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Halal meat converting Aussies: MP warned


Apr 4, 2013
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A WA Liberal MP has claimed Australians are unknowingly being converted to Islam by eating Halal meat.

In a speech to Parliament yesterday, backbencher Luke Simpkins said most Australians did not know that most of the meat they ate came from animals killed in accordance with Muslim law.

“By having Australians unwittingly eating Halal food we are all one step down the path towards the conversion, and that is a step we should only make with full knowledge and one that should not be imposed upon us without us knowing,” Mr Simpkins told Parliament.

“What is happening is wrong. Too often the minorities in this country are looked after without regard to the majority.”

Mr Simpkins said he had carried out an unofficial survey in his northern-suburbs electorate of Cowan and had discovered that most meat at major chains such as Coles or Woolworths had been killed under Halal conditions, but had not been labelled as such.

He tabled a petition demanding that all Halal meat be clearly identified, complaining people could not buy meat for their “Aussie barbecue” without the influence of the “minority religion”.

Mr Simpkins said that Mohammed the prophet of Islam had talked of how the religion could be expanded around the world by getting people to eat Halal meat.

“He reportedly said, ‘The non-believers will become Muslims when, amongst other things, they eat the meat that we have slaughtered’. This is one of the key aspects to converting non-believers to Islam,” Mr Simpkins said.

The petition tabled by Mr Simpkins had been organised by the Barnabas Fund, an organisation that supports Christians living in Muslim countries.

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said Opposition Leader Tony Abbott should pull Mr Simpkins into line.

“All members of Parliament should be looking to promote understanding and harmony between religions. Mr Simpkins has done the complete opposite,” he said.

Halal meat converting Aussies: MP - Yahoo!7

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
After halal vegemite, its going to be halal boomerang, halal tugboots, halal barbie, halal stubbies, halal southern cross tattos, halal fuckoff we're full bumper stickers replaced by ''Astaghferullah we are full stickers''. Next will be halal kangaroos and burqas .... Wait up Shtraiya....Sharia law is coming :omghaha:
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If that were the case then all the" muzlims" would be proper muslims andallof Iindia would be .uslims and islamwould have spread Iinto Europe like wild fire. No Mr MP Allah Subhana hu wa Ta alah's guidance does not come with Halal meat. Otherwise the Prophets mission would have been a bar beQ fest. Peopld are coming to islam because their religion and their lifestyles are not providing them the answers and the peace which they seek.
He relates to America anyhow??

this kind of brilliance is amazing...
How hilal meat makes someone Muslim. What an idiot person he is.
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