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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

But ofcourse a country which has no shame will resort to these statements. What hope a country can have when its president quotes haddith instead of a action plan. Heck it also can never get rid of slave mentality - always will depend on other country to do its work. First it was sucking up to americans, then chinese..soon thoorkey. Your erstwhile east pakistan also managed to evacuate its students, heck even lankans and maldives also evacuated..but you guys dont even have the capability. Utter shame - doesnt matter how you spin it.

Again, let me repeat. Pakistanis are more safer in China then Indians are in India. Am i wrong?

This is the most hilarious explanation. I am seriously amused as to how the population be so gullible. Gafoora mentioned about doosra banda for 2 days - he is not some badshah khan who is sepoy; he is DGISPR. Fog of war - exists for an hour or two ! Not for 2 days..Heck your PM also announced on the floor and even grandiously said 'we will treat doosra banda well'..poor fellow 'A PAF pilot died and was not recognized by its country' ; but then its not surprising, so many NLI were never recognized in kargil as well.

doosra banda is your jeejuu g.

Its only Indian imagination to believe Pakistanis can not recognize a Pakistani who is wearing a pakistani flag and his name on his uniform and the language he speaks.

Yup he is a Mirage pilot of the same squadron who intruded into Balakot. So he knows a thing or two. And did you say -- you owned this guy ? Hahahahahahaha...i doubt you can own the kid staying in your building. He is a professional , there are enough professionals in PAF - let them deal with him. You are orbiting at a much lower level.
Every fighter pilot on social media has at least one picture of himself in his fighter jet he flew. that sameer joshi is a bush plane pilot with a monkey hairstyle who looks like this and doodles his imaginations on a picture of contrails. :lol:

You took part in nothing ! All you are doing is huffing and puffing nose in pdf - nothing else.People who parrot these kind of dialogues are the ones who usually dont do anything. Rest of the theory - you wrote is garbage.
Why do you keep portraying yourself which is the only thing you are good at in pdf.
It is never based on singular evidence - its multiple pieces of evidence. 2 parachutes , radar intercepts, comm intercepts, EW signatures , visual sightings , video evidences - everything corborates to the fact that second plane went down and it wasnt a IAF one.
Its funny how your f-16.net forum "reference" backfired on you big time and you ran away from it. :lol:

Here is a reference from f-16.net forum member who has provided evidence that mig-21 has two parachutes. one for pilot and one for ejection seat. the ejection seat chute is what made villagers mistake for another pilot.

Alright then, I didn't bother with this crap when the event happened, but now since some still try to concoct some sort of "evidence", let's examine some real evidence, shall we?

This is dedicated to everyone believing in "SECOND PARACHUTE" story irreversibly proving a second aircraft was downed:

Soviet planes had several iterations of ejection seats, including but not limited to K-22, KS, KM-1, KT-1, K-36 etc.

Here's how a K-22, a seat used in MiG-19 worked:


One couldn't help but noticing that a separate stabilizing/main chute deployment parachute exists.

The venerable MiG-21 used several different seats, with early models having KS, which in the later models, including MiG-21bis, were upgraded to KM-1 ejection seat. And it's my pleasure to inform the entire congregation of "Second Chute Church" that after the ejection the seat also deploys it's own parachute and lands in the immediate vicinity of the pilot. "Why would they do that?", one may wonder? Well you see, the seat carried the survival kit for the pilot (НАЗ-7), so it had to land near the pilot for him to be able to use that, as neatly illustrated by this caricature from the polish magazine. Whoever doubts me may type all that text manually into translator. I didn't do that, because I believe it will be pretty identical to the russian sources I found online.


They say that the picture is worth that a thousand words, so let me post some for your entertainment:

Exhibit 1: LNA Fishbed shot down in Libya this summer, pilot ejected, survived, captured. Run a reverse image search to read the details. Please note the holy second chute:


Exhibit 2: Libyan Air Force Flogger (MiG-23 also used KM-1) shot down over Benghazi in spring 2011, pilot ejected, survived. Run a reverse image search to read the details. Please note the holy second chute:


Now to the videos, I found one quite interesting and informative. It's mainly about Soviet K-36 (an impressive specimen to say the least!), but I believe there's footage of Fishbed also (maybe KM-1, maybe modified to accept K-36) at 0:55 mark:

Exhibit 3a: @00:55-01:03 a single person ejects from a plane that looks a lot like Fishbed then transforms into two separate chutes, because the seat has it's own
Exhibit 3b: @01:47-01:54 we see footage of Fullback ejection. It apparently uses older generation of K-36 seat, because two ejected dummies are separatee from their seats... which soon after deploy their own chutes, doubling the number of chutes. Note that the seat chutes are slightly different from persons' chutes. I hope none of you are going to claim a four-seater Fullback exists.
Exhibit 3c: @01:55-02:00 we are treated to a footage of ejection from the tail of a "flying lab". I believe this is also an early gen K-36. As one can notice (watch at 0,25 speed) the seat deploys it's own chute and can be seen dangling near by the pilot in the upper right corner after disappearing from the frame for a second.

