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knowing, The report is by Ravi sharma who reported how tejas only did some 30 test flights to test its envelope and all others were infront of ministers and foreign delegations. The same journo was also the one who wrote off the MMR as a failure (along with Arror whom I personally know) only to have details released later that the A2G mode was to be finalized. He also claimed that there were such huge losses in power transfer that range was reduced- on the LCA. Turned out that it was the HACK the MMR testbed, and the LCA in contrast has a fully allotted rack for the electronics to be colocated with the RF transmitters.This same twit also wrote that the LCA sufferred from poor estate management- upon asking, it turned out that it was an issue with the first TDs because of all the Flight test instrumentation stuffed into the bird. Fool also wrote that "anything less than an AESA is obsolete"- this when the MKI has a PESA, the Mirage and MiG-29 upgrades are getting MSA!
According to some most of the defence correspodents in india are traitors and the list is long shiv aroor, parsun sengupta, rahul bedi, ajai shukla, vijendra thakur ..... now add this gentleman.

P.S. Subramanyam, Programme Director LCA from the same article chich seperates the chaff from wheat,

Is it not the project directors promising one dead line after another --which is most realible for you.
the problem is not with engine thrust, but installed thrust. i.e. matching the inlet and diffuser geometry to provide optimal capture area, mass flow, pressure recovery and minimal distortion as required by the engine. It is an airframe-engine integration issue

Back to drawing table? see you then!!
Why are you getting personal? I never bothered whether my opnion matters to you or not. I am simply commenting on the news. I do understand you are emotional about LCA and also understand that you have been following the LCA development for more than 2 decades but does not make every critic or comment which does not suit you taste unworthy. So chill out your opinion matter least to me also.
no one is getting personal, but Its becoming irritating to see your level of intellect, whether it is deliberate or not is for all to see the reason I realised should have stopped replying to you right when chukkar did.

LCA is not emotional for me it was must for India, the LCA project has led to the MKI project the Jaguar upgrade, mig 23/27 upgrades the CAT programme and all these are major programms.

Am not contesting here ..anyway the subject here is not "battle of aerospace between you and me"
The subject here is nothing but to understand what is being said and reply in that rational sense, the attrition is a problem, the funding IS one of the problem, GRTE happens to be one of the most mismanaged lab and the lab to face most attrition was one of the reason I gave you, your flawed understanding has nothing to do with your drum beating about mis-interpretations of facts.

According to some most of the defence correspodents in india are traitors and the list is long shiv aroor, parsun sengupta, rahul bedi, ajai shukla, vijendra thakur ..... now add this gentleman.
Its not a matter of being traitor, Its a matter of being on whose vested interested these peoples are reporting it is as simple as it if you dont know or are not in the business you aint informed about these things, you should have seen war for media the blog which was deleted after the journalist was threatened with his life.

Ajay Shukla is a downright moron, and I have interacted with him. His points are void of PURE facts.

Shiv arror - does not knows what he was talking about, dont ask me from where I got this I'm reluctant to give the source and the proof, if you still insist I might. and now he has got a pic of the upcoming cruise missile which no-one did.

prasun sengupta - of Force villifies the claims that we have a JV with brazil for LRSAM, Irbis is AESA, MKI is invincible and what not seriously from how many times are you following force? Prasun is facing a lawsuit from somewhere else for his plagiriasation.

Rest not go into the others.

Is it not the project directors promising one dead line after another --which is most realible for you.
The project director of LCA is here from quite long time, and the date of LCA WAS FIXED FROM ITS FIRST FLIGHT IN 2001 that it will be 2010 for IOC and subsequent FOC, Read what Air Marshal Wollen writes on it. Again you distort what I tried to say, the reporter is even misquoting what the project director is saying, mid-port bombs?

