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Has Pak. been sidelined by the Indo-Afgh. Strategic Agreement?

It is not surprising that India and Afghanistan finally took steps to forge a strategic partnership that will allow New Delhi to train Afghan security forces to deal with the post-withdrawal situation.

Nows lets discuss this Statement. Lets presume Indian military training is not of the level of Americans AND THATS 4 SURE, and even the Americans and NATO are getting pinned down even having all advance weaponry (u name it n they have it in arsenal ) than HOW IN THE BLUE WORLD Afghan military will withstand the upcoming mighty onslaught of Taliban.

All these pacts are nothing more than a PIPE DREAMS.

Let them fight their own people who have become islamic extremists!!!
It's their own made mistake..they have to solve it...India will just provide help,thats it

We will train them and get wat we want from afghanistan...we will not fight their war...

If afghan forces can fight and win against taliban let them,if not let them keeeeep onnnnnn fighting and loose people both sides...

By the way ,Next to afghanistan is Pakistan not india... :lol:
India has a wonderful policy towards Afghanistan. When the Afghans were fighting the Soviets, the Indians were sitting in their lap and trying to be nice to the imposter government over there. Now, when the Afghans are fighting another invader, there the Indians are cozying up with the Americans AND the American-installed regime there, both of which the Afghans are fighting against. There was even talk that the widely-hated Karzai got his election funded by India.

India's sly chanakya policy of interfering with your neighbor by befriending your neighbor's neighbor really fell flat on it's face the last time, and they appear to be doing the exact same time again. Einstein said that madness is doing something repeatedly and expecting different results.

So you can be nice to their government, even train their national army - do your leaders not realize that this army fights the Mujahideen and freedom fighters? The Afghan people are a historic part of Pakistan, we host a large portion of their population within our borders. In the 2008 whining and rattling by India, even the warring Mehsud tribes announced they'd side with the Pakistani Army to fight the Indos. So yeah - get ready beyond 2014, stop meddling in other people's affairs, as a nation you people come across as incredibly insecure and petty.
For people like Ahmad & Sher Malang, this should be an eye opener:


KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- Afghans gathered on the streets of Kabul on Thursday to protest and demand foreign troops to withdraw immediately from the Asian country. The protests came a day before the U.S.-led military operation reaches its 10th year.

Protesters attending the demonstration chanted slogans against the United States, but also against Iran, Pakistan, the Taliban and the Karzai government, the Pajhwok Afghan News agency reported. There were no significant incidents, but the protest ended with the burning of a U.S. flag while protesters called the Afghan government a U.S. puppet.

The protests were led by the relatively small left-wing National Solidarity Party, which has around 30,000 members but a high following in different parts of the country, including Kabul, Farah, Kunar, and Nangarhar, among other provinces.

Demonstrators claimed insecurity, violence and corruption had all risen during the past ten years despite the presence of foreign troops in the country. Some of those protesting went on to allege that the Taliban is being supported by the United States.

Angry protesters called on all international forces to withdraw immediately from the country, arguing that the strategic agreement signing, which would allow permanent U.S. bases in Afghanistan, would dishonor its history.

There are currently more than 130,000 NATO-led foreign troops in Afghanistan, including some 90,000 U.S. troops and more than 9,500 British soldiers. U.S. President Barack Obama previously ordered a drawdown of 10,000 American troops later this year, with another 23,000 U.S. troops to return home next year.

Friday marks the tenth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Afghans protest in Kabul to demand foreign troops to leave » Breaking News | Wire Update News | News Wires - - Breaking News from WireUpdate.com and BNO News
I seem to have hit a nerve with these Indians. I'm sorry if reality is a bitter pill to swallow for you. The Indian government has a history of pathetic performance. I like how you bring in random things from here and there, because you can't reply to the point being made here: India has screwed up in Afghanistan by supporting the Soviet-installed government, and is now doing the same thing with the American-installed one. It fell flat on it's face before, your government is laughably incompetent to expect the same failed tactics to work again. Madness indeed is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.