"Well why don't you see seat having their own chutes in some well documented crashes at airshows?" Well, I got two versions for that. Either it's disabled/removed because the pilots don't need survival kit at the airshow, OR they were equipped with later gen K-36 (called K-36M, K-36D and K-36D-3,5) which got rid of the seat chute in lieu of strapping survival kit (upgraded to НАЗ-8) directly to the pilot:


Actually, one can see footage @01:16-01:19 of ejected pilot with a raft dangling beneath him after two Fulcrums collided at 1993 RIAT. Or one can look up footage of Fencer shot down by Turks. It also features two pilots parachuting down with rafts dangling beneath them. Su-24 was the first aircraft to feature K-36 seat and thus is eligible to be upgraded to newer K-36 models.

So there you have it: the second chute apparently seen by the locals (but so far absent from any footage) is not a conclusive proof of the second downed aircraft, since MiG-21 would have produced two chutes by itself.

Chalo - atleast you acknowledged your Indian ancestry. Lot of people in this forum are confused about that. Anyways - keep on trying ! Like i said , you lost half of your country in 71 (god bless them, they are doing very well). We are just waiting to split it more. By the way - you guys were planning to do a lot after Article370 , ahem what exactly happened ? Hows the Friday 5 min thing going on ?

The word India and Hind is a foreign given name that you guys accepted as your identity like good slaves. while the word pakistan was made by muslims who did not want to be part of India. lol

Wait i am actually looking at the radar intercepts furnished by PAF. Crap - i was dreaming. Yes , the kind of intercepts which were not furnished by PAF. And they wont. Because their lies will be caught. Tufail tried to publish - but then redacted it. IAF on the other hand - has had one consistent story ! Never , ever changed.
PAF does not come up with MS paint propaganda, thats IAF trademark along with "CONSISTENT PACK OF LIES STORIES".

Ohh dear sony. You see it doesnt work like that. If you are claiming something - then you have to provide evidence/proof. You guys are claiming that you shot down Su 30 - Now the burden of proof is on you to prove that the one which flew on republic day is not the same. You make a claim, you provide the proof - isnt it elementary ? Ohh wait, thats where education comes in.
Dont worry it will slowly come out. the thing is PAF is trolling India.

Wait...what ??????? Thats your rationale...seriously ? Is that the official line ? By the way - can you send me link for official citation of the pilot which shot down Su 30 - please i now really want to read it. What a professional force - but then its not surprising. MM Alams60 second false hood is considered true, so..anythings possible
I am eagerly waiting for 27th and the new evidences that it will herald.
Yes thats the official line
Yes MM alam shot down 6 IAF planes in 60 seconds just like IAF Mig-21 fleet was whipped out in one strike in 1965 war(evidence, HINT "mig-21s did not see any actions after the attack"). lol

Yeah you just reiterated your lie ! Spice can use many other types of munitions including low TNT ones. You are keeping on harping about only MK 84. Fact is - you dont know.
You can imagine what ever you want to. But the fact is IAF has only mk-84 that can be "mated" with spice-2000. And their is no such thing as "low" TNT in mk-84.

are you serious ? I mean whats the point ? You are reiterating to make yourself understand ? One more time - trying in a different way. 2000lb's - doesnt mean 1000 lbs of HE or2000 lbs of he. Weight can be 2000 LB's which is why the name SPICE 2000 - the TNT yield will vary depending on the munition and the mission profile.

Indiot, in case of MK-84 2,000lbs means 1,000 lbs of metal and 1,000 of TNT. Its not a lego block which you can simply open and reduce 1,000 of TNT to 200 lbs which then would not be a 2,000lbs. use some logic when you speak.

Nothing wrong ! But you referred Hamid Mir as a shining beacon of asking tough questions to Army. He has become a cheerleader after getting couple of bullets. essentially its a banana republic. And PAK armed forces is the major business organization. Do you know how much business your Armed forces owns ?

Now when you come back from your imaginations, do let me know when independent press can ask question from Indian military.

And you said you had a debate with Sameer ? Spice & Crystal Maze = two differnt munitons. Crystal Maze = Has TV seeker and live image is relayed back. Spice version that we had did not have that capability. So India due to its utter lack of experience in information warefare - never built redudancy into its plan. CrytalMaze malfunctioned and out went the recording. These statements - were told by IAF the exact same day. Again - clear communication ! It will stand test of time - because its the truth.

