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Has India Proved Churchill Wrong?

at some extent ,yes we have proved him wrong. but yes there are some problems which india should get rid off.
As I recall he got booted out in the second term.
He was not a good politician but was good in terms of moral boost for soldiers in WW2. Hence his favouritism. He was not a good PM and was not that good in terms of politics. He got kicked out quickly admired his patriotism but not his policies.

He is just a stubborn leader.
That is because he was the leader of the British Empire the biggest thieving imperialist nation the world has ever seen. In his case it took one to know one.

You are very true Britan was an Empire built of looting the resources from their colonies(Like India,North America) and supporting Pirates against the then Spanish empire to loot their riches.
Churchill: “Before we pro*ceed fur*ther let us get one thing clear. Are we talk*ing about the brown Indi*ans in India, who have mul*ti*plied alarm*ingly under the benev*o*lent British rule?

Churchill hated India so these comments need to be looked at in this context:
he wished Partition upon the subcontinent. "The mere mention of India," he writes, "brought out a streak of unpleasantness or even irrationality in Churchill.

The prime minister 'launched into a most terrible attack on the 'baboos', saying that they were gross, dirty and corrupt.

"Well, if our poor troops have to be kept in a sweltering, syphilitic climate for the sake of your precious unity, I'd rather see them have a good civil war.' "

Why Churchill had an aversion to India - Times Of India
Churchill: “Before we pro*ceed fur*ther let us get one thing clear. Are we talk*ing about the brown Indi*ans in India, who have mul*ti*plied alarm*ingly under the benev*o*lent British rule?

Churchill hated India so these comments need to be looked at in this context:

Why Churchill had an aversion to India - Times Of India

He was a dirty prick with Syphilis to boot, as far as we are concerned.

That mass murderer racist baboons like that idiot are considered heroes by some reflect on the morality and civilization of them. We should just put him in his place which is the lowest of the low scum ever to piss on this green Earth.

The "British empire" was an aberration that has passed. There was a period of time when an insignificant small country and its insignificant small people played a role much beyond them. They were terribly insecure all that time and as all things pass, that time has passed too, never to return.

This insecure little baboon lived and died at a time when that period was getting over. I am glad he went to hell after seeing that dream run consigned to the dustbin of history. He was begging the USA to allow his country to continue the empire while he could not save his own little island on its own.

We should reject all attempts by his ilk to tell us what we are and what we were. Some insecure people with terrible identity crisis in may worship his ilk, we don't give a damn to this stupid fool.
Churchill was right, this is why India is now regarded by many as a Failed state

will you kindly elaborate this post,sire?

Each and every Indian is contributing to this corruption. Hiding real income tax by distributing family income among the members, doesn't even matter if the family member is a 7-8 year old kid. In this way, you don't have to pay the actual income tax, while having record for every penny spent/earned in the family.

There are loopholes in our judicial systems for the rich's to exploit, and do you know India is among the most highly taxed nation in the world?

@ bolded part> maybe because our tax base is very small


Slab (Rs. in crore) Percentage of tax collected
0-5 lakh 15,010 10.10%
5-10 lakh 21,976 14.80%
10-20 lakh 17,858 12.10%
>20 lakh 93,229 63.00%
Churchill is a great leader and statesman. He rally England against luffwaff onslaught and prevailed. Though his British empire never lasted one thousand years as he wanted, he was a patriot. India would benefit to have a leader like him.

Maybe you suffer from a stockholm syndrome due to century of humiliation, but we Indians don't.

But I would say that an Indian with a European waitress is doing a better job than any the billion Indians.
Churchill didn't anticipated that an European waitress would take over to prove him partially wrong.

Mumbo-Jumbo, Someone still high on opium i guess. :alcoholic:

Thank you for your assessment of India. India cannot become better unless Indians first admit that the country is a failed state.

As long as they aware of what the definition of failed state is , I doubt if any sane person with basic reading comprehension and logical abilities is going to classify India as a failed state.

As a result, a large portion of people do not even know or care about the position of the candidate

Is there a study to back this assertion up?

This result in a failed democracy as you see in India.

India is considered a flawed democracy.

Democracy also has its draw backs in the US and Taiwan. However, these two countries at least do not have a large portion of its citizens voting base on the candidate that provides the most immediate and tangible needs to buy the vote.

Very good of USA and Taiwan.
Indians are in debt to the British for creating their nation.

More stockholm syndrome deviant perversion :bad:

If British lost a battle here or there to the french or Portuguese, then Indian subcontinent would not divided into 2 countries by religion, but into several countries by colonialism and princely states.

Indophobic perversion again. :fie:

Maybe in the process of hallucinating breaking up of India, and succumbing to the perverted joys of it, you forgot about the Maratha and Sikh empire.
i repeat my question> has India proved Churchill wrong?
Churchill is still right, India is still lost in transaction````but one thing he wouldnt know was that the level of Indian delusion
Churchill is still right, India is still lost in transaction````but one thing he wouldnt know was that the level of Indian delusion

Again stockholm syndrome seems to get the best deviant Indophobic perverts.
Would India be better off today if it still flies Union Jack? Of course.

There won't be as many poor and destitute. The gov would care more about its people than build up a military for warmongering purposes.
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