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Has Pakistan become the last hope for all muslims across the world?

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We all seek help from the same god as Muslims.

As far as if someone could not help or if someone did not want to help, that is for them to answer when their god will them.
But we are treated as a second/third class citizens in all Middle Eastern countries and labeled us (Pakistan) as terrorist factory,ummah chumma theory is long gone sir @Retired Troll
we need to rethink our ideology what we will do when after 200-300 years no one care about religion like west here ?
We are not going to live for 200 or 300 years nobody in this world is going to live for 200 years
our enemies have never talked against namaz, zakat, roza and hajj but they have tried their best to depict the concept of jihad as evil. many of our muslims from every walk of life have helped them achieving this goal . some deliberately and getting material benefits. others out of their ignorance. now today the concept of ummah is the next target. our so called think tanks and leaders are again playing an important role in this case as well. why our enemies want to kill these two islamic concepts? the answer is simple . they want to divide the muslims so that muslims wont remain in position to put up any resistance in their path. they will be easily subdued. the principle is easy and proven. divide and rule. the hurdles are the concepts of jihad and ummah( unity).
the day is not far when dajjal will appear and muslims will follow him because he will "bless" them with worldly luxuries and those few who negate him will be met with terrible punishment but they will be the only ones who will get the ultimate glory. those muslims who initially sided with dajjal will get some worldly benefits but then they will be slaves of the jews who are already of the opinion that all non jews will be their slaves once their messiah will appear.
We are not going to live for 200 or 300 years nobody in this world is going to live for 200 years
but our kids will suffer

most of islamic countries cherish their local traditions more then they do Islamic traditions, being sympathetic for ummah is different thing and being used by ummah is another.
we want support always with name of religion like allah ke name per de de bhai
اور ہر چوتھے دن منگتے کی طرح 2-3 ارب ڈالر مانگنا بند کرو ۔

and wonder no pne bombed them but usa bombed us - afghans for this . because saudis did not own it we own it till now .
its not the matter of ownership. it was their plan. USA bombed iraq and libya for the sake of bringing democracy in those countries but they dont even speak a word against the dictatorship in saudia. why? reason is simple. they need them to do their dirty work. once the job is done they will also face the same fate.
remember we all will be killed just because we recite "kalima" sooner or later. our only way out is to mend our ways and have faith in Allah. He told us that you wont be spared just because you have claimed to be a muslim. you will be put to test.

and one more thing both iran and iraq were once friends of US and were making "progress". one has been destroyed and the other is on the verge of destruction. still we are not ready to prepare.
Ask what Pakistan did for umma and why. Pakistan can’t even fight to free Kashmir on its own. Umma ky mamy ban jaty hain.
in reality what we can do sir ? our capabilities are not enough to defend us even with 60 years old 17 C-130s and 4 il-78 what we can do for ummah ?
But we are treated as a second/third class citizens in all Middle Eastern countries and labeled us (Pakistan) as terrorist factory,ummah chumma theory is long gone sir @Retired Troll

Pakistanis are treated as second class citizens within Pakistan itself. PM Khan has said multiple times that there are 2 different justice systems available in Pakistan, one for the rich and one for the poor.
Ask what Pakistan did for umma and why. Pakistan can’t even fight to free Kashmir on its own. Umma ky mamy ban jaty hain.

I agree about Pakistans current ability. However, Pakistan perhaps done more for the Ummah military than anybody else including involvement in Bosnia.

As I wrote in other topic, the Arabs with all their shiny new toys and their coalition are unable to tame Yamani Houthis and people here they can do anything else for the Ummah.
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I'm not sure if it has already been discussed or there is a similar thread but I felt the need to discuss this topic and to see the broader perception of the senior members of the forum or what are the overall feelings on it.

As KSA and UAE have both Honored Nazi-Modi with their Civilian awards so wondering if Pakistan left alone to take care of all the Muslims across the world, may it be Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan or Rohingya. Even if the Govt sometime isn't that much open on this but people of Pakistan definitely feel the pain and try to do whatever they can do within their limits.

What does it will take for Israel to capture these Arab countries has there be no Pakistan?

Why the same Modi who massacre the Muslims in India and Kashmir happily meet and great the Muslims in the Arab world?

When and how OIC will be truly functional? Even if the Arabs just threaten to kick out all the Indians from their countries would be sufficient to bring the Modi Govt on his knees.

Although OP is light on details and is not based on any article but a personal opinion, I think a negative rating is a bit much.

We should be tolerant of other views which do not agree with our own.

His basic point is totally valid.

What do you guys think?

@waz @Horus @WebMaster @Dubious
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