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Harvard predicts Pakistan GDP to grow by 5% over 10 years

I feel that as a nation we are not mature enough to be given the right to choose our leaders, we don't like to follow rules only understand "Danday ke zabaan". This is why dictatorship is better for us, in fact, it is also the closest mode of governance to "Khilafat". I sometimes wish i had the power to at least correct our traffic, the things our Motorcyclists, Rickshaw drivers and even car drivers do on roads really makes me cringe.
i know this guy messed up your country
Well true,He was what he was stood true to himself which is UH UH UH lol appreciable.
Unlike the other two super heroes ,one pretends to be good The Nora,a billionaire industrialist with a lineup of his family.
the other Imran khan saab wants the democratically elected bald guy to go home.
Something is seriously wrong with the economy,The reason we are struck in 4%ish from the past 3 years.We may cross 5% next year but that is still not enough.

PMLN has already failed on economy side.

This year they should have crossed at least 5%.
Something is seriously wrong with the economy,The reason we are struck in 4%ish from the past 3 years.We may cross 5% next year but that is still not enough.

PMLN has already failed on economy side.

This year they should have crossed at least 5%.
Everything is wrong with Pakistani economy especially on the labor side. Pakistani laborers use 1950s technology and expect growth
Thats why i m myself serious advocate of the cause that military rule shud not come in Pakistan (even though my inner Pakistani sense keeps on twinkling me for that to happen) as it always ends in some disaster. As a matter of fact last time military rule ended with the biggest disaster of all named Zardari and his govt.

Ayub Khan aftermath = Yahya Khan + East Pakistan crises
Zia aftermath = we are suffering from to this day in the shape of militant extremism
Musharraf aftermath = Zardari + electricity crises (il give him the benefit of the doubt with regards to the 'War on Terror' since one way or another we were going to be dragged into the war in Afghanistan regardless of whether we officially joined it or not).

The link however is clear. Authoritarianism does not end well in Pakistan. Examples are often given of China and its rise under dictatorship, but in many ways China is more democratic than us. They have a clear set of rules of who can be in power (individual must rise through the ranks of the communist party from the bottom to top through merit), for how long they can be in power (5 years), and they maintain a set of instruments that can keep the leader and other officials under check so that they do not abuse power (Politburo Standing Committee, Discipline Commission etc).
When our dictators came to power however, they become essentially monarchs, planning to rule for life. Raheel Sharif realizes the temptations of this unopposed power, which is why I believe he has been so adamant in not extending his term.
@Thəorətic Muslim dude you should be the pm

I met Imran Khan when he came to Istanbul a few years back and met with the Pakistani Association there.

He failed to impress me as the man who was supposed to be the Messiah. And was content with 'lotas' rather than new blood. Among other discrepancies.

I'm content with my American Citizenship. And will be best to offer insight suggestions on Pakistani Policies, rather than ruling the country.

Why not introduce online voting. Majority of Pakistanis have mobile phones and registered SIM cards. Make use of this data and issue votes online. This will reduce the amount of money spent on elections as well as if proper cyber security is employed will be a much cleaner system? This system can be employed in stages by using it for online surveys to make people get use to it at first....

Please elaborate on this. Why tax on 130+ acres and what type of taxation?

Public execution is fine but how to achieve it with a weak/corrupt judiciary and police.

Voting with mobile sims will be laced with corruption, you'll have ballot stuffing with cloned sims. Besides if you really give a damn about your country waiting in line at a polling center will build character.

Taxation on land. The amount of threshold is arbitrary.

Empowerment of the NAB, to investigate any government official. Along the lines of Singapore's Anti-Corruption watchdogs. With separate court system.

When our dictators came to power however, they become essentially monarchs, planning to rule for life. Raheel Sharif realizes the temptations of this unopposed power, which is why I believe he has been so adamant in not extending his term.

Singapore's Park Lee. S. Korea's Park Hee. Turkey's Ataturk China's Deng Xiaoping.
Actually during Mushy's rule, there was more democracy like the local body elections, which the civilians have always tried to run away from.
I still remember how Adnan Kakakhel criticised Musharaf publicly in his presence, neither he was interrupted, frightened or threatened and Musharaf very calmly listened to him and answered his question. My question is that can the so called democracy thekedars can show one tenth of such a tolerance...... Alas we have regressed
India already growing 7.5% to 7.6% and so until 2024 it will remain over 7% whatever the world growth, considering negative growth seen for major BRICS nation like Brazil and Russia.

You also have to look at the demographics. Just the number of new labor into the work force will require a demand of a certain growth. Pakistan at a minimum needs (I believe) 2% just to meet the requirements of hiring the new labor. India will probably need 3-4%.
This is why dictatorship is better for us, in fact, it is also the closest mode of governance to "Khilafat"
The true concept is closer to democracy and as I see it as a mix of democracy and meritocracy. Where a group of pious and experienced persons select one person to serve as Ameer and every person shows his allegience to him and thus a unanimous decision. However he can be removed if he digresses the right path. Furthermore, he has no authority to over rule any of the decision by the qadhi (judge) while the useless and stingless president of Pakistan can over rule the decision of even supreme court and Ameer has no exemptions and immunities but president of Pakistan is immune to the law of the land....he is truly above the law and that's Zardari was so eager to remain president since govt of Pakistan could not write a letter to open cases against him.
India already growing 7.5% to 7.6% and so until 2024 it will remain over 7% whatever the world growth, considering negative growth seen for major BRICS nation like Brazil and Russia.

These are very conservative figures IMO for India. This is 7.5-7.6% during a time of slow global growth and when the new GoI's reforms have barely had time to kick in. With an upswing in the global economy in the coming few years and some real structural reforms kicking in India could quite easily touch 9-10% for much of the next 10 years. GST itself will add 1.5-1.9% of GDP growth and it will be passed in the next session of parliament and come into effect from 2018.
5% is a astonishing growth rate for 90% of the world economies.

This must be pushed up by chinease investment which looks enormous in Pakistan
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