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Are you guys for real? Sing the praises of a heartless mass-murderer whose ideals callously destroyed half the world?

I seriously hope this isn't tied into views on the ME conflict. I hate Israel and Zionism as much as the next sensible American taxpayer but this...is excessive.

Welcome to PDF then ..... Get used to it.
Are you guys for real? Sing the praises of a heartless mass-murderer whose ideals callously destroyed half the world?

I seriously hope this isn't tied into views on the ME conflict. I hate Israel and Zionism as much as the next sensible American taxpayer but this...is excessive.

There are enough posts in this very thread debunking greatness of Hitler but usual suspects conveniently ignore them and instead of refuting them get busy doing sieg heil.
There are enough posts in this very thread debunking greatness of Hitler but usual suspects conveniently ignore them and instead of refuting them get busy doing sieg heil.

I notice even some Indian members are venerating him. Pretty shocking considering how close India and Israel have become.
I meant a strict ruler...crap... u guys even have shops named after hitler and ur lecturing me?

There are more pakistanis admiring Hitler just because he killed jews.
And I have no idea about that store,what does that imply?:rolleyes:

I meant a strict ruler...crap... u guys even have shops named after hitler and ur lecturing me?

There are more pakistanis admiring Hitler just because he killed jews.
And I have no idea about that store,what does that imply?:rolleyes:
Embarrasing thread. This guy killed millions of people in cold blood (double-digit number), his ideology was/is completely alien in a Islamic sense and the most tragicomic thing is that he would not have hesitated to kill all Muslims - especially the South Asians who he much alike Gypsies (originally from South Asia) considered subhumans.

All the non-Europeans should look themselves in the mirror before wetting their pants in joy and be happy that they did not live in German occupied territories during WW2.


Where did you pull this BS from, i hope it wasn't from where the sun don't shine. But that most likely is the case.
There are more pakistanis admiring Hitler just because he killed jews.

He never killed Jews, there's no documented evidence in the form of official NAZI documents or even Scientific evidence supporting the claim of the holocaust and the six million gassed Jews.

Jewish professors and holocaust experts themselves admitted in defeat that there is no proof that the holocaust happened:

Hope the coward burns in hell!

The "coward" won six military awards for his acts of courage and valor in service of Germany during WW1. These included two Iron Crosses for exceptional bravery on the battlefield.

Iron Cross 2nd class 1914

Iron Cross 1st class 1918

Military Cross 1918

Various Military Diplomas

He captured 5 enemy soldiers single-handedly armed only with a pistol.

He got wounded in the leg by a shell fragment, was sent to military hospital to recover but was eager to return to the front.

During the final stages of the war he was gassed by enemy shells, blinded temporarily and disabled.

Sure don't sound like the actions of a coward to me.

So tell me, how many of the above actions did you commit in service of your country for which you deem yourself entitled to call someone who's done great service for his country, a coward?
You really out to read more. The flying wings design is as old as the Wright brothers. The Germans weren't even the first to use rockets for war.

Rocket is different from missiles in that the latter employs a sophisticated guidance system.

And i'm no rocket scientist either.
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