Back to drawing table? see you then!!

hehe unfortunately that is not the case, the both engines are absolutely similar and they are performing flawlessly the integration of IN20 is being done as we speak dont know with which engine this bird went up air because of its similarities with the older engine which has passed all tests, the older engine did performed flawlessly as well and it has less thrust than the new one. The sea level tests is much more than testing in the low level altitude.
Agencies developing India’s indigenous :undecided: Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) are looking for overseas partners to conduct the flight tests.
The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Bangalore, which is responsible for design, monitoring and development of the LCA, has already received bids from overseas defense companies for design and development :crazy: work in the flight-testing stage.
A senior official of ADA, an autonomous agency under the Defence Ministry’s Research and Development Organisation, confirmed that bids have been received from Boeing, Dassault, EADS, Lockheed Martin, the MiG Corp. and Saab following a June global tender.
The work will include flight envelope expansion; high-angle-of-attack flight testing; aero-data validation and upgrades; external stores carriage with emphasis on stores separation, modeling and testing; wake modeling and wake-penetration flight tests; and refinements to simulation.
The LCA is now preparing to enter the weapon integration stage. About 600 flight tests have been carried out, the ADA official said.
The aim is to achieve initial operational clearance (IOC) with the multimode radar integrated with a weapon suite, which will give the aircraft limited operational capability by 2010. The aircraft could be inducted into the Air Force at that stage, the ADA official said, but another three years and about 1,500 hours of flight testing would be needed to move from IOC to final operational clearance.
Eight limited-series production aircraft, two technical demonstrators and five prototypes are part of the LCA’s design and development program. The Indian Air Force has placed an order for 20 aircraft and is expected to order at least another 200 once the LCA is successfully inducted.:rofl:
Just for some information to peoples concerned, nor Defence News nor Vivek Raghuvansi can be taken for granted as a trusted source no matter how good/bad their stories are (according to whom navy will fit commando subs in kilos great!), I have already shown in the arjun thread how tremendous mis-manipulation of parliamentary record to twist the story the way he wants it to be was done on numerous ocassions by vivek.

Now regarding the above part of the article written by him from DN,

The work will include flight envelope expansion; high-angle-of-attack flight testing; aero-data validation and upgrades; external stores carriage with emphasis on stores separation, modeling and testing; wake modeling and wake-penetration flight tests; and refinements to simulation.

Flight Envelope Expansion : All these days they have been exactly doing these however they are going very slow in exploring the last end envelope due to if any crash if happens will bring out various knives from various peoples in their own vested interests.

high-angle-of-attack flight testing : Need is around 25~27 AoA in generality, PV2 already achieved around 23 AoA the Pv3 has already clocked more than that.

aero-data validation and upgrades : Quite possible, they might look into contemporary databases to validate their end envelope codes only as much accurate as possible before testing in the air to avoid unfortunate circumstances. LCA encompasses carefree handeling in all its 6 degrees of freedom, thus to push the envelope in its extremes a slight error in coding can prove fatal and the ac may stall to prevent such issue and speed up things ground validation is a better way around.

However IIT along with ADA has worked out a novell stall-recovery from spin algorithm with F18 HARV aero-flight test data from nasa which to be activated by a panic button, dont know the present status of its incorporation in LCA.

external stores carriage with emphasis on stores separation : Studies regarding the same has been done , there were a few good presentations regarding the same, and Weapons launch kinematics work is progressing smoothly and there is no hurdles here. Simulation always helps here.

modeling and testing : HAL/ADA has already outsourced modelling and testing of various components like the rear cockpit etc to various pvt organisations in cad/cam. There is no issues relating to this.

wake modeling and wake-penetration : we might need outside help to cross this milestone as we dont have a dedicated aircraft with dedicated/known wake characteristics/smoke generator with dedicated sets of ground based data ready to speed up the testing, like the vfw-614 was used as wake producer for ef2k testing, lets see what HAL plans for this.

refinements to simulation : Most of simulations in cad/cam has been outsourced to private entities, and there is no issue or lack of expertise in simulation in India there are gazziolions of them working.

