its airthimatic of votes
it is more than it
to be prime minister of India you have to get a working majority in the lower house of Parliament
you do not need even 50% of the votes to accomplish it
You have a very coloured view of history. The muslims have enjoyed a long time ruling India and most of it has been quite just. There was never any need for injustice as m9st hidus were peace loving races. The concept of rel8gious dis harmony is a concept introduced by the British following the alleged war of independence which understandably e ded disastrously for the muslim populace. The British achieved their target of ruling a nation by making one nation fight with another and we took it on like gospel truth and are still at it long since theBritish raj has died a natural death.
The Kashmir controversy was a brain child of Nehru a d had that not happened there would have been no need for the two nations to fight. Water could have been distributed equitably and there would have been no reason for any animosity. But we all live in a disenfranchised world and ideal and just solutions are never achievable.
The first paragraph is idiotic and I will not respond to it. Needless to say if the muslims had been like the Spaniards, there would not have been a single Hindu in this whole region. The 1000 saala ghulami is a figment of your deviant mentality not a fact. So get out of it. No one wants a war in this region so settle down .
Your sena knows a lot better than to do that. Its all wind against a storm, dont worry there will be a lot of wind and then calm again till the next storm. After all they need a reason to exist and before you go on about Pakistani Army the same applies to them as well.
water is distributed equitably between India and Pakistan. The Indus water treaty is one of the few examples of peaceful water sharing between neighbors (let alone hostile neighbors)