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Has China overplayed its hand?

Not very realistic. A small collision is useless. The long term strategy is to break India to make India back to its normal status. The war in fact already get started however not by gunpowder, it's in economic battle field. We invest bulks into Pakistan and Bangladesh, we need help brother nations to become prosperous, help them to become more developed than India, prove to some Indian (you know what I mean) that a separated state is more promising than a super size Hindu toilet. This require patience and cooperation from partners, I believe all partners have common interests on this strategy. Tamil Nadu! you will also get your own country, you're the real Indian and creator of Indian culture, not that Hindi kid, We welcome you join into the partnership!
Sure, we will also decimate all your centres of prosperity in east China. Asia will be dark again.

It's best for all parties if they just fire shot first at us.
We do not need to. We have nothing to prove actually. We just want to delay the situation as much as possible. If anyone has anything to prove it is China. Why do you think Chinese media is issuing so many provocative statements? It wants India to make first move and then prove to the world and itself that it will handle an 'agressor' like this. Something Indian military and civilian leadership understands well and hence no action. Status quo works well for India and Bhutan.
Why do you think our army takes the fastest route which is dangerous? Especially if it is near Yadong and with given the well rail and road connectivity in Yadong, it will be well re-enforced? It does not works like Starcraft dude.

Nuclear or non nuclear, it will be based on long range missile.

India has atleast 100 nukes of around 200 KT and possibly more. We will all go to hell together. So much for Chinese century then!
I already told you that with the available information, there is no reason for us to tell you that you have cross our side of the border so the only logical conclusion here is the route you take across (short way) and and not going around it (long way) is most plausible.

do you even know how many missiles we got and how many H-bomb and what it can do to India? So you want to threaten us with your missiles? I feel like you are joking with me or something. LOL
Not very realistic. A small collision is useless. The long term strategy is to break India to make India back to its normal status. The war in fact already get started however not by gunpowder, it's in economic battle field. We invest bulks into Pakistan and Bangladesh, we need help brother nations to become prosperous, help them to become more developed than India, prove to some Indian (you know what I mean) that a separated state is more promising than a super size Hindu toilet. This require patience and cooperation from partners, I believe all partners have common interests on this strategy. Tamil Nadu! you will also get your own country, you're the real Indian and creator of Indian culture, not that Hindi kid, We welcome you join into the partnership!

When has China made anyone prosperous ?
do you even know how many missiles we got and how many H-bomb and what it can do to India? So you want to threaten us with your missiles? I feel like you are joking with me or something. LOL
I have already admitted that it will be complete end of India. Simple. But it will throw China back to 1970 and then it will not be easy to climb back.

I already told you that with the available information, there is no reason for us to tell you that you have cross our side of the border so the only logical conclusion here is the route you take cross (short way) and and not going around it (long way).
You have suggested a naive way. An alternative exists and is safer. Prove it was not taken otherwise yours is a mere conjecture just like mine. Shortest on map is not preferable or even shortest on ground, especially when movement of troops is concerned. World is not AoE or Starcraft or whatever RTS you are imagining.

Also in military, you dont do logical things at times just for that reason. You want to be unpredictable.
Sure, we will also decimate all your centres of prosperity in east China. Asia will be dark again.

We do not need to. We have nothing to prove actually. We just want to delay the situation as much as possible. If anyone has anything to prove it is China. Why do you think Chinese media is issuing so many provocative statements? It wants India to make first move and then prove to the world and itself that it will handle an 'agressor' like this. Something Indian military and civilian leadership understands well and hence no action. Status quo works well for India and Bhutan.
I'm getting tired of you India threaten this and that. Remember it was your Indian defense minister that came out warning that they were ready to fight a 2.5 front war. Not us. Our media simply kindly remind of the nature of war can do to you. That is a very friendly response.
I'm getting tired of you India threaten this and that. Remember it was your Indian defense ministered that came out warning that they are ready to fight a 2.5 front war. Not us. Our media simply kindly remind of the nature of war can do to you. That is a very friendly response.
Well China started this shitfest by constructing a road in a disputed areas, first in Kashmir and then in Bhutan. We have to respond to it.
We don't need anybody to defend against china.We have geography and the veteran army.As napoleon said 'Geography is destiny'.Stop barking already,either attack or stop whining -its getting boring.We are in 'your' land according to you,so what happened to china supapowa?
yup soo boring that indians are making new thread every minute and replying to anythig and everything every second!!!