However I'm sure such 'global tender' wouldnt be missed by PTI, or HAL's annual report will mention it anyway, lets wait till the next years annual report of all comes even if such global tender gets mentioned in HAL's report, mark my words it will not be all of the disciplines that MR vivek has mentioned because some of them does not makes sense plain and simple, even though most of the issues mentioned above are very miniscule part of a aircraft programme.
India's Tejas fighter suffers new setback
India's Tejas fighter suffers new setback
By Radhakrishna Rao

India's Tejas light combat aircraft programme has suffered a new setback, with sea-level fight tests using two prototype aircraft having demonstrated lower than expected engine performance during take-off and maximum speed demonstrations.

But in a fresh move intended to steady the troubled programme, New Delhi in mid-August announced a co-operative agreement under which its defence industry will develop the aircraft's multi-mode radar with Israel Aerospace Industries' Elta Systems subsidiary.

Conducted from Arakkonam in India's southern Tamil Nadu state and intended to demonstrate the Aeronautical Development Agency aircraft's performance under dense atmospheric conditions, the recent series of 24 flights revealed that the Tejas was unable to reach its expected maximum speed of Mach 1.05, despite having reached M1.6 at high altitude.

The failure has been attributed to insufficient available thrust from the aircraft's General Electric F404 engine, and underlines India's need to replace the US design with the Kaveri powerplant now under development by its Gas Turbine Research Establishment. In common with the wider Tejas programme, the Kaveri project has been dogged by development delays and cost escalations, which have forced New Delhi to order additional F404s to power its initial production batch of lightweight fighters.

Prototype and demonstrator examples of the Tejas have now flown 725 flights, and the type is due to achieve initial operational capability in late 2010.

Announcing the new radar pact, defence minister A K Antony said India's parliament has approved the co-development agreement with Elta, with Hindustan Aeronautics selected to lead the project. The initiative will replace previous work conducted by the Bangalore-based Electronics and Radar Development Establishment, with technical hitches having prevented a radar design from being integrated with a prototype Tejas.

Antony says the new fire-control radar is needed to support demonstration flights of the fully developed and armed fighter from 2010, and Israeli sources reveal that the sensor will be a further development of Elta's EL/M-2052 active electronically scanned array.

The company is completing development of the design using IAI's Boeing 737 flying testbed, and an undisclosed air force recently placed a $95 million contract to acquire the system. Elta says the AESA design can detect up to 64 targets simultaneously, while it can also provide ground mapping services and be used against maritime threats.

Comparitively a much better source, So here are some conclusions from the report,

1. The speed issue seems due to non-flat rated nature of the engine and also more importantly the issue of F2J3's.

MMR as I know (confirmed) and as per AFM (highly reliable information as allan warnes was in blore),

1. MMR developement is progressing very nicely and some specific modules for only and only A2G mode is to be imported from Israel which will be later replaced by these specific Indian modules under developement.

2. LSP 02 will incorporate MMR till then interim measure of Elta 2032 will be used for weapons trials and integration.

MMR as per force (highly unrelible, prasun is a plagiriser and there is a lawsuit against him..),

MMR is now a AESA with JV with Israel which will use Israels proven 2052 system but the electronics will be replaced by the Indian ones developed for MMR and the system will be further upscaled.

MMR as per Flight global

Seems same as the Force.

Force being right is highly unlikely, though it would have been best if it happened, there is no way to confirm any changes in requirements if any from past few months, until and unless MOD report comes out.

One other scenario : Radar pact with Israel signed, co-developement of 2052 with maximum commonality with MMR modules to install in MRCA, while MMR will go in Tejas replacing Elta 2032 as planned seems the only plausible scenario.
Just for some information to peoples concerned, nor Defence News nor Vivek Raghuvansi can be taken for granted as a trusted source no matter how good/bad their stories are.
MMR as per force (highly unrelible, prasun is a plagiriser and there is a lawsuit against him
Force being right is highly unlikely

Seems The fanboys would not like the bearer of bad news, are all the defence journalist are misreporting? I don't think so. The problem with fanboys is they want to see miracles, but they should realise that days of Mahabharata is over. No one will chant mantra and lo behold vimana aka LCA will be realised. If the journalist with acess to all the official misreport, do you think they will be in business. Calling them untrust worthy, working against national interest will not make LCA fly, How would you like being called Jingostic Dumba$$? Joey give the guys the credit and accept that LCA is not coming soon.

