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Hameed Gul opinion on war with India

its airthimatic of votes :P

it is more than it

to be prime minister of India you have to get a working majority in the lower house of Parliament
you do not need even 50% of the votes to accomplish it

You have a very coloured view of history. The muslims have enjoyed a long time ruling India and most of it has been quite just. There was never any need for injustice as m9st hidus were peace loving races. The concept of rel8gious dis harmony is a concept introduced by the British following the alleged war of independence which understandably e ded disastrously for the muslim populace. The British achieved their target of ruling a nation by making one nation fight with another and we took it on like gospel truth and are still at it long since theBritish raj has died a natural death.
The Kashmir controversy was a brain child of Nehru a d had that not happened there would have been no need for the two nations to fight. Water could have been distributed equitably and there would have been no reason for any animosity. But we all live in a disenfranchised world and ideal and just solutions are never achievable.

The first paragraph is idiotic and I will not respond to it. Needless to say if the muslims had been like the Spaniards, there would not have been a single Hindu in this whole region. The 1000 saala ghulami is a figment of your deviant mentality not a fact. So get out of it. No one wants a war in this region so settle down .
Your sena knows a lot better than to do that. Its all wind against a storm, dont worry there will be a lot of wind and then calm again till the next storm. After all they need a reason to exist and before you go on about Pakistani Army the same applies to them as well.

water is distributed equitably between India and Pakistan. The Indus water treaty is one of the few examples of peaceful water sharing between neighbors (let alone hostile neighbors)
Churchill and Many Western Pundits predicted the breakup of India...................68 Years we survived............Now there are no chances...........But Pakistan broke in 1971........................ War........No chance..........No Indian PM will afford to do that ............Our main agenda is Economic growth and removal of Poverty.............

Based on what I have observed, India under Modi is losing its secular character per se and it is fast becoming a "Hindutva Nation". Increasingly, Modi's cabinet members are continuing to offend all the minorities and ethnicities and that will lead to more alienation of Indian Minorities which can eventually lead to break up of India.
But how exactly are they Pakistani heroes?
They helped establish the Muslim community that today forms Pakistan.
None of them are Pakistanis
That's because Pakistan is a recently-formed nation state. You won't find many historical figures who are Pakistani.
Ghauri/ Ghaznavi killed and looted Pakistanis (Muslims included) were of forweign descent and none of the local Pakistani Muslims were ever apponted as heirs or legal clans of the land (like Rajputs)....
Firstly, the killing and looting is debatable. Secondly, many Pakistanis are the result of that ''foreign descent''. The locals of the subcontinent in the 1700s were not Pakistanis, since Pakistan didn't exist back then. What we call Pakistan today comprises of people from Indian descent (who you call 'locals'), along with people from foreign descent (i.e Mughals, Afghans and Arabs), many of whom formed families together and their descendants now have mixed historical backgrounds.
Its like if suddenly we Indians start worshipping Alexander as our hero after converting to religions of the Hellenistic Empire
Wrong analogy. It's more like East Europeans ''worshiping'' the Romans/Russians (depending on which part of Europe you're talking about) or South Americans ''worshiping'' the Spanish/Portuguese (again depending on country).

Why should we go out of our way and look for ''native'' heroes if those natives are so different from what we now are? What you're suggesting is similar to suggesting that the British should disown half the English monarchy because the king William 1 was a Norman ''foreigner'' and the natives were Saxons. Granted, the British nation is older than the Pakistani one, but had the British listened to people like you back in the medieval era, they'd still be suffering an identity crisis.

That's actually one of the few main things I disagree with Hassan Nisar about - he spends so much energy trying to 'debunk' historical figures, criticize them and question what Pakistan's identity is; while it's all pointless. We are what we are and the Ghaznavids and Mughals are a very big part of who we are and what our culture is. It's absolutely pointless to try and change that or revisit it after half a millennium.
We are not among 90000 who surrendered.

Typical Indian resort. Nothing to say mention 1971. Surely you were amongst those who opposed the idea of a separate country of their own, called Muhammad Ali Jinnah an infidel, the ones Meer Jaffar and Meer Sadiq types. The ones who could not protect their mosques, their women, their children. Who would take a dip in filthy creek to prove their loyalty. When was the last time you had beef without any fear?

You were not us and you are still not us because we are no sheep.
It's a temporary phase inshaAllah. Muslims ruled over india for 800 years. Hindus have ruled for hardly 80 and they think they are kings. Indians are a non-martial race, they won't withstand a Pakistani onslaught inshaAllah.

:lol: You believe in this $hit. By the way what else your mullahs say about Pakistani 'martial' race.
Based on what I have observed, India under Modi is losing its secular character per se and it is fast becoming a "Hindutva Nation". Increasingly, Modi's cabinet members are continuing to offend all the minorities and ethnicities and that will lead to more alienation of Indian Minorities which can eventually lead to break up of India.
Dear Friend................You have limited Knowledge about Democracy...............India will or never can become a Hindu Nation........Secularism is the core Fundamental of our Constitution................BJP has paid for playing the religious card in UP by elections (Love jihad) and Elections in Delhi................Regrading Beef Ban.... .......Its State that have decide...........All the States in NE, Goa and Kerala there is no Ban...............So this Hindu Card, Muslim card all are for votes..............India Cannot break in near future..................
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Why are we into a useless discussion anyway....

Pakistan and India are enemies....who have fought wars and will fight again....
Why do we want to pretend otherwise.

But even enemies can live peacefully if they want to, but this is not the case because the idiotic belief of "Akand bharat" keeps bugging the enemy and they cannot live with this reality that Pakistan had rejected this notion since it's conception and it simply cannot happen.
Typical Indian resort. Nothing to say mention 1971. Surely you were amongst those who opposed the idea of a separate country of their own, called Muhammad Ali Jinnah an infidel, the ones Meer Jaffar and Meer Sadiq types. The ones who could not protect their mosques, their women, their children. Who would take a dip in filthy creek to prove their loyalty. When was the last time you had beef without any fear?

You were not us and you are still not us because we are no sheep.

lullz call people by name who does not agree with you. Typical Pakistani. If you are nationalist then fine but If I stand with my country then you find out a reason to compare me with Mir Jaffar. My people are welcome to say me if I ever ditch my people and my country.

We are not sheep we will fight for our country and trust me we will never surrender like sheeps.
lullz call people by name who does not agree with you. Typical Pakistani. If you are nationalist then fine but If I stand with my country then you find out a reason to compare me with Mir Jaffar. My people are welcome to say me if I ever ditch my people and my country.

We are not sheep we will fight for our country and trust me we will never surrender like sheeps.

Remember it is you who jumped in to prove your loyalty to an infidel state (keep calling it secular but it is what it is). Yeah yeah please do fight for your country, but do take some time out to think about fighting against treatment of your people, women, children and opportunities they get to prosper and develop, how religion is being mocked, halal practices being banned, saffron chaddis keep you and treat you like sheep, in fact first stop your infidel countrymen here who make fun of your religion everyday on this forum. Heck how would you fight even their military is mostly infidel and little place for you. :D Peace sheep.
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