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Harun Yahya

great one


New Recruit

Apr 30, 2008
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I was wondering what people here think of the works of Harun Yahya and his book Atlas of Creation.
:welcome: TO :pdf:

Enjoy ur stay here

I Think you can open a new thread for Harun yahya.
No, i m just suprised.i didnt know if people from abroad knew about Him.but he is a good author.also he has some students help him to prepare those books.He uses the science as a proof against atheism.have you read his book about the dilemmas of the evolution?
I have seen some of his movies online. In particular I like his movie about Creation and the Big Bang, he also talks about scientific knowledge in the Quran and how it contains many references to scientific facts that were only discoverd recently.
No, i m just suprised.i didnt know if people from abroad knew about Him.but he is a good author.also he has some students help him to prepare those books.He uses the science as a proof against atheism.have you read his book about the dilemmas of the evolution?

Was that the book where he asked the question "if the first cell came about by chance how did it self replicate?
I also love to collect the bookss of Harun yahya !

Also, I remember Dr Shahid Masood copying whole of Harun Yahya's program the 'The End of Times'
I also love to collect the bookss of Harun yahya !

Also, I remember Dr Shahid Masood copying whole of Harun Yahya's program the 'The End of Times'

Some of his books have been stopped proding
Epscially the Zionist Nazi equation.
Harun Yahya claims that alot of evils in the world such as Communism, Fascism and Zionism can all be traced back to Darwinist theories of evolution. He is however at pains to distinguish between Secular Zionism and genuinine Judaism. He also proposes a Pan-Turkish brotherhood for the nations that have a Turkic population.

However I was wondering whether this is an attempt on the part of Harun Yahya to try to launch the first steps of a process which has the aim of re-establishing the Ottoman Empire. Given the Turkish Prime Minister`s response to the Israeli president at the Davos forum and the massive welcome he received in Istanbul is it possible that Turkey could begin to assert itself more in the Middle East in a way that it has not done in Decades or even in a Century.
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