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In accordance with the humiliating Treaty of Versailles which denied Germany the right to possess a sufficient armed forces for her defence, there was no luftwaffe and wehrmacht during and before 1933 nor did the German navy possess submarines. But under Hitler the armed forces only grew a meager amount when compared to the rearmament programs of Germany's main rivals which were Britain, France, and Soviet Union. Britain, France, and Soviet Union were rearming way before Hitler's Germany (Germany began to rearm between 1934-1935).

By 1939, most numerous German Tanks were Panzer Mark I's and Mark II's, the former who's main armaments were two 2 × 7.92 mm MG13 machine guns and the latter a 20 mm canon, nothing compared to what the Brits, French, and soviets were packing. In fact in 1939 the Brits, French, and Soviets were experimenting with or already had in active service heavy tanks like Matildas and KV series heavy Tanks.

Trying to prove how retarded you are and sure am having fun doing it. :lol::enjoy:

In your dreams? You must be a big dreamer. Too bad for you dreams don't equal reality.
Hitler was a retard and everyone who disagrees has a problem with reality.......
Just read "Mein Kampf" from Hitler and its so retarded
Hitler was a retard and everyone who disagrees has a problem with reality.......
Just read "Mein Kampf" from Hitler and its so retarded
it is true that the nazis were evil and committed a lot of crimes, but your post is very retarded and out of argument.
I'm enjoying riding dick :D

If only you knew where i work as a prostitute and the pimp I work for :rolleyes:

But I will waste my life riding penis, allow me to carry on.

1/ leader of country:
he destroyed his country
2/ military:
this stupid guy was too stupid to listen to the experts saying about the Normandie landing
3/ ideology:
kill the important communauty of Jews in his country , what a badass

people sometimes follow a stupid. Germans did.

"Happy" birthday in hell

He even went after the russians. After Napoleon, sane minded people would have wondered what kind of weird adventure that was?

Not really because i read "Mein Kampf" and its full of dumb ideas and his retarded point of view

It is also very badly written.

I know this will offend many people here- but the only reason why certain people in the forum are trying to praise Hitler is because of what he did to the jews. And some muslims here think of it as fantasy revenge on the people of ISrael. Buddy the state of israel was built on the blood and sweat of the Jewish people. It was build with great honor. If Hitler were alive today, he'd think twice about taking the jews for granted (hell the mossad would have done away with him long before he became Chancellor)
Not really because i read "Mein Kampf" and its full of dumb ideas and his retarded point of view

Well, again, your argument is really retarded and sounds like something a 5 year old would write.

"i hate so and so because they are retarded and their book is full of stupid ideas"
that is what you sound like.

Agreed the nazis were evil and committed crimes, but you need to come up with a better argument.

If Hitler was retarded then you must be a bigger retard for not giving valid reasons and a sound argument as to why you oppose Hitler.

I know this will offend many people here- but the only reason why certain people in the forum are trying to praise Hitler is because of what he did to the jews. And some muslims here think of it as fantasy revenge on the people of ISrael. Buddy the state of israel was built on the blood and sweat of the Jewish people. It was build with great honor. If Hitler were alive today, he'd think twice about taking the jews for granted (hell the mossad would have done away with him long before he became Chancellor)
Wow, did you just pull this nonsense from up your @$$??

IYF bharati idiot, Nazism is more popular in your bharat than it is in Pakistan. I guess hindus must really hate Jews then!!

Hitler Has a Following in India - Businessweek

BBC News - Hitler memorabilia 'attracts young Indians'

Next time check your facts you indian schmuck!!
IYF bharati idiot, Nazism is more popular in your bharat than it is in Pakistan. I guess hindus must really hate Jews then!!
Hitler Has a Following in India - Businessweek
BBC News - Hitler memorabilia 'attracts young Indians'
Well, again, your argument is really retarded and sounds like something a 5 year old would write.
"i hate so and so because they are retarded and their book is full of stupid ideas" that is what you sound like.

Agreed the nazis were evil and committed crimes, but you need to come up with a better argument.
If Hitler was retarded then you must be a bigger retard for not giving valid reasons and a sound argument as to why you oppose Hitler.

Wow, did you just pull this nonsense from up your @$$??

IYF bharati idiot, Nazism is more popular in your bharat than it is in Pakistan. I guess hindus must really hate Jews then!!

Hitler Has a Following in India - Businessweek

BBC News - Hitler memorabilia 'attracts young Indians'

Next time check your facts you indian schmuck!!

Watch your mouth maggot
What a disgusting, pathetic thread and some of the posters on here are fucking disgusting as well, to praise a fucking demon who killed millions of innocents with no remorse just goes to show the mentality. Hitler would have killed even Muslims don't forget that you pathetic wankers, go read some of those Neo Nazi forums and tell them you are Asian etc and watch what will happen to you, better still go find some Neo Nazis and see how long you idiots will last, Hitler hated every race, lol to praise a demon is disgusting, watch some of the docos on the concentration camps and see if you will still praise him.

He killed 'only' a few millions. Besides in war millions die.
I am afraid the hate for Jews destroyed every single positive image of Hitler from the peoples mind .
The fact remains the same , he was opportunitist , ambitious , brave , well disciplined etc and what not ?
Above all he had b@lls ; b@all's to challenge the world single handedly.

General Dyer had balls too... would you not say? What a great brit he was.. and all those britishers who slaughtered and killed indians .... heh they ruled parts of the world and India longer than Hitler did. Maybe they should be revered too yeah?

This thread being posted is not a surprise. the fact PDF would allow this to continue and not delete is shameful. @Web Master .
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