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Has China overplayed its hand?

Sikkim joined the Indian union after a referendum, people of Sikkim actually got the right to vote and decide what they wanted for themselves. But then you are a Chinese, what would you know about voting and freedom to choose :lol:

Maintaining status quo means leaving the place as it is. The place your troops were building the road is uninhabited. The sole reason for the construction of that road was to further strengthen your military stranglehold on land that belongs to Bhutan. The road construction was being done by the Chinese army, Indian soldiers waltzed in, and asked them to piss off, which they did very obediently!

Given how treacherous the Chinese are when dealing with smaller countries( That is bullying), and their thug like behavior of dishonoring the agreement that they made with Bhutan, there is no guarantee that China will not try to pull the same stunt again in the future.

So Bhutanese and Indian soldiers will stay put. Now please ask your CPC and its mouthpieces to stop whining and whinging, frankly its very embarrassing!
so when are you giving kashmiris freedom of choice and doing the refrendum
Really!..The USA is a paper tiger!...Ok then...all the best to you!
The US has been trying destroy DPRK's nuclear program even sending an Armada, so what? DPRK keeps on firing ballistic missiles, researching nukes. Wake us up when US decides it has the courage to start Korean War 2.0
As long the US stands watching helplessly and complaining about it yeah USA is pretty much a paper tiger. Only have guts to wreck Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria.
Let me make the scenario more realistic.

My house shares boundary with three houses. In the west it is Mr. P's house who are a very distant relative to us but we have a mighty discord and there were public name calling and brawls in the between us. Also, they claim that a part of my front yard is actually their's. In the east I have share a house with you, say Mr. C for convenience. We have a dispute over who owns the service lane and have once had a brawl over it as well but since then neither you throw bricks in my house nor I do the same. In the corner we have Mr. B's house and they share a corner with us. They have a dispute regarding their back yard with you, Mr. C and they have a long and close relationship with me. As it happens one fine day, you start using portion of my front yard -- which is disputed between my and mr. P-- to travel into Mr. P's house to exchange sweets. When I objected, you preached me that exchanging sweets improves relations and we should keep our neighbourhood friendly.

Also, When I reported Mr.P's son who is a local minor goon to police for dis-orderly behavior and ruining my gardens you paid his bail and signed an alibi on his behalf.

Further, I saw you selling your old gun to Mr. P and telling them worked well to keep me in check when we had a brawl last time.

Now I hear you hammering and sharpening a knife and at the same time threatening Mr. B in handing over their backyard to you and allowing your dog to use their back yard for its leisure. Mr. B calls me for help and I being a close friend decided that enough is enough and I have to stand up against you otherwise you will force Mr. B out of his house and I will be surrounded with two hostile neighbours. So I asked my younger son to go and shoo your dog back into your own backyard. Also he sits there and have tea with Mr. B while discussing how we can take turn to keep our property safe from you and your dogs. And then you start threatening me about our past brawl which I just brush off.

So now tell me who is at fault here.
Bottom-line: Ms. I, the story-teller, is such an innocent lady that she won't even trample on an ant!!!!! And, look at her neighbors!!!!!!!! Mr. P stares so hard at her that she is forced to take Hijab!!! Mr. C has all smiles but poison in the heart!!! Ms. BD is always back biting!!! The kids BH/NP etc. requires occasional disciplining!!! And, yet people ask Ms. I to keep her cool!!!!
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The US has been trying destroy DPRK's nuclear program even sending an Armada, so what? DPRK keeps on firing ballistic missiles, researching nukes. Wake us up when US decides it has the courage to start Korean War 2.0
As long the US stands watching helplessly and complaining about it yeah USA is pretty much a paper tiger. Only have guts to wreck Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria.
OK!...We know who is behind the DPRK's craziness. We just want an excuse to be around, they are providing us with the reasons to slowly arm all the countries around your region...so yeah, we know how to play this game....If that is a paper tiger so be it.....DPRK nuclear attack will destry your region not ours.
OK!...We know who is behind the DPRK's craziness. We just want an excuse to be around, they are providing us with the reasons to slowly arm all the countries around your region...so yeah, we know how to play this game....If that is a paper tiger so be it.....DPRK nuclear attack will destry your region not ours.

Like i said US does not dare lift a finger on our neighbor and you know exactly WHY. The answer is plain simple: CHINA
so when are you giving kashmiris freedom of choice and doing the refrendum
After you pull out your armed forces from J&K or when balochistan and tibet get a freedom of choice .
so when are you giving kashmiris freedom of choice and doing the refrendum

As someone already said, first pull out your troops from GB and AJK, let Indian administration take over, and then we will give them the choice, as was promised.
Like i said US does not dare lift a finger on our neighbor and you know exactly WHY. The answer is plain simple: CHINA
Cool story!...Anyway enjoy US presence in SK and around South China Sea. DPRK has given us the reason to there..Not that we need one...This is really helping us than you. In the meantime we keep you under check with this excuse.
Need verification from a REAL, HONEST & RELIABLE source. An indian source CAN NEVER be these things.

Us sanctions on China.


USA arms deal with Taiwan.


Vietnam allows drilling in South China Sea


And Indian arms deal you know.

Bhutan issues demarche over border disputes with China.


only a handful are likely to get past the Chinese ABM

What are the ABM system that have been deployed against ICBMs in China?
Cool story!...Anyway enjoy US presence in SK and around South China Sea. DPRK has given us the reason to there..Not that we need one...This is really helping us than you. In the meantime we keep you under check with this excuse.

What a joke, DPRK given US a reason to stay in SK? I guess living in denial is an Indian habit. US kept on stationing in SK even after the Korean War and it had nothing to do with developing nukes. And no the US ain't keeping us in check. Within a few decades China will have the mightiest Navy in ECS & SCS. I guess the reality check hasn't hit you with the launching of our first 055 and more are already constructed as we speak. Soon DPRK will have the capabilities to strike US :rofl: , keep watching how our neighbor keep on defying US.
What the chinis are gloating about? Go back to your previous position or make an war or whatever...Just don't issue silly hourly warnings.
I know those solders didn't carry gun, what happen if China move in construction bulldozer to keep building the road? what India will do, have a bulldozer fight? we can fight India this way too

I guess humans would be driving those buldozers, and they can be pushed around, no?
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