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Has Pak. been sidelined by the Indo-Afgh. Strategic Agreement?

didn't your embassy get attacked twice? Your cheap labourers get attacked, even your defence attache gets blown to smithereens.

you have your enemies in Afghanistan, we have ours too. Rather than support one militia over the other, it's in the regions interest to promote unity rather than divisions.

you are quite brain-dead (or just biased) if you think india has its hands clean in Afghanistan

Did you not know that evidence pointed to ISI when it came to embassy bombing ? We have one enemy and we all know who it is. Let us forget how clean India is, atleast in public opinion in Afghanistan India is miles ahead of others.
therein lies the difference.......india focuses on world image (which isnt dumb)......Pakistan focuses on what it feels is right and in its interest, even if in the public sphere (the sphere which, whether you like it or not doesnt matter so much) Pakistan is disliked or it raises eyebrows

perhaps five years, ten years down the line people will realize that Pakistan's position on the matter was the most realistic and sane one
didn't your embassy get attacked twice? Your cheap labourers get attacked, even your defence attache gets blown to smithereens.

I can assure you they were attacked much less than the cheap tribal pathan labourers are attacked in Karachi. ;)

you have your enemies in Afghanistan, we have ours too. Rather than support one militia over the other, it's in the regions interest to promote unity rather than divisions.

you are quite brain-dead (or just biased) if you think india has its hands clean in Afghanistan

Pakistan's "position" is nothing but throwing a hissy fit. You are trying something that you have no power to achieve.

To even compare the Pakistani meddling in Afghanistan and imposing the cowardly Talibunnies on them to India's help (along with Iran, Russia and others) to a beleaguered NA much much later in the game shows that you people can't think ojectively.

Not that there was ever any doubt about that.

Pakistan can only achieve its "strategic depth" in Afghanistan when the big boys are not watching. Now is not that time. It is too small, too powerless and just doesn't have the resources.
To even compare the Pakistani meddling in Afghanistan and imposing the cowardly Talibunnies on them to India's help (along with Iran, Russia and others) to a beleaguered NA much much later in the game shows that you people can't think ojectively.

Others included Central Asian countries including Turkey.

Turkey was supporting Uzbek forces like General Dostum and in 2001, was DIRECTLY involved in training and helping the Northern Alliance forces defeat the Taliban.

It is unfortunate that most Pakistanis don't realise that India played a very small role mainly around medical assistance in supporting the anti-Taliban alliance. The main supporters in arms and money were infact, Iran, Russia, CARs and Turkey.

Ankara's Muslim soldiers join campaign - Telegraph
Pakistan can only achieve its "strategic depth" in Afghanistan when the big boys are not watching. Now is not that time. It is too small, too powerless and just doesn't have the resources.

You are absolutely right , whole world's attention is on Pak and Afghanistan , impossible to pull of its "strategic depth" goal in foreseeable future on its own.... It could do so in the past only with Americans help ! Cheers!
Pakistan's "position" is nothing but throwing a hissy fit. You are trying something that you have no power to achieve.

we get mortars shot from across the border, we have a refugee crisis (and we still give many of them NIDs) and we give them exports at throwaway prices and allow them to use our ports and highways at a throway rate as well....and you have the blue balls to say "hissy fit" :laugh:

how many Afghan refugees did bhaarat take?

Pakistan can only achieve its "strategic depth" in Afghanistan when the big boys are not watching. Now is not that time. It is too small, too powerless and just doesn't have the resources.

strategic depth is having good relations; good relations would suffice, not numb-nuts who want to harm our country (they are busy harming eachother)

and we have plenty of resources, and even with lesser resources but good leadership we'd still be in a position of strength. You dot-heads should simply learn to be at peace with your neighbours. We should do the same too. Mind your business and don't do something stupid to harm Pakistan, the favour would surely be returned.
Dangers of Indo-Afghan Nexus

By Professor Ali Sukhanver

President Karzai’s trip to India during the first week of this October was simply a part of the Indo-US campaign against Pakistan which has been in vogue for the last many months. During his visit to India President Karzai did his best to play the role assigned to him by his god-fathers. His ‘marvelous performance’ in this regard would surely uplift and strengthen his status and stature in the eyes of the US authorities and would no doubt boost up his role as a tool in the present political system of Afghanistan .But at the same time if the Haqqanis are really playing in the hands of the ISI and Pakistan is playing a double game in dealing with extremists, Karzai will have to face more severe reaction from them. By visiting India, Pakistan’s traditional foe, and by pleasing the Indian authorities with his hostile statements against Pakistan, Karzai must be now the ‘hot favourite’ for the allegedly ISI sponsored Haqqani network...

Original post..
yaar ye do line ke article per thumps up kyo???????

Are u feeling thirsty??

1.WCC is fueling conflicts in Kurdistan, Bahrain, Yemen and Somalia causing proxy wars among Muslim nations. Obviously the same is now planned in the Pak-Afghan tribal belt with India being the WCC agent in this conflict.

2.India is very much interested in this project, and has already placed a large expeditionary force under a Lieut Gen calling this a Border Road Organization. That away from the movements she is making in C Asia. Beside extending her influence towards an Akhand Bharat extending upto R Oxus, India sees in this an opportunity to pin down Pak-Afghan based Mujahedeen so that she can exterminate all Kashmiri aspirations for freedom.
we get mortars shot from across the border, we have a refugee crisis (and we still give many of them NIDs) and we give them exports at throwaway prices and allow them to use our ports and highways at a throway rate as well....and you have the blue balls to say "hissy fit" :laugh:

Calm down baby. You are mixing stuff.

Just because some Pakistani generals made billions from that Afghan crisis and made a decent cut from all the aid from other nations, doesn't mean you get to control any country.

how many Afghan refugees did bhaarat take?

Irrelevant. How many Pushtun tribal refughees did Saudis take? They were even sending money to them. India was not a party to that civil war that continued for years even after the Soviets went back after winning every battle from those "Mujahideen" who turned on each other later.

Most Pushtun tribal "refugees" from across that Durand don't exactly look at it as taking refuge in a foreign country BTW. ;)

strategic depth is having good relations; good relations would suffice, not numb-nuts who want to harm our country (they are busy harming eachother)

You are cut off from reality. Always have been.

Someone said your posts are "insipid". He was bang on target.

and we have plenty of resources, and even with lesser resources but good leadership we'd still be in a position of strength. You dot-heads should simply learn to be at peace with your neighbours. We should do the same too. Mind your business and don't do something stupid to harm Pakistan, the favour would surely be returned.

Some of you primitive extremist Pushtunwali tribals are a bigger threat to Pakistan than any other. It is extremism and inability to come to terms with reality of hate filled bigots like you that has brought Pakistan to the point of no return already.

didn't your embassy get attacked twice? Your cheap labourers get attacked, even your defence attache gets blown to smithereens.

This is exactly the support for terrorism (not so hidden) that has caused all these problems in Pakistan and thousands of tribals to be "blown to smithereens".

You even called a Pakistani cricketer named "Ajmal" as "Kasab". These are the kinds of people the world and especially Pakistan needs to be rid off. Yesterday!

The world has a challenge on its hands in being much more ruthless on these terror supporters. They are a threat to civilization.
Is this a wish, hope or a plan? And more importantly, just how realistic is that wish, hope or plan?

And you really think he understands the difference?

In the alternate reality that some live in, there is just no difference.

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