Stop coming up excuses. footage relay is a standard feature among all spice-2000 and again if one spice-2000 footage system failed then their were 4 other independent spice.
here is a footage of spice operating back in 2010.

High regardof human lives...hehe. Do you even believe what you write ? Or you write because you are convincing yourself. I mean even a kid could see the fallacy in logic here.

HEHE..... the logic is India tried to plot a plan to kill its own citizens by assigning IAF code to passenger airline. It was a deliberate act which can not be done as a mistake.
6 months of air space closure essentially PAF was really spooked ! PAK fazaiya.
this was explained earlier, you are just repeating yourself.
Indian airspace was not closed for even 1 minute. What happened that spooked them so much ??
thats so that IAF could take cover among passenger flights to avoid further air strikes by PAF. bunch of cowards, first they use passenger flights to use as human shields for IAF and then they send Spicejet with IAF code.
What a chronology of events - right from crows killed - but we will not take anyone to the site ;
and we actually have chronology of Indian lies... first Spice-2000 lost footage and then have satellite images but can not share them... waahhh

we have doosra banda with us
I told you thats your jeejuuu g.
; we never used F16 - mother promise
PAF said it was never used in violation of indian sovereignty which mirage and jf-17 did after they drop payload in vicinity of IAF military sites to avoid human casualties. F-16 were used within pak territory which made su-30 and mirage ran away but one su-30 was caught.
; That Amraam is not ours - its Taiwanese Amraam ; i can just go on and on...Anyways truth will come out one day; It always does!
what happend to other 4 amraams which iaf claims that were fired? the thing is that amrram was pulled out of su-30 wreckage within few hours of the incident and then rest amraam were never found till this date. :lol:
Again, let me repeat. Pakistanis are more safer in China then Indians are in India. Am i wrong?
Pakistanis are more safer in china - is your outlook. It shows no belief in the country. Just carry on quoting haddiths.

doosra banda is your jeejuu g.

Its only Indian imagination to believe Pakistanis can not recognize a Pakistani who is wearing a pakistani flag and his name on his uniform and the language he speaks.
Wouldnt be the first time in the world where a soldier was killed by their own side. Between soldiers on both sides are taught basic language skills/survival skills when they are shot down. The parachute drift - makes it impossible to tell which side of LOC you are on. The fact that abhi was caught , news spread - would make it implictly dangerous for the other dceased pilot.

Why do you keep portraying yourself which is the only thing you are good at in pdf.
For someone who potrays himself - as i took down a fighter pilot on twitter and i did this on F16 forum- you are full of gas. Like i said - you did nothing.

Its funny how your f-16.net forum "reference" backfired on you big time and you ran away from it. :lol:

Here is a reference from f-16.net forum member who has provided evidence that mig-21 has two parachutes. one for pilot and one for ejection seat. the ejection seat chute is what made villagers mistake for another pilot.

Once again - looking at singular evidence parachute and concluding the point of view is irrelevant. Multiple evidences suggest the fact another plane went down - it was not an IAF one. By the way - what is the color of parachutes on F16 ? Just curious..

The word India and Hind is a foreign given name that you guys accepted as your identity like good slaves. while the word pakistan was made by muslims who did not want to be part of India. lol
Doesnt matter- it doesnt make you devoid of your indian lineage. You and your forefathers are converts..lol. You guys dont even have an identity.

PAF does not come up with MS paint propaganda, thats IAF trademark along with "CONSISTENT PACK OF LIES STORIES".
PAF does not -because it cannot. IAF made the radar intercept public - go ahead ask your PAF to do the battle picture with radar intercepts. They wont - since they will be caught.

Dont worry it will slowly come out. the thing is PAF is trolling India.
I have no worries. What we know - is on record from Day 1. There were lessons learnt , we had our shortcomings. It was noted and is being addressed. PAK has a history of lying to its own citizens - so you guys should be worried on what comes out.

Yes thats the official line
Yes MM alam shot down 6 IAF planes in 60 seconds just like IAF Mig-21 fleet was whipped out in one strike in 1965 war(evidence, HINT "mig-21s did not see any actions after the attack"). lol
Just what a i thought - heres myth buster who believes in 60 second - 6 planes story. Why dont you read books by your PAF personnel on how the story was concoted.

You can imagine what ever you want to. But the fact is IAF has only mk-84 that can be "mated" with spice-2000. And their is no such thing as "low" TNT in mk-84.
You can imagine whatever - is a line used when the other side has run out execuses. Spice 2K can be mated with differnet munitions. One of them is MK84 - its open knowledge. You can alter the TNT component based on the combination choosen. So the thing is you dont know.

