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Halal meat converting Aussies: MP warned

Do Aussies also eat vegetables? If they do, they are also one step closer to become a Hindu/Buddhist/Jain..
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It is more than two years old article. Now the opposition is the govt. in Australia. But I hope this MP is not given any ministry otherwise God help the muslims in Australia.
many americans are also switching to halal food; more and more halal butchers are starting business and making good living

and the meat is much more fresh and clean as it is freshly slaughtered and the blood washed out
Halal slaughter is a cruel and barbaric tradition and has nothing to do with European traditions, if third worlders get angry when they have western influence in their countries, do they expect us to be happy with there abnormal practices?

many americans are also switching to halal food; more and more halal butchers are starting business and making good living

and the meat is much more fresh and clean as it is freshly slaughtered and the blood washed out
First I have heard of it! Keep enjoying your biased and unverified propaganda! ;)
Halal slaughter is a cruel and barbaric tradition and has nothing to do with European traditions, if third worlders get angry when they have western influence in their countries, do they expect us to be happy with there abnormal practices?

First I have heard of it! Keep enjoying your biased and unverified propaganda! ;)

We are gonna colonize the world through halal meat. ;)
Yes, see how that turns out lol!

Soon you'll have halal cars, halal vegetables, halal fruit, halal water, halal coke and you would be wearing a shuttlecock burqa. Instead of alarms you'll get a doze of Allahokbar every morning ---- hey english muffins too would be halal and stock up on them bacon and eggs as you won't get any...brace, brace Sharia law is coming riding a dual horned unicorned kicking all of them flying pigs in the arse.
Soon you'll have halal cars, halal vegetables, halal fruit, halal water, halal coke and you would be wearing a shuttlecock burqa. Instead of alarms you'll get a doze of Allahokbar every morning ---- hey english muffins too would be halal and stock up on them bacon and eggs as you won't get any...brace, brace Sharia law is coming riding a dual horned unicorned kicking all of them flying pigs in the arse.

someone need to ban halal meat or the whole world will turn halal...:D:D
dumb of the dumbest comments.....:crazy:
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