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Has India Proved Churchill Wrong?

I totally agree with you. People need to have a stake in the country for them to vote. For freeloaders in the society, they need to get the basic human need first and the right of suffrage is not one of them.

Indians are in debt to the British for creating their nation. If British lost a battle here or there to the french or Portuguese, then Indian subcontinent would not divided into 2 countries by religion, but into several countries by colonialism and princely states.

This statement alone discredits you. No one is in debt to imperialists when they give them their GOD given right to freedom.

I'm not a supporter of Democracy, where a majority of illiterate and malnourished people's choice can devoid a nation from it's development.

Neither do i support communism for a change. :D

So what do you support? Don't you think it is fair for a bunch of illiterate and malnourished people to ask for the same that are afforded to others? What system of governance do you prefer.
So what do you support? Don't you think it is fair for a bunch of illiterate and malnourished people to ask for the same that are afforded to others? What system of governance do you prefer.

Pseudo-democracy, more like aristocracy, only the worthy will be able to represent the segment of the population they're coming from and have knowledge about. And other than passing any bill is a room filled with politicians, it should be passed in a room filled with economists.

And we have to blame ourselves for secluding a significant part of our population from mainstream development. We are growing 7-8% every year, but are they growing at the same rate?

Mere poverty line doesn't matter, i'm talking about pulling out people from the poverty, where they can afford to send their children to schools, where parents won't view their children as additional working hands.
And why are you keep on comparing India with a communist dictatorship country. Of course China has less freedom and more oppression that even a failed democracy.

But compare to US or even Taiwan, India is not as democratic and people has less voice. Also, the per capita income of Indians is much less compare to US or even Taiwan. So India should compare with countries it which to strive instead of a country like China. Unless you wish India can only be compare to a country run by a communist with a capitalist bent without any democracy.

Also, communist China can provide more for its people better than India can, which is a "democracy". That is how pathetic India is right now.

provide what ?? India has been providing less fortunate masses free food, rural job. and yes freedom to choose their leaders..
and china is also proving its citizens but at what cost ? do I have to repeat it ... you asked for it

Citizens has to face breeding restrictions (foremost basic right)
China?s Population Police Force Mother to Abort Baby at Seven Months

Citizens can not protest for there basic rights (foremost basic right)
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When workers in a country are treated like slave labor by foreign MNCs and govt supports this
Apple and Foxconn both are liars about the Chinese slave labor market. » Leftwing Nutjob

at this cost even if chinese are given Jaguar to drive they wont be exactly living a dream life ..
I have seen many non-english speaking friends doing good in corporate/IT industry, so i won't be advocating converting our education system into English, but having more exposure of english in education curriculum. We should not judge our education system based on our ability to speak english, that's a wrong concept.

Most important thing is to stop branding students based on their marks, education has to be interactive, with equal participation of extracurricular activities.

This is already in effect - In Government schools nobody fails the year until std X. It's an unwritten arrangement and they push everyone invariably up till the Tenth grade irrespective of their performance.

The focus right now is to get maximum students enrolled in schools by giving them Midday meals, books, bicycles, free education, laptops, palmtops etc - this is phase one where after a few years most of the population will be at the least literate - then they can plan on improving the standards of the institute.

atleast this part of his quote still stands true!

congress is not perfect

but they had experience of ruling and running administration (of some provinces)

and it was a organisation which had mass support and several visionary leaders

congress at that time was lead by Nehru,who despite of his faults,was visionary and took several right decisions and his rule of 17 years gave stability to India

so congress coming to power in 1947 was right thing
He was right about Congress though... However important India has become in current scenario, But we certainly have miles to go..
He was right about Congress though... However important India has become in current scenario, But we certainly have miles to go..
Just look at the rest of the countries that got freedom form colonial power around the same time you will tank the congress for the Stable base India Enjoys.
^^ i said same

and i have explained why congress coming to power was right
Just look at the rest of the countries that got freedom form colonial power around the same time you will tank the congress for the Stable base India Enjoys.

WHy should we compare ourselves to any such country..? Japan , SoKo and Israel are some countries,I would like to compare Congress-Raj with..

^^ i said same

and i have explained why congress coming to power was right

Coming to power was right. But the policies they followed in the next 40 years were not right.
^^ you are partially right

but remember they didn't have experience of running such large nation

though i agree that their performance could have been better had they not committed many policy blunders
let me make it clear, india is proving is churchill wrong everyday single day infact every second.

the 10 billion doll given for europe's bailout prove tthat his country is a beggar.

getting a muslim president and a sikh pm in a country of 90% hindus proves churchill wrong.

building a rocket like gslv mk3 and placing gps into orbit before europe in 2014, willl blow churchill's ideas apart.

being the 4th strongest and 2nd fastest country in the world proves churchill wrong.

1 million engineers graduated every year prove he is an idiot.

reduction of poverty from 90 to 30% proves him wrong.

worlds 3rd largest billionares prove him wrong.

our cultural diversity, our unity, our development prove him wrong.

and the list goes on and on....

we r indians, and we dont need Mr. Chiurchill to describe us. they came here to loot us and made ur poor. but as the saying goes:
" you can never defeat a country, only u can get ahead of it"

the brits can take a lead on us, but every country has a destiny which is influenced by its history. we know our history and we r making our destiny. the westerners know this are now counting their last days. lets see what unfolds in the future for britain??
WHy should we compare ourselves to any such country..? Japan , SoKo and Israel are some countries,I would like to compare Congress-Raj with..

A large ,complex ,diverse country like India cannot be compared to a small, monoethnic countries like Japan or South Korea
^^ and Scotland is going to be separated from UK in 2014

so there will be no great Britain post 2014
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