Now when you come back from your imaginations, do let me know when independent press can ask question from Indian military.
Indepent press can ask questions all the time from Military. They infact grill military and our politicians do as well. You cant do that - can you ? Then there will be a coup. You see your military is not a military - its a business organization. They do dhanda ! Thats why its so important for them to placate domestic audience - they would loose business and plots , if thats not the case.

Stop coming up excuses. footage relay is a standard feature among all spice-2000 and again if one spice-2000 footage system failed then their were 4 other independent spice.
here is a footage of spice operating back in 2010.
Go cry a river. Its not standard feature - its optional one. It costs you. Footage relay incase of SPICE is linked through satellite - since pilot/WSO is not in control when the bomb is lobbed. Its extra hardware - extra charge. IAF - did not have the presence of mind to include it as standard kit. Penny wise - pound foolish. Big lesson

this was explained earlier, you are just repeating yourself.
thats so that IAF could take cover among passenger flights to avoid further air strikes by PAF. bunch of cowards, first they use passenger flights to use as human shields for IAF and then they send Spicejet with IAF code.
Really - thats your rational of closing airspace for 6 months. You are extremely gullible. Its a logic that nursery kids wont give. No - your theories are absurd. Something spooked PAF big time to lock its airspace - it got scarred.

and we actually have chronology of Indian lies... first Spice-2000 lost footage and then have satellite images but can not share them... waahhh
You do understand chronology - do they teach anything at school. Here's the thing - IAF made a statement the next day and it has never wavered from it. DGISPR - chronology of events is a like a change in every couple of days.

PAF said it was never used in violation of indian sovereignty which mirage and jf-17 did after they drop payload in vicinity of IAF military sites to avoid human casualties. F-16 were used within pak territory which made su-30 and mirage ran away but one su-30 was caught.

PAF goofed up - if signalling was the intention then nothing explains the wayward targetting that was done. Anyways thats a differnt topic. Here's the thing - Gafoora lied and was caught. He said F16 were never used - and voila the changed the stance after IAF showed the Amraam. And you know what - posters like you on PDF were claiming "Amraams can be fired by JF17's". Thats the delusional state you guys are in. Pack of lies - one statement over riding the another. So tell me - which pilot was credited for Su 30 ? And what as the plane used? Was it F16 ?

what happend to other 4 amraams which iaf claims that were fired? the thing is that amrram was pulled out of su-30 wreckage within few hours of the incident and then rest amraam were never found till this date. :lol:
Lol-- you are joker arent you. World has never found Malaysian airliner which disappeared ! IAF took more than 60 days to find a full fledged dornier which crashed in Meghalayan jungles due to dense foliage. And you are talking about finding AIM's in Kashmir jungles - AIM's which self destructs at max ranges. Good luck finding those ! The one Amraam that was discovered was pure luck i guess. After all 5 of them were fired. Anyways even if they are found - what do you think will happen ? IAF achieved its objective - it proved to the world that they are seeing/witnessing an incompetent and a force which lies through their teeth. No wonder American diplomats call you guys a bunch big liars.
Pakistanis are more safer in china - is your outlook. It shows no belief in the country. Just carry on quoting haddiths.

Wow, wow wow so you are disputing that at least one most likely two Indian air force aircraft were shot down by PAF.

Wouldnt be the first time in the world where a soldier was killed by their own side. Between soldiers on both sides are taught basic language skills/survival skills when they are shot down. The parachute drift - makes it impossible to tell which side of LOC you are on. The fact that abhi was caught , news spread - would make it implictly dangerous for the other dceased pilot.

For someone who potrays himself - as i took down a fighter pilot on twitter and i did this on F16 forum- you are full of gas. Like i said - you did nothing.

Once again - looking at singular evidence parachute and concluding the point of view is irrelevant. Multiple evidences suggest the fact another plane went down - it was not an IAF one. By the way - what is the color of parachutes on F16 ? Just curious..

Doesnt matter- it doesnt make you devoid of your indian lineage. You and your forefathers are converts..lol. You guys dont even have an identity.

PAF does not -because it cannot. IAF made the radar intercept public - go ahead ask your PAF to do the battle picture with radar intercepts. They wont - since they will be caught.

I have no worries. What we know - is on record from Day 1. There were lessons learnt , we had our shortcomings. It was noted and is being addressed. PAK has a history of lying to its own citizens - so you guys should be worried on what comes out.

Just what a i thought - heres myth buster who believes in 60 second - 6 planes story. Why dont you read books by your PAF personnel on how the story was concoted.

You can imagine whatever - is a line used when the other side has run out execuses. Spice 2K can be mated with differnet munitions. One of them is MK84 - its open knowledge. You can alter the TNT component based on the combination choosen. So the thing is you dont know.

