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Happy Independence Day Bangladeshis!

Well I never claimed I fought in the liberation war, born in 68 so not quite liquid form, just going onto solids. Old enough to understand? May be not, unless you count losing 2 of my uncles, my mother’s eldest brothers, who I’ll never have the chance to know (they died fighting the army in faridpur), family interned in a concentration camp (in west pakistan) don’t know if this counts?

But since Tiki is a hero of the liberation war, I would like to hear more of his valor.

Opps sorry i take it that was to Tiki, don't do indian english too well, my bad.

To frank, even if you were not in the liquid form, I was in uniform. My total respect for your folks who fought the Pak Army during the Liberation. But for their sacrifice, noble that it is, there would have been no Liberation! Our gratitude for such martyrs are well established.

My paternal grandmother is from Faridpur. I am proud of you all that you made her proud even if she is dead.

I am proud of you all!

I did nothing in the Liberation. I was just another of the many.

Notwithstanding, I was marvelled and proud of being a Bengali when I saw the Mukti Bahini and what they did!!

They taught me something.

The fervour for Independence was much more and a worthwhile sacrifice than the military tactics that is essential to win!

They were real brave chaps and it was worthwhile to be a part of them!
So, it is religion which matters!

One could be an idiot, but if the religion is right, one is God!

God bless such dumb animals!

Byron died in Italy and so he is an Italian, right?

Bangladesh is secular
But I am a nationalist
National poet is Kazi Nazrul and He was given this honor by none other than the father of our nation
Kazi Nazrul died as a Bangladeshi citizen
His mausoleum is a national symbol and pride
In my book national anthem should be penned by national poet---Kazi Nazrul

Where as Tagore died as a Indian Zamidar serving the British empire
He had nothing to do with Bangladesh,Liberation war,Bangladeshi people,Bangladeshi nationalism
Firstly; were there really "heroes" then? They were all soldiers who fought; some on a side that won and some on a side that lost. Some fought just for a cause and some fought because they were duty bound to; because of their uniform. Most fought well, but some brought dishonor to themselves, to their uniform, to humanity.
Let me tell you a little about some soldiers who did not wear any uniform (at least formally); young men of the Mukti Bahini; most of them were just coming out of their teens, had very little if any military training and armed with just the basic weapons available. They fought too, and as well as they could against a professional and ruthless trained Army. Though they were a some-what "rag-tag" force; they did all that was humanly possible by them. That is where the IA came in and gave them the support that they required. But that will not detract from their achievements. Neither you nor I or anybody on the face of this earth will be able to do that.
I feel bad for you that you missed an opportunity to to know your "Mamas". But let me tell you this; if they were part of the Mukti Bahini, I consider them to have fought well, no need for any proof of that. That war exacted a terrible price on the Mukti-Jodhas; not least because of horrible casualties caused by extensive minefields laid down by the PA. The use of mines in that conflict was (probably) surpassed only in some other wars. Ask Tiki about it, he will be able to testify to that. And the number of maimed was very large. Having known, met and spoken with many of them, it was clear that their lives had changed dramatically, notwthstanding that their Motherland had achieved the freedom that they fought for.
But their valiant fight is a matter of record as is the outcome.
Otherwise "war is a dirty business".

I don’t know much about the war it’s a million miles away from where I live (physically and emotionally), but I heard the stories from my other 2 “mamas”, how they were once members of the Pakistani armies few Bangalis, how they were treated, how they joined the Mukti Bahini, how they led a platoon size force harassing the Pakistan army.

But none of this really matters now; I am a Bangladeshi (at least on my mums side). My loyalty is to Bangladesh and I have doubts about people’s claims on PDF. Anyone can claim to have fought in 71, but without proof, well I’ll have to take it with a pinch of salt.
Happy Birthday Bangladesh
I was born in an alien land.

Does it make me any less a Bangladeshi or an Indian?

It is a question of identity.

My roots are in BD, but my later life in India.

Should I forget my roots?

You seem pretty sure about your identity with the double INDIAN FLAG there!
If you are really proud of your roots why not display a Bangladeshi flag eh??
Please dont talk rot.

A Muslim with an Hindu wife with Hindu children!! without relinquishing Indian citizenship is a Bangladeshi!

You seem pretty sure about your identity with the double INDIAN FLAG there!
If you are really proud of your roots why not display a Bangladeshi flag eh??

Because I am an Indian.

My roots continue to be Bangladeshi and the Indian govt does not feel it odd!

If it does not go against Indian interests, I will be the ferocious opponent against anything anti BD
I don’t know much about the war it’s a million miles away from where I live (physically and emotionally), but I heard the stories from my other 2 “mamas”, how they were once members of the Pakistani armies few Bangalis, how they were treated, how they joined the Mukti Bahini, how they led a platoon size force harassing the Pakistan army.

But none of this really matters now; I am a Bangladeshi (at least on my mums side). My loyalty is to Bangladesh and I have doubts about people’s claims on PDF. Anyone can claim to have fought in 71, but without proof, well I’ll have to take it with a pinch of salt.

How does it matter, if somebody claims something and somebody else disbelieves that claim?
What I have seen and experienced is entirely part of my life, will you be able to understand any of that? No; even more so if you choose not to believe it. But it really does not matter in any way.
Even my grand-children may choose not believe me, will that matter?

But if you wish to empirically analyse and understand somebody's claims, then there are ways to do so.
Because I am an Indian.

My roots continue to be Bangladeshi and the Indian govt does not feel it odd!

If it does not go against Indian interests, I will be the ferocious opponent against anything anti BD

even when that attack comes from your own country men?
Please dont talk rot.

A Muslim with an Hindu wife with Hindu children!! without relinquishing Indian citizenship is a Bangladeshi!


Like I said before Bangladesh is secular
Nazrul's wife is not the problem here
Jinnah also had a parsee wife

The FACT remains Nazrul died a Bangladeshi citizen
Most of his family lives in Bangladesh
He is the national poet of Bangladesh
Hence his songs should be the national anthem

What relation did Tagore have with Bangladesh?
Apart from the language we have nothing in common
Tagore never saw Bangladesh. He contributed to Bengali literature not to Bangladesh.
Tagore died as a Indian Zamidar serving the British empire

I'm not contesting your not an Indian
But your claim to have proud Bangladeshi roots when you won't even display one BD flag
Is hypocrisy to me
Please dont talk rot.

A Muslim with an Hindu wife with Hindu children!! without relinquishing Indian citizenship is a Bangladeshi!


Tiki you claim to "be the ferocious opponent against anything anti BD" yet you fail to realise bangladesh is a secular country, where a spouse can have differing religon. What about this annoys you? The above comment wasn't anti BD?

I am a uk citizen, who is gonna marry a hindu punjabi, and i have a Bangladeshi citizenship (I am a dual national).
I couldn't care less if tagore was a hindu or not, its just a crap anthem, it should come with a warning sign: This song/music might send you into a coma or depression.

I want to replace this song for the reason that I hate Tagore but I also agree with you. So there shall be referendum and I am all most sure, most people will agree with us. :tup:

What say bro. :azn:
@Tiki Tam Tam and many other Indians

You have proved that you guys are still so much dedicated to have a bad relation between PK and BD. And how much you are worried if we have well relation with Pakistan. You guys are worried about if BD becomes disobedient of India then what will happen. Also you guys are worried about BD's prosper, where India may lose its market and strategic benefits in BD.

PS 01: No reply will be given.

PS 02: Our current anthem is boring and makes me sleep. Saying from no religious view.

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