I'm sorry you find yourself in this position to have to defend your Indian government's pathetic performance. These politicians really let India down again and again, and yet you people keep trying to defend their miserable performance. Now you bring up the exit date, diverting from answering the point I was making earlier which was about miserable Indian performance. The Americans have already began to wind down, did you even read the article posted above? 97% of the territory is under the control of the Mujahideen, 2011 has been the most brutal year so far for the Americans. And the Afghans may tend to look at this as a challenge - they might out-do this level of performance next year. For all we care, you

Really, it's a long history of talking big and never delivering. Tejas was to be inducted in 2006, it hasn't even reached it's full operational capability and was delayed yet another year. Sitting in the American's lap in Afghanistan right when everyone can see the Americans wanting to cut their losses and run, is very "clever" on their part, keep it up!
I seem to have hit a nerve with these Indians. I'm sorry if reality is a bitter pill to swallow for you. The Indian government has a history of pathetic performance. I like how you bring in random things from here and there, because you can't reply to the point being made here: India has screwed up in Afghanistan by supporting the Soviet-installed government, and is now doing the same thing with the American-installed one. It fell flat on it's face before, your government is laughably incompetent to expect the same failed tactics to work again. Madness indeed is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.

I'm sorry you find yourself in this position to have to defend your Indian government's pathetic performance. These politicians really let India down again and again, and yet you people keep trying to defend their miserable performance. Now you bring up the exit date, diverting from answering the point I was making earlier which was about miserable Indian performance. The Americans have already began to wind down, did you even read the article posted above? 97% of the territory is under the control of the Mujahideen, 2011 has been the most brutal year so far for the Americans. And the Afghans may tend to look at this as a challenge - they might out-do this level of performance next year. For all we care, you

Really, it's a long history of talking big and never delivering. Tejas was to be inducted in 2006, it hasn't even reached it's full operational capability and was delayed yet another year. Sitting in the American's lap in Afghanistan right when everyone can see the Americans wanting to cut their losses and run, is very "clever" on their part, keep it up!

lets say that I agree that India failed in Afg supporting soviets and may fail again supporting USA.. Lets now talk what India lost by these failures and what Pakistan gained by its success
1. Spread of extremism in Pakistan
2. tarnished image of Pakistan in the western world
3. Almost daily terrorist attacks in pakistan
4. Diversion of Focus from Kashmir
5. Regular intrusion by USA drones attacking Pakistani civilian areas hunting for terrorists
6. Screwed up economy
7. Being the most hated country in Afghanistan

1. Loss of 2 Billion USD if current govt falls
2. .... hmmm

I'd say this failure of India has turned out pretty well for us... ;)
Hi friends, i just watched a heritage foundation speaker titing US and NATO will stay in Afghanistan till 2025. India has
major advantage in strengthening Afghanistan and this should be done systematically.

India and Afghanistan has a great future ahead. Long live this friendship.

lets say that I agree that India failed in Afg supporting soviets and may fail again supporting USA.. Lets now talk what India lost by these failures and what Pakistan gained by its success
1. Spread of extremism in Pakistan
2. tarnished image of Pakistan in the western world
3. Almost daily terrorist attacks in pakistan
4. Diversion of Focus from Kashmir
5. Regular intrusion by USA drones attacking Pakistani civilian areas hunting for terrorists
6. Screwed up economy
7. Being the most hated country in Afghanistan

1. Loss of 2 Billion USD if current govt falls
2. .... hmmm

I'd say this failure of India has turned out pretty well for us... ;)

India did not support the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan , the above is a lie cooked up on the other side.

India did not support the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan , the above is a lie cooked up on the other side.


Pakistan says many things in public as well, but it is accused of privately doing other things. The same case with India:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India renews historic Afghan ties

In 1979, it was one of the few countries to support the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan - a decision which made the country vastly unpopular in that country.

