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We have to activate the clean up crew on Trolls
The fact is that you indians don't tell in public that which part of the LCA is foreign made but i'm pretty sure that you people don't have that much technology to create an aircraft. For example if china cant make an engine of an aircraft that means India cant make either because china is way ahead of india and the way u can create an aircrfat would obviously include the help of the russians.
The fact is that you indians don't tell in public that which part of the LCA is foreign made but i'm pretty sure that you people don't have that much technology to create an aircraft. For example if china cant make an engine of an aircraft that means India cant make either because china is way ahead of india and the way u can create an aircrfat would obviously include the help of the russians.


If you are really interested, all the info regarding which parts of LCA are foreign is in the same thread. Regarding the engine, read up on kaveri engine. It is not ready yet, it achieved around 80-85% of its targets, hopefully will be successful by 2010-11.
The fact is that you indians don't tell in public that which part of the LCA is foreign made but i'm pretty sure that you people don't have that much technology to create an aircraft. For example if china cant make an engine of an aircraft that means India cant make either because china is way ahead of india and the way u can create an aircrfat would obviously include the help of the russians.

We cant tell in Public because China cant tell in public..!!!
The fact is that you indians don't tell in public that which part of the LCA is foreign made but i'm pretty sure that you people don't have that much technology to create an aircraft. For example if china cant make an engine of an aircraft that means India cant make either because china is way ahead of india and the way u can create an aircrfat would obviously include the help of the russians.

Why are look so much yellow? :guns:
fun in the air. a sleak supersonic plane with delta formation and steath partly with advance aesa radar and with bvr astra and spersonic bhramosh. it would be fun to se how other plane in asia are going to compare thm. gripen is out coz LCA is as good as GRIPEN.
Welcome to the club.
Have you any news when LCA will be inducted in IA.
Good Information Regarding Kaveri Engine, though all that we know off

And something from me,

fun in the air. a sleak supersonic plane with delta formation and steath partly with advance aesa radar and with bvr astra and spersonic bhramosh. it would be fun to se how other plane in asia are going to compare thm. gripen is out coz LCA is as good as GRIPEN.

Ashutosh I suggest you learn from some of the senior posters rather than silly boastful posts of no merit. If you insist upon posting in this manner I think you will find you will get short shrift from from everyone (including your fellow Indians)
Had an interesting chat with someone involved in the LCA project on the user side.
Cut a long story short, the IAF believes in it and will buy it- now that the ADA/HAL chaps have got their act together and are fast tracking it. Engine remains somewhat of a tricky issue- the Indians are ok with the Ge404 in terms of performance but there are sections in the IAF(!!) which want the Kaveri to succeed- I would have thought they'd prefer a tried and tested engine. But basically asked about production numbers- bloke said somewhere around 200 planes will be purchased. Since the LCA is Indian, the Indian Ministry of Defence will hand over the funds double fast, and their wont be all that issue as was with the MRCA.
Interesting stuff.
the Indians are ok with the Ge404 in terms of performance but there are sections in the IAF(!!) which want the Kaveri to succeed-

Glad to know this piece, am I alone surprised here!!! What do you mean by "sections" in IAF? Care to elaborate.
Bangalore: Sea-level flights of Tejas, the indigenous light combat aircraft (LCA), have thrown up questions relating to its installed thrust. If these are not resolved, it is possible that India’s fourth generation fighter aircraft programme, launched in 1983, could get further delayed. :welcome:
Prototype vehicles PV2 and PV3 were put through 24 flights over two weeks at INS Rajali at Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu recently. Being at sea level Arakkonam offered a dramatically different environment from that of Bangalore, which is 3,018 feet above sea level. It was in Bangalore that all the LCA flying was until then done. With the longest runway of its kind in India, INS Rajali enabled Tejas to undertake extensive low-level flying, something that is not possible in Bangalore.

The sea-level tests, basically meant to test the reliability of Tejas’ systems in dense (hot and humid) atmospheric conditions and its low-level flight characteristics, were “largely successful.” But it also became clear that the performance at sea level did not meet some key points in its flight envelope: notably in terms of maximum speed and take-off. Here the aircraft was not able to meet its targeted maximum speed of Mach 1.05, although it had been touching Mach 1.6 at higher altitudes.:crazy:

Informed sources attribute this to insufficient installed thrust from the power plant after its integration with the air frame. Engineers working with the programme say modifications including to the aircraft’s air intakes will have to be made or a new engine installed. Both solutions will be time-consuming. :bunny:

Informed sources say a solution would necessarily have to be found since the aircraft is not likely to clear (low-level) final operation clearance (FOC) with the present installed thrust. It is unlikely that the end-user, the Indian Air Force, which in 2006 placed an order for 20 of the aircraft, be happy to induct an under-powered machine. :lol:

Yes Read on, Cross posting,

Here is one more issue [or is it more than one] which they forgot in design stage maybe :

"Sea-level flights of Tejas, the indigenous light combat aircraft (LCA), have thrown up questions relating to its installed thrust. If these are not resolved, it is possible that India’s fourth generation fighter aircraft programme, launched in 1983, could get further delayed.

The sea-level tests, basically meant to test the reliability of Tejas’ systems in dense (hot and humid) atmospheric conditions and its low-level flight characteristics, were “largely successful.” But it also became clear that the performance at sea level did not meet some key points in its flight envelope: notably in terms of maximum speed and take-off. Here the aircraft was not able to meet its targeted maximum speed of Mach 1.05, although it had been touching Mach 1.6 at higher altitudes"

As I have told you I know more about Indian defence system than you will ever dream of knowing, The report is by Ravi sharma who reported how tejas only did some 30 test flights to test its envelope and all others were infront of ministers and foreign delegations. The same journo was also the one who wrote off the MMR as a failure (along with Arror whom I personally know) only to have details released later that the A2G mode was to be finalized. He also claimed that there were such huge losses in power transfer that range was reduced- on the LCA. Turned out that it was the HACK the MMR testbed, and the LCA in contrast has a fully allotted rack for the electronics to be colocated with the RF transmitters.This same twit also wrote that the LCA sufferred from poor estate management- upon asking, it turned out that it was an issue with the first TDs because of all the Flight test instrumentation stuffed into the bird. Fool also wrote that "anything less than an AESA is obsolete"- this when the MKI has a PESA, the Mirage and MiG-29 upgrades are getting MSA!

'Informed Sources' in Indian defence as per article also speaks, how good Shtil 1 system is over Barak they also speaks how bad Arjun is over T90 and also speaks how good Gorshkov is for India.

I'll quote,

P.S. Subramanyam, Programme Director LCA from the same article which seperates the chaff from wheat,

“The programme is on the fast track. We are planning to fit drop tanks and mid port bombs very shortly. Missile firing is also being planned. The present engines (F 404) will see me through IOC and FOC.”

Alas he cant even quote him properly, there is nothing called as mid port bombs.

Also reports,

A new, more powerful engine such as the GE 414 (which powers the F-16 Super Hornet), whose core is the same as the GE 404 but is heavier or a similar engine, may have to be tried.

F16 Falcon becomes a F-18 Super-Hornet when it get Super Hornet's F414 engine. Or put space shuttle engine and LCA will become a spacecraft.
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