Indepent press can ask questions all the time from Military. They infact grill military and our politicians do as well. You cant do that - can you ? Then there will be a coup. You see your military is not a military - its a business organization. They do dhanda ! Thats why its so important for them to placate domestic audience - they would loose business and plots , if thats not the case.

Go cry a river. Its not standard feature - its optional one. It costs you. Footage relay incase of SPICE is linked through satellite - since pilot/WSO is not in control when the bomb is lobbed. Its extra hardware - extra charge. IAF - did not have the presence of mind to include it as standard kit. Penny wise - pound foolish. Big lesson

Really - thats your rational of closing airspace for 6 months. You are extremely gullible. Its a logic that nursery kids wont give. No - your theories are absurd. Something spooked PAF big time to lock its airspace - it got scarred.

You do understand chronology - do they teach anything at school. Here's the thing - IAF made a statement the next day and it has never wavered from it. DGISPR - chronology of events is a like a change in every couple of days.

PAF goofed up - if signalling was the intention then nothing explains the wayward targetting that was done. Anyways thats a differnt topic. Here's the thing - Gafoora lied and was caught. He said F16 were never used - and voila the changed the stance after IAF showed the Amraam. And you know what - posters like you on PDF were claiming "Amraams can be fired by JF17's". Thats the delusional state you guys are in. Pack of lies - one statement over riding the another. So tell me - which pilot was credited for Su 30 ? And what as the plane used? Was it F16 ?

Lol-- you are joker arent you. World has never found Malaysian airliner which disappeared ! IAF took more than 60 days to find a full fledged dornier which crashed in Meghalayan jungles due to dense foliage. And you are talking about finding AIM's in Kashmir jungles - AIM's which self destructs at max ranges. Good luck finding those ! The one Amraam that was discovered was pure luck i guess. After all 5 of them were fired. Anyways even if they are found - what do you think will happen ? IAF achieved its objective - it proved to the world that they are seeing/witnessing an incompetent and a force which lies through their teeth. No wonder American diplomats call you guys a bunch big liars.
Pakistanis are more safer in china - is your outlook. It shows no belief in the country. Just carry on quoting haddiths.

Wouldnt be the first time in the world where a soldier was killed by their own side. Between soldiers on both sides are taught basic language skills/survival skills when they are shot down. The parachute drift - makes it impossible to tell which side of LOC you are on. The fact that abhi was caught , news spread - would make it implictly dangerous for the other dceased pilot.

For someone who potrays himself - as i took down a fighter pilot on twitter and i did this on F16 forum- you are full of gas. Like i said - you did nothing.

Once again - looking at singular evidence parachute and concluding the point of view is irrelevant. Multiple evidences suggest the fact another plane went down - it was not an IAF one. By the way - what is the color of parachutes on F16 ? Just curious..

Doesnt matter- it doesnt make you devoid of your indian lineage. You and your forefathers are converts..lol. You guys dont even have an identity.

PAF does not -because it cannot. IAF made the radar intercept public - go ahead ask your PAF to do the battle picture with radar intercepts. They wont - since they will be caught.

I have no worries. What we know - is on record from Day 1. There were lessons learnt , we had our shortcomings. It was noted and is being addressed. PAK has a history of lying to its own citizens - so you guys should be worried on what comes out.

Just what a i thought - heres myth buster who believes in 60 second - 6 planes story. Why dont you read books by your PAF personnel on how the story was concoted.

You can imagine whatever - is a line used when the other side has run out execuses. Spice 2K can be mated with differnet munitions. One of them is MK84 - its open knowledge. You can alter the TNT component based on the combination choosen. So the thing is you dont know.

Indepent press can ask questions all the time from Military. They infact grill military and our politicians do as well. You cant do that - can you ? Then there will be a coup. You see your military is not a military - its a business organization. They do dhanda ! Thats why its so important for them to placate domestic audience - they would loose business and plots , if thats not the case.

Go cry a river. Its not standard feature - its optional one. It costs you. Footage relay incase of SPICE is linked through satellite - since pilot/WSO is not in control when the bomb is lobbed. Its extra hardware - extra charge. IAF - did not have the presence of mind to include it as standard kit. Penny wise - pound foolish. Big lesson

Really - thats your rational of closing airspace for 6 months. You are extremely gullible. Its a logic that nursery kids wont give. No - your theories are absurd. Something spooked PAF big time to lock its airspace - it got scarred.

You do understand chronology - do they teach anything at school. Here's the thing - IAF made a statement the next day and it has never wavered from it. DGISPR - chronology of events is a like a change in every couple of days.

PAF goofed up - if signalling was the intention then nothing explains the wayward targetting that was done. Anyways thats a differnt topic. Here's the thing - Gafoora lied and was caught. He said F16 were never used - and voila the changed the stance after IAF showed the Amraam. And you know what - posters like you on PDF were claiming "Amraams can be fired by JF17's". Thats the delusional state you guys are in. Pack of lies - one statement over riding the another. So tell me - which pilot was credited for Su 30 ? And what as the plane used? Was it F16 ?