Flight Envelope Expansion : All these days they have been exactly doing these however they are going very slow in exploring the last end envelope due to if any crash if happens will bring out various knives from various peoples in their own vested interests.
The problem with fanboys is thair limited knowledge of aircraft. All these day LCA was flying, for the sake of it, which does not contribute towards flight envolpe data. Your apprehensions of LCA crash:rofl: well it just shows the confidence ADA have in LCA.

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) will provide a radar system for a new fighter plane India has been developing for the past few years(make few decades), Yedioth Ahronot reported on Monday.

The deal may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the newspaper said.
India’s electronics industry has been unable to build a radar system for the new jet, and recently IAI head Itzhak Nissan visited the country and reached an agreement with local authorities to develop the system.
The least you can expect from India is radar, which India has good experiance and considered good in soft skill set.. Ah!, if DRDO fail here also after 25 years, which they have experiance and body of knowledge, what more can you say!!

I can go on and rebuke all the points you mentioned, but if some people like to be in fantasy land and delusion, let them be.

Nice dreaming:enjoy:
Some more answers in below given article, but I believe nothing is illegal with it, as long Indians can afford it.
For sure the common sense is that it would have been much cheaper for Indians if they would have strike deals with foreign manufactures for local assembling same as they did with mig or sukhoi etc.
Next is that Indians should quit making any more ideginous attempts because IMO, looking at the amount of technology and knowledge transfered by Israelis, Russians, Europeans and Americans (whole world has helped in LCA) is enough to enable even a cow to produce positive results within a time frame.
As yet of today no Engine has been finalised. I wonder how soon fanboys see it being deployed against JF-17.

Overseas Firms Bid For Role in India’s LCA
DefenseNews.com - Overseas Firms Bid For Role in India’s LCA - 08/20/07 19:04
Agencies developing India’s indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) are looking for overseas partners to conduct the flight tests.
The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Bangalore, which is responsible for design, monitoring and development of the LCA, has already received bids from overseas defense companies for design and development work in the flight-testing stage.
A senior official of ADA, an autonomous agency under the Defence Ministry’s Research and Development Organisation, confirmed that bids have been received from Boeing, Dassault, EADS, Lockheed Martin, the MiG Corp. and Saab following a June global tender.
The work will include flight envelope expansion; high-angle-of-attack flight testing; aero-data validation and upgrades; external stores carriage with emphasis on stores separation, modeling and testing; wake modeling and wake-penetration flight tests; and refinements to simulation.
The LCA is now preparing to enter the weapon integration stage. About 600 flight tests have been carried out, the ADA official said.
The aim is to achieve initial operational clearance (IOC) with the multimode radar integrated with a weapon suite, which will give the aircraft limited operational capability by 2010. The aircraft could be inducted into the Air Force at that stage, the ADA official said, but another three years and about 1,500 hours of flight testing would be needed to move from IOC to final operational clearance.
Eight limited-series production aircraft, two technical demonstrators and five prototypes are part of the LCA’s design and development program. The Indian Air Force has placed an order for 20 aircraft and is expected to order at least another 200 once the LCA is successfully inducted.
The LCA is a single-seat, single-engine, supersonic air-superiority fighter designed for air-to-air, air-to-ground and air-to-sea combat roles.
Conceived in 1983, the LCA’s project definition phase was completed in 1989 and full-scale engineering development was sanctioned in 1993.
The LCA’s development is spearheaded by the ADA. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. is the principal partner in the project. •
E-mail: vraghuvanshi@defensenews.com.
Seems The fanboys would not like the bearer of bad news, are all the defence journalist are misreporting? I don't think so. The problem with fanboys is they want to see miracles, but they should realise that days of Mahabharata is over. No one will chant mantra and lo behold vimana aka LCA will be realised. If the journalist with acess to all the official misreport, do you think they will be in business. Calling them untrust worthy, working against national interest will not make LCA fly, How would you like being called Jingostic Dumba$$? Joey give the guys the credit and accept that LCA is not coming soon.

