced version of the F16 (F21) and have supplied the Apache helicopter to them.
Dont divert the topic and answer the questions? The same taliban you called terrorist are the ones you are negotiating with. So Pakistan never double crossed you we kept telling you that your strategy is wrong. Not our fault you blew billions and came to the same conclusion.
And dont even get me started on OBL. That was a hoax of the highest order in which Obama won at the expense of Pakistan while Zardari led government failed to get anything in return for Pakistan.
And if we did indeed give shelter to OBL than again why was Obama administration hell hent on giving us a pass? Ask this from your government, we dont owe you any explanation.

None of those links deal with Taliban. They are all Al Qaeda terrorists

The Americans have no respect for Pakistan. They have stopped supplies of F16s and embargoed our Zulus. On the other hand they offering India the enhanced version of the F16 (F21) and have supplied the Apache helicopter to them.

Indians are paying for the Apaches. why wouldn't we sell them ?
Also the Americans who advised of Indian military build up in 2002 and continued interventions whenever India tried to try adventures.

Unfortunately, all Pakistanis can see in links are possessiveness rather than individual interests.
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