A decade later, it continued to back the Communist-regime of President Najibullah, while Pakistan threw its entire support behind the ethnic Pashtun mujahideen warlords, particularly the Islamist Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

A history of India - Hermann Kulke, Dietmar Rothermund - Google Books

India to Provide Aid to Government in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

India has been alone in South Asia in support of the Soviet-backed Najibullah Government in Afghanistan.

India supported the Najibullah Government , nobody denied that.

Also my news source is from 1980 if you note , BBC might have made an error i"ll fetch the contradictory sources here.

Also from the link of the book you provided.The other part

Nows lets discuss this Statement. Lets presume Indian military training is not of the level of Americans AND THATS 4 SURE.
WRONG 4 SURE! Your ignorance is supreme! You my friend are obviously unaware of the training the Indian Army is imparting to the US Army and Marines in counter insurgency operations in training establishments in India. Here...



After training these US troops are sent to Afghanistan and Iraq.

So then, know your facts before shooting from your hip!
India did not supprot incursion, period. We had good relations with the regime, before and after incursion. The regime was legit and was recognised, unlike Taliban regime imposed by Pakistan.
Anyone even remotely familiar with the Afghan-Soviet conflict would find the assertion that India didn't support the Soviet-backed regime laughable. Even in the UN resolution condemning the Soviet aggression against the Afghans, which had won a vast number of votes, India did not vote with their conscience and instead supported the Soviets by abstaining.

India stands to loose it's billions in Pakistan, we don't really stand to loose much at all. Already before the Americans leave, their harsh criticism of Pakistan is showing the Afghans that we really aren't on the American side. Infact, when the Americans were insinuating that the Haqqani group was based in and influenced by Pakistan, statements from the Afghan Mujahideen leadership countered this, and unequivocally stated that the Haqqani group was a part of the Afghan resistance movement against the Americans - the Afghan resistance sided with Pakistan and tried to provide Pakistan some breathing space by contradicting USA's blaming Pakistan for the Haqqanis.

Suicide attacks were an unheard-of thing in Pakistan, unlike India which treats it's own people like they were some inferior people living under foreign colonization, we didn't have the dozens of insurgencies and freedom movements that India is having. So once the US leaves and Afghanistan dries up as a source for USA and India to meddle and fund in Pakistan, things stand to improve alot.

People familiar with the history of the 80's would know that during the Soviet-Afghan war, there were many bomb blasts in Pakistan - the ISI chief Retired Gen. Hameed Gul talked about the "gadr" that the Indian RAW was spreading here with KGB's assistance. When the Russians left, India had to quietly quit it's game and wrap their operations up without achieving anything substantial.

I guess that's a major difference in the collective psyche of Pakistanis compared to Indians. Ethan Casey, an American author, notes this in his book "Alive and Well in Pakistan". He writes that Pakistanis, as a nation, tend to look for blame inside. Even if something happens and it is shown that an enemy was behind some blast/attack, people think that it is our fault that the enemy got the opportunity to commit such acts. In his trips to India however, everything got blamed on the ISI. Just like we've had Indians taking advantage of our weaknesses and orchestrate a dozen "Mumbai attacks" in Pakistan, the Mariott hotel bombings, etc. And yet, right when the Americans are trying to pressure Pakistan, Indians stage their "Mumbai attack" and raise all this hue and cry, trying to get maximum political mileage by blaming Pakistan.

Then it all turns out to be a fake. The "list of terrorists" they give is embarrassing, as many people on the list are already in Indian jails, where they have been for years. When pressured to give their "dossier of evidence", the Indian government slyly hands over some gibberish documents in Gujrati, as a delaying tactic, because they have no real evidence to show. And even in the eventual English dossier that they give, they cite as proof that Pakistanis did it, the "fact" that these people were carrying dozens of soaps manufactured by a wide variety of Pakistani companies, Pakistani detergents and talcum powders. Utterly ridiculous "evidence".

So, when the Americans leave, another terror campaign of India's falls flat on it's face. The only people it really managed to fool were it's own. Even segments in the American media(Alex Jones' famous radio show coverage especially) pointed at the double-game India was playing, letting it's people be killed for political mileage.

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