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Happy Independence Day Bangladeshis!

Come on provide SOME proof that you fought on our side or are you one those that take the credit for others valor?

Your line is quite amusing!
Can you prove that you were born before 1971 and old enough to even understand what happened then?
In other words: "Were you in liquid form or in uniform?"
That kind of stuff.
Bangladesh is secular
It's not a question of religion
Both Kazi Nazrul & QA Jinnah weren't exemplary Muslims

Then, who the Dic.k,ens is?

The BNP woman or Bangla Bhai?
Nop, might be better for you though.

So silly.

Typical of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

I everyone who has composed an anthem is lousy including your erstwhile anthem of Pakistan, then what is your choice?

Blame all for their miseries.
Your line is quite amusing!
Can you prove that you were born before 1971 and old enough to even understand what happened then?
In other words: "Were you in liquid form or in uniform?"
That kind of stuff.

I was in uniform, but I cannot state who was in liquid form!
So sad not a BNP, razzakkars OR A fundoo in sight.

Tails between the legs?

Where is our good old zakiroo?
I was in uniform, but I cannot state who was in liquid form!

That is rather obvious. Just that the persistent line of questioning reminded me of something that was thrown at us, back in the days of "ragda" by the "snotty's nurse"!
Your line is quite amusing!
Can you prove that you were born before 1971 and old enough to even understand what happened then?
In other words: "Were you in liquid form or in uniform?"
That kind of stuff.

Well I never claimed I fought in the liberation war, born in 68 so not quite liquid form, just going onto solids. Old enough to understand? May be not, unless you count losing 2 of my uncles, my mother’s eldest brothers, who I’ll never have the chance to know (they died fighting the army in faridpur), family interned in a concentration camp (in west pakistan) don’t know if this counts?

But since Tiki is a hero of the liberation war, I would like to hear more of his valor.

Opps sorry i take it that was to Tiki, don't do indian english too well, my bad.
He was a Bangladeshi.

Nazrul a West Bengali.

Do you have anything in between?

According to my knowledge Tagore was born in the Jorasanko mansion in Kolkata
He had Jamidari in part of Bangladesh but he spent all his life living in west bengal
He died before partition. After Indian independence he was chosen as Indian national poet.
So in most Bangladeshi's book Tagore is an Indian Bengali poet
He certainly can't be called a "Bangladeshi" as he is the Indian national poet

Nazrul was born in west Bengal but after 71 we took ailing poet and presented him citizenship
Nazrul died in Bangladesh as a Bangladeshi
I would much prefer our national poet's song as our national anthem
Bangladesh is secular
It's not a question of religion
Both Kazi Nazrul & QA Jinnah weren't exemplary Muslims

The problem is BD anthem is written by Indian national poet who also wrote the Indian national anthem
This fact irks many Bangladeshis
When I hear that Tagore is the only person in history to Penn national anthems of two nations( BD & IND)
It doesn't make us proud. It makes us look like lackeys of India

The wording and timing of the song is also pan Bengali not just Bangladeshi
Which also conflicts with Bangladeshi nationalism

The whole Bangladesh was a part of India. So doesn't to make you lackeys of India???
The national anthem was choosen by your own ancestors and they must have decided best to their abilities and considering all facts and figures.
Now some ignorant guys influenced by distorted history and anti india propaganda is challenging their forefathers decision.

Those who face the reality knows better than who just listen it.
According to my knowledge Tagore was born in the Jorasanko mansion in Kolkata
He had Jamidari in part of Bangladesh but he spent all his life living in west bengal
He died before partition. After Indian independence he was chosen as Indian national poet.
So in most Bangladeshi's book Tagore is an Indian Bengali poet
He certainly can't be called a "Bangladeshi" as he is the Indian national poet

Nazrul was born in west Bengal but after 71 we took ailing poet and presented him citizenship
Nazrul died in Bangladesh as a Bangladeshi
I would much prefer our national poet's song as our national anthem

You are mistaken.

Please check Banglapedia.

Nazrul did not want to go to BD.

Mrs G forced him.

His wife was a Hindu and his children were Hindus with Hindu names.

That is the million dollar question - who is your national poet and is he a Bangladeshi by birth or religion?

If by religion, then what is wrong in having the PAK national anthem?
According to my knowledge Tagore was born in the Jorasanko mansion in Kolkata
He had Jamidari in part of Bangladesh but he spent all his life living in west bengal
He died before partition. After Indian independence he was chosen as Indian national poet.
So in most Bangladeshi's book Tagore is an Indian Bengali poet
He certainly can't be called a "Bangladeshi" as he is the Indian national poet

Nazrul was born in west Bengal but after 71 we took ailing poet and presented him citizenship
Nazrul died in Bangladesh as a Bangladeshi
I would much prefer our national poet's song as our national anthem

I was born in an alien land.

Does it make me any less a Bangladeshi or an Indian?

It is a question of identity.

My roots are in BD, but my later life in India.

Should I forget my roots?
Nazrul was born in west Bengal but after 71 we took ailing poet and presented him citizenship
Nazrul died in Bangladesh as a Bangladeshi
I would much prefer our national poet's song as our national anthem

So, it is religion which matters!

One could be an idiot, but if the religion is right, one is God!

God bless such dumb animals!

Byron died in Italy and so he is an Italian, right?
Well I never claimed I fought in the liberation war, born in 68 so not quite liquid form, just going onto solids. Old enough to understand? May be not, unless you count losing 2 of my uncles, my mother’s eldest brothers, who I’ll never have the chance to know (they died fighting the army in faridpur), family interned in a concentration camp (in west pakistan) don’t know if this counts?

But since Tiki is a hero of the liberation war, I would like to hear more of his valor.

Firstly; were there really "heroes" then? They were all soldiers who fought; some on a side that won and some on a side that lost. Some fought just for a cause and some fought because they were duty bound to; because of their uniform. Most fought well, but some brought dishonor to themselves, to their uniform, to humanity.
Let me tell you a little about some soldiers who did not wear any uniform (at least formally); young men of the Mukti Bahini; most of them were just coming out of their teens, had very little if any military training and armed with just the basic weapons available. They fought too, and as well as they could against a professional and ruthless trained Army. Though they were a some-what "rag-tag" force; they did all that was humanly possible by them. That is where the IA came in and gave them the support that they required. But that will not detract from their achievements. Neither you nor I or anybody on the face of this earth will be able to do that.
I feel bad for you that you missed an opportunity to to know your "Mamas". But let me tell you this; if they were part of the Mukti Bahini, I consider them to have fought well, no need for any proof of that. That war exacted a terrible price on the Mukti-Jodhas; not least because of horrible casualties caused by extensive minefields laid down by the PA. The use of mines in that conflict was (probably) surpassed only in some other wars. Ask Tiki about it, he will be able to testify to that. And the number of maimed was very large. Having known, met and spoken with many of them, it was clear that their lives had changed dramatically, notwthstanding that their Motherland had achieved the freedom that they fought for.
But their valiant fight is a matter of record as is the outcome.
Otherwise "war is a dirty business".
Good to see Al Zakira hovering around, below the script.

But does he have the courage to take it head on and not force his foot soldiers to take the rap.

Will the coward come and face it like a man?
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