Lol-- you are joker arent you. World has never found Malaysian airliner which disappeared ! IAF took more than 60 days to find a full fledged dornier which crashed in Meghalayan jungles due to dense foliage. And you are talking about finding AIM's in Kashmir jungles - AIM's which self destructs at max ranges. Good luck finding those ! The one Amraam that was discovered was pure luck i guess. After all 5 of them were fired. Anyways even if they are found - what do you think will happen ? IAF achieved its objective - it proved to the world that they are seeing/witnessing an incompetent and a force which lies through their teeth. No wonder American diplomats call you guys a bunch big liars.

Wow, so are you saying that the IAF did not lose at least one maybe two aircraft to PAF action. You know we have the wreckage, the missiles and the pilot.

This is why I hate, unpatriotic Indians like you @anathema. You believe India to be only a third world cow piss drinking country. It’s so much more my friend. India has access to Israeli military satellites that have a Sub cm resolution and can pick up time on soldiers watch.

where are the pictures of the allegedly shot down Pakistani f-16?

have you got the Russian government to confirm that no su-30mki are missing ?

till you can confirm the above I think you have very limited come backs.

Awaiting patiently

Pakistanis are more safer in china - is your outlook. It shows no belief in the country. Just carry on quoting haddiths.

Again, let me remind you that Pakistanis are more safer in China then Indians are safer in India.
Meanwhile in India BJP government officials are promoting COW URINE.

Wouldnt be the first time in the world where a soldier was killed by their own side. Between soldiers on both sides are taught basic language skills/survival skills when they are shot down. The parachute drift - makes it impossible to tell which side of LOC you are on. The fact that abhi was caught , news spread - would make it implictly dangerous for the other dceased pilot.
You are just resorting to running in circles with by spewing gibberish to prolong the discussion.
Let me repeat this for you again...
Its only Indian imagination to believe Pakistanis can not recognize a Pakistani who is wearing a pakistani flag and his name on his uniform and the language he speaks.
Also did it ever come to your head that by now PAF pilot video would have been leaked by now by same people who were shouting "doosra banda" aka your jeejuuu g. let me guess your next move..... Pakistani army deleted those footage from every villagers phone.

For someone who potrays himself - as i took down a fighter pilot on twitter and i did this on F16 forum- you are full of gas. Like i said - you did nothing.

Since my twitter profile is banned by Indiot admins on twitter and have deleted most of my posts but i could find one of the example of what kind of low IQ IAF pilots i was dealing with.
I also came across one of many Indiot ex air force pilot Anshuman Mainkar on twitter who believed mig-21 wreckage belonged to F-16. He also insisted that this picture is that of F-16 containing a tail hook. (note since my account has been banned they also deleted pictures that i posted showing the panel matching with mig-21 fuselage.) :dance3: its so easy to beat even IAF fighter pilots. :sniper::crazy_pilot:


Once again - looking at singular evidence parachute and concluding the point of view is irrelevant. Multiple evidences suggest the fact another plane went down - it was not an IAF one. By the way - what is the color of parachutes on F16 ? Just curious..

singular evidence?
single seat Mig-21 has two parachutes, one belongs to pilot and one for ejection seat so which explains villagers misunderstanding with "dosra banda" who is now your jeejuu g.

Doesnt matter- it doesnt make you devoid of your indian lineage. You and your forefathers are converts..lol. You guys dont even have an identity.
The only evidence indiots can provide is some statements from villagers which has no factual meaning.

PAF does not -because it cannot. IAF made the radar intercept public - go ahead ask your PAF to do the battle picture with radar intercepts. They wont - since they will be caught.
PAF does not produce MS paint propaganda photos, thats IAF trademark.
PAF provides evidences like SOW footage which India failed to provide and 4 mig-21 missiles which were not even fired.
I have no worries. What we know - is on record from Day 1. There were lessons learnt , we had our shortcomings. It was noted and is being addressed. PAK has a history of lying to its own citizens - so you guys should be worried on what comes out.
From Day 1 India is a pathological liar because its in their culture to lie.

Just what a i thought - heres myth buster who believes in 60 second - 6 planes story. Why dont you read books by your PAF personnel on how the story was concoted.
Say it with me, MM Alam shot down 6 IAF superior Hunters with a Sabre.