Indian Army of Internet trolls at its best!!!
Well China started this shitfest by constructing a road in a disputed areas, first in Kashmir and then in Bhutan. We have to respond to it.
hmm.... let me get this understanding; if I am your next door neighbor, we really don't like each other; one day I break your door, enter your house, just because I hear the sound of you sharpening the knife, then I grab your knife, stay in your house saying you can never sharpening the knife anymore, because I think you are ready to use the knife to aginst me! you tell me to leave, I refuse! ????? isn't that what happens here?

by the way, that area is NOT in dispute, even if it is in dispute, it is NOT with India!
When has China made anyone prosperous ?
You need acknowledge the growth of Africa and Latin America (they screw up themselves, e.g. Brazil) largely due to China' demand and investment, esp Africa. We don't need fire a single bullet, that's not the art of Chinese strategy, we only fire without any better option left. You know I'm not bullshiting. Recap why USSR collapse? How similar is USSR and India Union... esp India is far weak than USSR.. both have retarded leadership and aggressive internal and external policies..
When has China made anyone prosperous ?

You need acknowledge the growth of Africa and Latin America (they screw up themselves, e.g. Brazil) largely due to China' demand and investment, esp Africa. We don't need fire a single bullet, that's not the art of Chinese strategy, we only fire without any better option left. You know I'm not bullshiting. Recap why USSR collapse? How similar is USSR and India Union... esp India is far weak than USSR.. both have retarded leadership and aggressive internal and external policies..


I think he is referring to the primary resource extraction model where China takes minerals from these countries to feed its industry. Apart from that, as far as the infrastructure finance model is concerned, that may either be the best thing since sliced bread, or the biggest mis-allocation of resources and debt trap in human history. We have to wait on that one.

I think he is referring to the primary resource extraction model where China takes minerals from these countries to feed its industry. Apart from that, as far as the infrastructure finance model is concerned, that may either be the best thing since sliced bread, or the biggest mis-allocation of resources and debt trap in human history. We have to wait on that one.

Don't insert your head into the sand like a fool. There're lots African members on this forum. China's Africa strategy is very clear, build a healthy economic ecosystem to BOTH lift locals' living standard and development of China economy. Lots of African nations are adopting Chinese manufacture factories emigrated out of China, because we're confident that we will climb up the value chain, and furthermore, African are not as arrogant as Indian, they would like to learn from China, we also like to help them. Indian are too 'pride', keep your 'pride' continuously until you don't feel 'pride'.
You need acknowledge the growth of Africa and Latin America (they screw up themselves, e.g. Brazil) largely due to China' demand and investment, esp Africa. We don't need fire a single bullet, that's not the art of Chinese strategy, we only fire without any better option left. You know I'm not bullshiting. Recap why USSR collapse? How similar is USSR and India Union... esp India is far weak than USSR.. both have retarded leadership and aggressive internal and external policies..

So what do you do in Africa!!! Pay huge bribe to warlords and currupt presidents and steal their menerals and throw some bread from your table.

Very strong infra China is building in Africa :rofl:


How did a $12 million bridge collapse in Kenya?
by Briana Duggan, CNN

Updated 1029 GMT (1829 HKT) July 4, 2017


$12 million Chinese-built Sigiri bridge in Western Kenya collapsed before it was completed. President Uhuru Kenyatta inspected the project two weeks before the collapse.
Story highlights
  • President Uhuru Kenyatta recently inspected the $12 million Sigiri bridge
  • It was built in the West Kenya region that has been ignored by successive administrations
  • President Kenyatta's Jubilee Coalition is prioritizing infrastructure ahead of August presidential election.
(CNN)It was an embarrassing collapse for Kenya's ruling party.

On June 26, just two weeks after an "inspection" by President Uhuru Kenyatta, a $12 million Chinese-built Sigiri bridge in Western Kenya collapsed before it was completed.
Built by the Chinese Overseas Construction and Engineering Company in Busia County, the bridge connects a region that has historically lacked government investment and development. Around a dozen people died on the river after a boat capsized while attempting to cross in 2014.
President Kenyatta's Jubileee Coalition has made infrastructure development a key pillar of its reelection strategy ahead of the coming presidential election.

On June 14, he made a campaign stop at the Sigiri bridge construction site and spoke to crowds gathered along the river.
He promised the bridge would bring development that the region had been denied for decades.
"There is a big difference between those who will sell to you propaganda and people who will sell to you real agenda for change," President Uhuru Kenyatta said in a statement posted on the Presidency website.

Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Highways – Highways are another key component of Lapsset, with hundreds of kilometers of pristine, new road laid to facilitate transport of goods and people.

The Isiolo -- Marsabit -- Moyale stretch (above) has been completed, connecting to Ethiopia, and facilitating travel to Kenya's safari parks.
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Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Resort cities – The LAPSSET project will also see three resort cities constructed in Lamu, Isiolo and Lokichogio.

The new sites will be pitched at affluent visitors -- with luxury hotels, entertainment and wildlife reserves.
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Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Konza Tech City – The much-hyped Konza Tech City - or "Silicon Savannah" - is hoped to be a world-class hub of entrepreneurship.

