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integration of BVR in 2012? :O

too late yaar.
Agreed... I don't know why ?/ LCA mkII will be ready in 2014. I think for the couple of years LCA was undergoing testing. I don't know why they haven't started working on LCA mkII. They just say, after mkI start to induct.

Hey it doesn't look too bad. Looks like a delta-wing JF-17. But with a lot of western components, it is likely very expensive.
According to me, JF17 looks better. LCA costs around 31 million $ per aircraft.
Tejas has just reached semi-final stage: Antony

The euphoria over the success of Tejas notwithstanding there has to be a reality check, even if it seems harsh. Even union defence minister A K Antony has admitted that Tejas has reached just "the semi-final stage'' at this point.
As was first reported by TOI earlier, the overall developmental cost of the Tejas project, including the naval variant and trainer, has zoomed up to Rs 17,269 crore from the initial Rs 560 crore earmarked for it in 1983. With each Tejas to cost around Rs 200 crore over and above this, India will end up spending well over Rs 25,000 crore on the programme.

Moreover, the real induction of the first 40 Tejas jets will begin only towards end-2013, with the first two squadrons becoming fully operational at the Sulur airbase (Tamil Nadu) by 2015 or so, a full three decades after the LCA project was first sanctioned to replace the ageing MiG-21s.

That's not all. The first test-flight of the Tejas Mark-II version, with more powerful American GE F-414 engines, will be possible only by December 2014, with its production beginning in June 2016. And even then, the Tejas will just be a medium to low-end fighter, not a high-end air dominance one. :confused:

ACM Naik, in fact, described Tejas as a "MiG-21 plus-plus'', and made it clear that it was not even a fourth-generation fighter at present but would be in the future, indicating it will primarily be used to plug the gap in numbers. :blink:

Consequently, India's frontline combat fighters will the 270 Russian-origin Sukhoi-30MKIs already being inducted for around $12 billion, the 126 new medium multi-role combat aircraft to be acquired in the $10.4 billion MMRCA project and the 250 to 300 fifth-generation fighter aircraft to be built with Russia in the gigantic $35 billion project.

Yes, there is no getting away from the critical fact that India has to be self-reliant in military hardware and software if it wants to emerge as a superpower on the global stage. But the Tejas saga puts serious question marks on the defence indigenisation model being followed.

The fighter, for instance, is still only around 60% indigenous despite being 27 years in the making. It, for example, is powered by American GE engines, with the indigenous Kaveri engine failing to pass muster despite Rs 2,839 crore being spent on it since 1989.

Read more: Tejas has just reached semi-final stage: Antony - The Times of India Tejas has just reached semi-final stage: Antony - The Times of India
as a habit indians always find ways to downplay their success ........

has this success was achived by some private company , indian media will be writing all the good news........

somehow we are always not happy with govt run organizations...

as i said before , just sell the LCA project to a corporate body , the money that govt recive can be spend to buy LCA and the private company will look after to improve it...at the same time india will get a private fighter aircarft menufecturer
To be honest, I like the single seat more, because the twin seat looks kind off short when you compare them. Especially the location of the rear gear "looks" kind of strange, but I guess that has to do with the high position of the co-pilots cockpit.

The trainer version does look a bit short (a bit like BaE Hawk). Though I do not mind that as long as the curves are there.( I guess the impact of Su 27 design has been very profound.:lol:)

A single seater with a hump would be the best solution.Let us wait for the N LCA to take flight.

BTW, this according to me has been the best LCA pic ever. (Though I'm sure you will look at the rear Landing gear and wince again!:))

i dont understand why people are whinning that LCA is not a air dominant fighter and its just mig 21 plus plus. wasnt it supposed to be a light combat aircraft?
then how can anyone expect it to be a dominance aircraft?