You can imagine whatever - is a line used when the other side has run out execuses.
Yah because their is no other explanation to your imagination.
Spice 2K can be mated with differnet munitions. One of them is MK84 - its open knowledge. You can alter the TNT component based on the combination choosen. So the thing is you dont know.
Either shut the fk up or provide with list of "different munitions" in IAF inventory that can be "mated" (btw really stupid term to use) with Spice-2000. IAF has only MK-84 which is 2,000lbs with almost 1,000 tnt.

Indepent press can ask questions all the time from Military. They infact grill military and our politicians do as well. You cant do that - can you ? Then there will be a coup. You see your military is not a military - its a business organization. They do dhanda ! Thats why its so important for them to placate domestic audience - they would loose business and plots , if thats not the case.
In which of post "failed" balakot strike did IAF or Indian military press conference had Q&A with media? The answer is NONE! ISPR has Q&A session in almost every press conference.

Go cry a river. Its not standard feature - its optional one. It costs you. Footage relay incase of SPICE is linked through satellite - since pilot/WSO is not in control when the bomb is lobbed. Its extra hardware - extra charge. IAF - did not have the presence of mind to include it as standard kit. Penny wise - pound foolish. Big lesson
Seriously why am i even debating with this stupid Indiot who has a comprehension level of a rat!

here is a excerpt from BS Dhanoa latest statement.

“We hit the target with five stand-off weapons. The ‘target hit’ information was delayed as weapons for video recording the kill failed, and the satellite pass at 8.30am could not pick up much due to clouds. The first confirmation came through synthetic aperture camera, showing penetration in the roof of Balakot buildings. We hit three buildings and left one deliberately. The weapon is designed in such a way that building survives but the occupants don’t,” he said.

IAF spice2000 came with Video recording feature so it is blaming weather! Also spice is a all weather capable kit which also can operate independently from satellite.

Really - thats your rational of closing airspace for 6 months. You are extremely gullible. Its a logic that nursery kids wont give. No - your theories are absurd. Something spooked PAF big time to lock its airspace - it got scarred.
Yah PAF was so scared of mighty IAF who lost Mig-21 Su-30 and mi-17 which due to PAF action IAF shot it down

PAF goofed up - if signalling was the intention then nothing explains the wayward targetting that was done. Anyways thats a differnt topic. Here's the thing - Gafoora lied and was caught. He said F16 were never used - and voila the changed the stance after IAF showed the Amraam. And you know what - posters like you on PDF were claiming "Amraams can be fired by JF17's". Thats the delusional state you guys are in. Pack of lies - one statement over riding the another. So tell me - which pilot was credited for Su 30 ? And what as the plane used? Was it F16 ?
So without AMRAAM wreckage PAF was planing on keeping F-16 usage a secret? Seriously what do Indians eat or drink that makes them act so stupid? Your daddy Gafoora said that NO f-16s were used in striking Indian territory which was done by only JF and Mirages. Also US Airforce has its personnels in PAF airbases who monitor each and single F-16 move. For a change use some logic in your thought process!

Lol-- you are joker arent you. World has never found Malaysian airliner which disappeared ! IAF took more than 60 days to find a full fledged dornier which crashed in Meghalayan jungles due to dense foliage. And you are talking about finding AIM's in Kashmir jungles
- AIM's which self destructs at max ranges. Good luck finding those ! The one Amraam that was discovered was pure luck i guess. After all 5 of them were fired.
Have you realized that this statement goes against you?
Its hard to find airline planes yet within few hours of PAF air assault IAF found Amraam which it pulled from a Su-30 @ss. :lol:
Anyways even if they are found - what do you think will happen ? IAF achieved its objective - it proved to the world that they are seeing/witnessing an incompetent and a force which lies through their teeth. No wonder American diplomats call you guys a bunch big liars.
keep patting yourself in the back but at the end of the day NO NON-INDIAN defence community agree with Indian theories and even the one that you think will side with your lies turn up against you :lol:
Like this lady who was invited by her salves :lol:
And if a defeat had a face this video is the prime example of it :lol:
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Again, let me remind you that Pakistanis are more safer in China then Indians are safer in India.
Meanwhile in India BJP government officials are promoting COW URINE.
Again it just means that you dont trust your government. Its ok - its expected. You guys have a history of leaving behind people. Rest of your post - where you think you are smart with your come back but its actually retarded.

You are just resorting to running in circles with by spewing gibberish to prolong the discussion.
Let me repeat this for you again...
Its only Indian imagination to believe Pakistanis can not recognize a Pakistani who is wearing a pakistani flag and his name on his uniform and the language he speaks.
Also did it ever come to your head that by now PAF pilot video would have been leaked by now by same people who were shouting "doosra banda" aka your jeejuuu g. let me guess your next move..... Pakistani army deleted those footage from every villagers phone.
Not my imgination; By the way - does your pilots wear name tag and flag during a mission ? I am just curious.Anyways you tell me - on why recordings are not there. Multiple evidences support the fact - doosra banda, villager proclaiming sikh pilot, radar intercepts, Comm intercepts, sightings by soldiers, etc, etc. Its not my domain - i am leading you to a realization that there are lot of loose ends at your side.

