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Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

New Type 039C submarine sea trial

Is this the version PN is going for? Does it have any VLS tubes like new Israeli submarine?
Eventually yes, 10-12 years from now Pakistan will going to have nuclear powered sub.

we dont need one

we need a SSK + Nuclear Babur thats enough

but I know about the higher leadership in the PN who are advocating for SSN
So Hangoor Class is facing delays because Germany refused to give engines. That's why there is not a single update on Hangoor from China or else It was supposed to be deliever this year. 2 subs

Once again Indian newspapers were the first one to report. Shows how much they know about Pakistani acquisitions and leaks it to their press

So Hangoor Class is facing delays because Germany refused to give engines. That's why there is not a single update on Hangoor from China or else It was supposed to be deliever this year. 2 subs

Once again Indian newspapers were the first one to report. Shows how much they know about Pakistani acquisitions and leaks it to their press

i am surprise china doesn`t make engine for subs? how is it possible? how are they getting their own engines especially for nuclear boomers?
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i am surprise china doesn`t make engine for subs? how is it possible? how are getting their own engines especially for nuclear boomers?

One Pakistani Navy officer said to me. What china makes is for their environment. South China seas. What Pakistan requires is something for Arabian seas which is completely different from SCS. Hence the reason Pakistan not using Chinese engines and prefer something which works in the Arabian sea
One Pakistani Navy officer said to me. What china makes is for their environment. South China seas. What Pakistan requires is something for Arabian seas which is completely different from SCS. Hence the reason Pakistan not using Chinese engines and prefer something which works in the Arabian sea
so does the turks makes something in this regard?
Nope. Or else we would'nt be looking at Germans or French to provide us stuff. As Bajwa mentioned and confirmed by Defense officials, A-90 B support is also ceased. France has refused to lend support for A-90 maintenance.
Well, previous track record suggest Chinese will come up with something as they normally do in Pakistan`s case. Hopefully sooner!
Nope. Or else we would'nt be looking at Germans or French to provide us stuff. As Bajwa mentioned and confirmed by Defense officials, A-90 B support is also ceased. France has refused to lend support for A-90 maintenance.
There was a Janes report a few months back claiming the PN is interested in 2 Type 214s via Turkey (i.e Reiss-class, which Turkey and Germany were jointly marketing). No other details.
There are chances that Thai navy will not buy Chinese Subs due to budget issue. In this regard, I think PN must consider buying these subs also.
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