You are using enough offensive words, fine enough, I have not said journalists are working against national interest, I have previously laid out a systematic approach to prove the journalistic claims, without talking much you shall let your official actions speak more in proving them rather than writing history and I shall let my actions in proving their credibility in parallel. In light of that Your intelligency speaks for yourself. obviously it was so much outclassed that you even started quoting me out of context in the other thread just for the sake of rolling your point in. :cheers:

As of Force being wrong , Yes they have been wrong each and every time before and nothing they have said is correct as of yet atleast from Mr Sengupta, You can prove the contrary and take the cup else why dont you learn to speakt not without proper proof? I claimed Force in uneliable because of its tall claims which does not translated to action.

For starters like you you can begin with proving,

1. How IRBIS is AESA and not PESA.a
2. How we will be installing IRBIS from 2010 onwards replacing BARS.
3. LRAAM JV with Brazil.
4. X guard system for MKI.

This is only beginning...

Infact I'd be happiest if what they says is correct, India is unable to develope a MMR, got in JV with Israel to develope a AESA (upscaling the 2052 with frontend Israeli software and backend Indian hardware) with some of backend systems developed for MMR. It would be really great and would be quantum jump in capabilities for LCA. What will I get? peoples like you will be triumphating where you will be worshipped on how un-indigenous LCA is, while it will be happily flying with a AESA.

The problem with fanboys is thair limited knowledge of aircraft. All these day LCA was flying, for the sake of it, which does not contribute towards flight envolpe data. Your apprehensions of LCA crash:rofl: well it just shows the confidence ADA have in LCA.

And it seems you have real knowledge regarding LCA? and why dont you claim what you think in international aviation forums? You can never be a pot and meet the kettle. :azn: Believe what you want to, I dont give a squat about it. :enjoy:

And You seem also to have handled a project which relates to fcs programming, why dont you put up such a issue of how confidence level translates to that of with a bird when it is the first FBW it has designed from scratch? oh wait you will only pooh pooh on the same here, be a man come to other intnl forums where peoples working in various aviation field will appreciate your great knowledge or level of understanding aind interpreting things?

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) will provide a radar system for a new fighter plane India has been developing for the past few years(make few decades), Yedioth Ahronot reported on Monday.

Yes very correct they would be providing the Elm 2032 to power the initial batch of the LCA which will definitely be a million dollar contract but wont be a multi-million dollar contract. thats absurd infact I did read somewhere ELM 2052 costs arouns 5mn$ per set, which is pretty much costly affair for AESA, and I'm talking of a PDP here!

The deal may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the newspaper said.
India’s electronics industry has been unable to build a radar system for the new jet, and recently IAI head Itzhak Nissan visited the country and reached an agreement with local authorities to develop the system.

I did not quite got you because hundreds of millions of dollars cannot be for a pulse doplar radar? Infact it cannot be by any means anything other than AESA, the amount of money is insane. When we are already installing the 2032 in various other platforms which is quite akin to the MMR, we can simply install the 2032 and dump the MMR in that case (we have installed 2032 in Jaguar/Harrier so commanility comes). The newspaper says India was unable to develope a radar? Lets take it for granted so you will see a AESA for LCA instead of MMR? Why not just wait and see then?

Regarding MMR let me remind you I have posted a newsletter from BARC/ECIL who have completed developing and serial production has started for airborne qualified antennae platform and the required subsystem, Rest which are the backend system had been developed way back and open source informations are available. So I think there should not be any questions here regarding MMR.

So yes if LCA gets a AESA, I'll believe you India failed to develope a MMR in right time or it can be modification of ASR which can be known only from MOD report until then can you shut up without putting the right information in the table or simply be prepared to get ignored like hundreds.

I think you need to read what I said in right mind without prejudice, now this would be akin to asking to asking a tiger not to attack a harmless deer, but still I'd say again, and one more thing NOTHING of what Israels defence contracts are COMES OUT PUBLIC, until reported by their own outsets, Your can prove me wrong again just like you did in the other thread.

The least you can expect from India is radar, which India has good experiance and considered good in soft skill set.. Ah!, if DRDO fail here also after 25 years, which they have experiance and body of knowledge, what more can you say!!