ACM P.V.Naik said its in class of gripen but not at that par YET. but as it will progress it will be of that class. so isnt that what we wanted?????
how can a aircraft at its IOC be equally good as the aircraft which is already matured and operational????

its the first aircraft we have built so it will need many gliches to be removed. and thats what ACM is saying.

after all LCA was meant to be a lower end fighter it was never meant to be a superiority fighter.
There is a good overview given in BR what a FOC mean to IAF w.r.t to Tejas

imo FOC = IOC + the below

open the full AoA and G envelope
reach the max speed as designed at various levels
all weather ops - night cockpit extensive tests, heavy rainfall (NE), dusty conditions (jamnagar), a good spell in Leh/Thoise
full qualification of litening pod for target spotting and designation
integration to griffon/paveway initially and sudarshan in a couple yrs. litening should aready be able to 'talk' to all of these.
more extensive weapons trials in A2G like guns, rockets, bombs of all types
more realistic R73 trials against manouvering high speed targets like lakshya
full testing of the "mayavi" EW suite & elta SPJ against ground based and airborne threats
testing the chaff and flares pkg against some kinda SAM thing
getting the Tejas tracked by SAM radars and testing how fast and surely it can escape
full qualification of the radar (being EL2032 the front end should be in working shape already)
firing and proving of the BVR weapon against airborne lakshya targets
and finally **this is what we want** - all out DACT against Bison, M2k, Mig29, MKI in A2A role and practising chasing and hunting down strike a/c and UAVs..with a chase a/c recording in Imax or HD and release of footage that same night to salivating br boyz.
airborne tanking in day and night , plus getting the UK go to fit the refueling probe if possible on Mk1 itself

credits to Singha ..
Not a doubt its a big achievment for us. However, the spirit at the IOC function seems to be damp... Guys seemed to be less spirited due to the fact that we could not even manage a full fourth gen to the IOC.

Chinese has flown their 1st fifth gen prototype today. Copy or no copy, its a great achievement, specially because their close proximity with development of their indegenious engines too...

Kind of shows the difference of 13-15 years we have with the chinese. The chinese have come a long way in the field of technology development. We should try to emulate them and "do more and talk less." The interview with Mr. Agarwall was so depressing. The guy hardly seem to know any head and tails.

Alas!! Bureaocracy, red tapism and BABUGIRI !!!!
Actully i love naval version more than AF version of tejas,can't we simply adopt naval LCA in AF version too ?? LEREX MIGHT COME HANDY ,in improving AOA and quick takeoff ?? any gurus conflicting with this idea here ?
Originally Posted by casual View Post
compares f16 and LCA side by side

ok whatever you say
The F 16 right now costs more than $60 mil an airframe and with the weapons come upto $80 mil. I rather go for an F 18 E/F SH. You must remember the newer versions of the F 16s are not aircrafts that belong to the 'light' category but they are medium weight aircrafts.

Comparing both will be like comparing apples to oranges.

You American don't know our requirement and give suggestion, as one of my Indian frnd suggest the new F16 is not light category aircraft...

Secondary, our all projects are done keeping high altitude in focus, LCA is lightest forth gen aircraft (if not 4th gen then it will be by FoC).. ALH (Adv light helicopter) is lightest helo. did you ever thought why are we making light weapons???

The answer is we need something which can operate well in thin air of Laddakh and kashmir vally...

our other machine Tank Ex is also light weight and focused to operate at high altitude (and easy to carry to frontier)

I have respect for F16, its grt fighter, But sorry My American frnd, its not fitting anywhere in our defense need....

njoy... :)
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OK NOW WE HAVE it offical that tejas belongs to airforce.

now let us evaluate tejas to its rivals - such as j-10 b , j-11 and j-20.

does it stand any chance against them. yes may be in next two years afters fully a fighter pilot - may be it can give a run to j-10.

but by them with chinese development how far will j-10 reach ????

now i truely think tejas is more of demostrator and number filling air craft.

its existence means.

1. drdo can exist - they are not really worthless may be incompitent but yeh they can produce something.

2. tejas can fill number of mig-21 ,

3. india can finally make some worthy aircraft.

4. we learn from the lesson and mistake . and may be find a new target which is worthy enough to be achieved by India. like mca.
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