The $15 billion site, set in 5,000 acres to the south of Nairobi, will accommodate almost 200,000 people, complete with universities, research facilities, and IT centers.
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Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Konza Tech City – Several delays have marred the project and discouraged some investors, but the government maintains the site will be operational in April 2017.
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Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Geothermal energy – Kenya has embraced geothermal energy in a big way, aiming to serve one-quarter of its energy needs through this source.

New ventures such as the Ol-Karia IV power plant (pictured) make it one of the world's leading producers, and investment is set to increase.
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Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Isiolo airport – Apart from Jomo Kenyatta, several smaller airports are undergoing major upgrades.

The provincial Isiolo airport is receiving a new terminal building and a new runway, in anticipation of higher visitor numbers.
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Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Two Rivers Mall – The largest mall in East Africa will open in Nairobi in March. The 62,000 square meter facility will include housing, hotels, office space and -- of course -- extravagant shopping.
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Photos: Kenya's $50 billion megaprojects
Mombasa rail station – Kenya is already an infrastructure powerhouse of East Africa -- leading the region for investment. But the next few years may see a quantum leap forward, with tens of billions of dollars to be spent on some of the world's most spectacular transport, energy and technology projects -- such as the new Mombasa rail station (above).

Through a program entitled Kenya Vision 2030, the government hopes to deliver a "newly industrialized, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030."

Whether this ambitious goal will actually be achieved remains to be seen. But the following ventures certainly bear the potential to transform the landscape.
hmm.... let me get this understanding; if I am your next door neighbor, we really don't like each other; one day I break your door, enter your house, just because I hear the sound of you sharpening the knife, then I grab your knife, stay in your house saying you can never sharpening the knife anymore, because I think you are ready to use the knife to aginst me! you tell me to leave, I refuse! ????? isn't that what happens here?

by the way, that area is NOT in dispute, even if it is in dispute, it is NOT with India!

Let me make the scenario more realistic.

My house shares boundary with three houses. In the west it is Mr. P's house who are a very distant relative to us but we have a mighty discord and there were public name calling and brawls in the between us. Also, they claim that a part of my front yard is actually their's. In the east I have share a house with you, say Mr. C for convenience. We have a dispute over who owns the service lane and have once had a brawl over it as well but since then neither you throw bricks in my house nor I do the same. In the corner we have Mr. B's house and they share a corner with us. They have a dispute regarding their back yard with you, Mr. C and they have a long and close relationship with me. As it happens one fine day, you start using portion of my front yard -- which is disputed between my and mr. P-- to travel into Mr. P's house to exchange sweets. When I objected, you preached me that exchanging sweets improves relations and we should keep our neighbourhood friendly.

Also, When I reported Mr.P's son who is a local minor goon to police for dis-orderly behavior and ruining my gardens you paid his bail and signed an alibi on his behalf.

Further, I saw you selling your old gun to Mr. P and telling them worked well to keep me in check when we had a brawl last time.

Now I hear you hammering and sharpening a knife and at the same time threatening Mr. B in handing over their backyard to you and allowing your dog to use their back yard for its leisure. Mr. B calls me for help and I being a close friend decided that enough is enough and I have to stand up against you otherwise you will force Mr. B out of his house and I will be surrounded with two hostile neighbours. So I asked my younger son to go and shoo your dog back into your own backyard. Also he sits there and have tea with Mr. B while discussing how we can take turn to keep our property safe from you and your dogs. And then you start threatening me about our past brawl which I just brush off.

So now tell me who is at fault here.
Don't insert your head into the sand like a fool. There're lots African members on this forum. China's Africa strategy is very clear, build a healthy economic ecosystem to BOTH lift locals' living standard and development of China economy. Lots of African nations are adopting Chinese manufacture factories emigrated out of China, because we're confident that we will climb up the value chain, and furthermore, African are not as arrogant as Indian, they would like to learn from China, we also like to help them. Indian are too 'pride', keep your 'pride' continuously until you don't feel 'pride'.

You start your post by calling me a fool, and I have to take lectures in humility from you? What do you have to offer apart from grandiose notions as to how the whole world is supposed to learn from a legacy industrial model that is 10 years past its sell-by date? You should pontificate less and read more about what happens in the world. Beyond that I do not wish to engage with you any further, as you can add no value, so you are now on my ignore list.
You start your post by calling me a fool, and I have to take lectures in humility from you? What do you have to offer apart from grandiose notions as to how the whole world is supposed to learn from a legacy industrial model that is 10 years past its sell-by date? You should pontificate less and read more about what happens in the world. Beyond that I do not wish to engage with you any further, as you can add no value, so you are now on my ignore list.
oh, well, I apologize if I offend you, sincerely. because you're not as barbaric as other Indian.
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