Was this a compliment? radar developement started 25 years back?

I can go on and rebuke all the points you mentioned, but if some people like to be in fantasy land and delusion, let them be.

Nice dreaming:enjoy:

Just like you rebuked in the other thread? :lol: Lets believe what flightglobal says, what about your tall claims of LCA's design beinng need to send into drawing stage to solve thrust issue? :lol: You can go on and keep replying me , just like you will do again what does it proves? nothing because you cannot come to any neutral forum to prove your point, ofcourse your replies will be very short there as the priviledge of using too many adjectives will be limited and ultimately led to a infraction hurting your ego all up.
BATMAN, Havent you had enough on Arjun? Regarding the article please turn the page and see my reply on the same where the same article was posted, Thank you.
I have not said journalists are working against national interest,
As of Force being wrong , Yes they have been wrong each and every time before and nothing they have said is correct as of yet atleast from Mr Sengupta, You can prove the contrary and take the cup else why dont you learn to speakt not without proper proof? I claimed Force in uneliable because of its tall claims which does not translated to action.
The taunts and sarcasm are all signs of losing side and won't contribute to your argument or reputation. You start with complaining like school boy and then outright lie.. Your accusation "journalist working for vested interest" will not constitute working against national interest? According to you they are deliberately writing against pet projects, spreading disinformation, causing grief and pain for fan boys here.
And it seems you have real knowledge regarding LCA? and why don’t you claim what you think in international aviation forums? You can never be a pot and meet the kettle. :azn: Believe what you want to, I don’t give a squat about it. :enjoy:
Unlike you I never claimed "I have more knowledge of defense THAN YOU CAN imagine" BS. The one who does these kind of immature boasting is nothing but a dum$ immature, who finds boasting like this will buy him some respect. Alas no one bought your "am more knowledgeable" BS here and in "international forums( by the way for you mental slaves(call center boys) whatever phoren is still credible!! hah).
And You seem also to have handled a project which relates to fcs programming, why don’t you put up such a issue of how confidence level translates to that of with a bird when it is the first FBW it has designed from scratch?

No, but I do know what it takes. The "indigenous" [the much abused word..can we call "indiansed" instead?] and first of its kind effort, does not prevent ADA to expand flight envolpe if they had confidence in their ability. The FBW when developed first abroad, still needed to be tested by their own designers, no Aliens came for their help, did they?
oh wait you will only pooh pooh on the same here, be a man come to other intnl forums where peoples working in various aviation field will appreciate your great knowledge or level of understanding and interpreting things?
You seems to be truly impressed with PHOREN maal, you do accept that it is beyond your knowledge to engage in LCA discussion and you need Israel, europe, and amreka consultancy/joint-venture now. ;)

I did not quite got you because hundreds of millions of dollars cannot be for a pulse doplar radar? Infact it cannot be by any means anything other than AESA, the amount of money is insane. When we are already installing the 2032 in various other platforms which is quite akin to the MMR, we can simply install the 2032 and dump the MMR in that case (we have installed 2032 in Jaguar/Harrier so commanility comes). The newspaper says India was unable to develope a radar? Lets take it for granted so you will see a AESA for LCA instead of MMR? Why not just wait and see then?

It is not me nor your betnior Indian journalists, it is Israel newspaper report.
Rest which are the backend system had been developed way back and open source informations are available. So I think there should not be any questions here regarding MMR.

So yes if LCA gets a AESA, I'll believe you India failed to develope a MMR in right time or it can be modification of ASR which can be known only from MOD report until then can you shut up without putting the right information in the table or simply be prepared to get ignored like hundreds.

Will you stop, am not able to laugh now....:rofl:
Was this a compliment? radar developement started 25 years back?
No dear, am just querying the tall claims of radar experience and powerhouse in soft skill set. Is there no substance to the claim?

The taunts and sarcasm are all signs of losing side and won't contribute to your argument or reputation. You start with complaining like school boy and then outright lie.. Your accusation "journalist working for vested interest" will not constitute working against national interest? According to you they are deliberately writing against pet projects, spreading disinformation, causing grief and pain for fan boys here.

Unlike you I never claimed "I have more knowledge of defense THAN YOU CAN imagine" BS. The one who does these kind of immature boasting is nothing but a dum$ immature, who finds boasting like this will buy him some respect. Alas no one bought your "am more knowledgeable" BS here and in "international forums( by the way for you mental slaves(call center boys) whatever phoren is still credible!! hah).

No, but I do know what it takes. The "indigenous" [the much abused word..can we call "indiansed" instead?] and first of its kind effort, does not prevent ADA to expand flight envolpe if they had confidence in their ability. The FBW when developed first abroad, still needed to be tested by their own designers, no Aliens came for their help, did they?

You seems to be truly impressed with PHOREN maal, you do accept that it is beyond your knowledge to engage in LCA discussion and you need Israel, europe, and amreka consultancy/joint-venture now. ;)

It is not me nor your betnior Indian journalists, it is Israel newspaper report.

Will you stop, am not able to laugh now....:rofl:

No dear, am just querying the tall claims of radar experience and powerhouse in soft skill set. Is there no substance to the claim?


None of what you say amount to anything that constitutes a tech debate but just ranting - that suites a Pakistani troll.
Thats all you could muster, when LCA is dissected to the bone? Do you have anything to add?, if not mind your own copy paste news reports in the form of new threads. ok?
Thats all you could muster, when LCA is dissected to the bone? Do you have anything to add?, if not mind your own copy paste news reports in the form of new threads. ok?

See i said you are a troll.
See i said you are a troll.

Welcom, your gang memebers also bestowed me this honor, so no surprises there.

Now new drama :

Bangalore: The three players most tied up with the Tejas, Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) programme – the user (the Indian Air Force), the designer Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and the manufacturer Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) – will come together on Saturday for their monthly review meeting( feasability of contunuing LCA, I think). But this month’s Bangalore meeting will be anything but routine.

The drop tanks are expendable and jettisonable external fuel tanks carried by the aircraft giving it longer endurance and range, enabling pilots to fly longer. An important milestone for the LCA programme, the first flight with drop tanks could happen next week. A successful run with drop tanks will enable ADA to move into the LCA’s weaponisation programme, where the R 73 air-to-air missile and bombs will be integrated onto the aircraft. The LCA is already flying with dummy missiles:taz: .

But it will be issues on the ground that will take centre stage. With questions over the LCA’s combat performance especially climb, acceleration and how fast it could turn at certain altitudes having cropped up during the recent sea trails at Arakonnam, a detailed assessment of what can be managed within the time frame will have to be undertaken. Sources said the IAF would have to be asked to lower certain aspects of their air staff requirements for the LCA, which at the moment were unrealistic. :rofl:

According to the Defence Research and Development Organisation’s Chief Controller Research and Development (Aeronautics and Material Science) D. Banerjee, there is no doubt that the aircraft and engine have to improve, but any improvements will have to suit the time frame. Dear what did I told you

“The IAF will have to be asked how many aircraft they take with the current performance.” Funny isn't it:hitwall:

Dr. Banerjee under whom ADA functions, told The Hindu that improvements can be made to the aero dynamism of the aircraft by ‘technical cleaning’ to remove drag, (Did I not told you Joey:toast_sign: )and also improving the LCA’s propulsion system. ̶ 0;We knew when the GE 404 (engine) was installed that there will be issues. The question is can we look for an alternative engine? Can we improve the performance by using the GE 404 IN20? These questions have to be answered.”

Commenting on the long delayed Kaveri engine, which if ready could have solved the propulsion problem, Dr. Banerjee said that while it was operating on full design capacity on dry thrust (50 kilo Newton), it was only achieving 90 per cent aft burner thrust (80 kN). It was also 15 per cent overweight, an issue that “was killing it”. The Gas Turbine Research Establishment that is developing the Kaveri is still looking to find a partner who will bring in technology to build the hot end section (turbine and high pressure compression) of the Kaveri.

Deputy Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Nak Brown will head the IAF’s team at Saturday’s review meeting.
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