Since my twitter profile is banned by Indiot admins on twitter and have deleted most of my posts
hahahahaa.....ok ..tu rehne de. Tujhse naa ho payega.

(note since my account has been banned they also deleted pictures that i posted showing the panel matching with mig-21 fuselage.) :dance3: its so easy to beat even IAF fighter pilots. :sniper::crazy_pilot:
Dude you are so full of s$%t...i see people like you all the time..will claim anything and when they are pressed, they will start quoting stories of how i was banned in twitter, my posts got deleted , i showed endians their place in f16 forum..the thing ..you did nothing ! The pilots that you are talking about - is not in your calibre (and neither mine..). You should leave to PAF professionals to dismiss them. Like i said - you are at a lower orbit.

singular evidence?
single seat Mig-21 has two parachutes, one belongs to pilot and one for ejection seat so which explains villagers misunderstanding with "dosra banda" who is now your jeejuu g.
Quoting random garbage about ejection seat having two chutes and yet conviniently ignoring everthing else..its called 'not understanding how to make argument'. Doosra banda , multiple parachutes, radar intercepts, village intercepts..all point to a second plane. So you can keep your parachute theory with yourself. So tell me - whats the color of C9 parachute ?

The only evidence indiots can provide is some statements from villagers which has no factual meaning.
Had forgotten about this .. thanks for reminding. Yes one more pointer to the fact that two pilots were indeed captured.

PAF does not produce MS paint propaganda photos, thats IAF trademark.
PAF provides evidences like SOW footage which India failed to provide and 4 mig-21 missiles which were not even fired.
Like i said - you are not producing coz PAF is scared it will be called out. I mean look at this. IAF painted a complete aerial engagement picture in front of media with radar intercepts -- not a single peep from DGISPR. They will not respond - coz it will lead to another lie. By the way - can you give me serial #'s of both R73 please.

From Day 1 India is a pathological liar because its in their culture to lie.
This is what i call - having no clue what you are talking about. Go back ..stand for 5 mins for your Kashmir and wait for the miracle to happen..lol. Did you happen to read breifs from American diplomats calling you two faced lying people. There are youtube videos - if reading is not your thing.

Say it with me, MM Alam shot down 6 IAF superior Hunters with a Sabre.
Say it with me 'My national hero is lie' ..entire story was concoted. My own PAF pilots rubbished the 60 second stories - have you read that book ? You do know what i am talking about , dont you. Your argument and the way you write -- leads me to believe that you read only tweets. Ever wonder why Alam was discarded for 71 , was unceremoniusly pushed out and lead a life of recluse from their on..Read up.

Either shut the fk up or provide with list of "different munitions" in IAF inventory that can be "mated" (btw really stupid term to use) with Spice-2000. IAF has only MK-84 which is 2,000lbs with almost 1,000 tnt.
Ohhh..what happened ? Did i puncture your bubble ? Your first statement- Spice only works with MK84 is a lie. Your second "But but...IAF only has MK84..you prove to me"..is a lie. Fact is you dont know. Your making a assertion , you prove. There is plenty of artciles which says Spice 2K works with different munitions which has different TNT. What IAF has and does not have is outside of your domain ? Do you even know what PAF has ? I doubt it. So point is - All gas and nothing.

In which of post "failed" balakot strike did IAF or Indian military press conference had Q&A with media? The answer is NONE! ISPR has Q&A session in almost every press conference.
Are you saying DGISPR should not do its job ? Indian miltary does not have DGISPR kind of department (it has a rudimentary one..just for namesake). Baring aside - every other interaction, its a grilling that happens. The fraticide that happened was brought out by media - thats the level of grilling. And its good. Thats how it should be.

Seriously why am i even debating with this stupid Indiot who has a comprehension level of a rat!

here is a excerpt from BS Dhanoa latest statement.

“We hit the target with five stand-off weapons. The ‘target hit’ information was delayed as weapons for video recording the kill failed, and the satellite pass at 8.30am could not pick up much due to clouds. The first confirmation came through synthetic aperture camera, showing penetration in the roof of Balakot buildings. We hit three buildings and left one deliberately. The weapon is designed in such a way that building survives but the occupants don’t,” he said.

Moron . do you even understand english ? Thank you posting above - IAF chief confirmed what i was saying. Here read again with English tense "The ‘target hit’ information was delayed as weapon (the extra 's' is here a journo mistake - you can make out with sentence contruction) for video recording the kill failed, and the satellite pass at 8.30am could not pick up much due to clouds"..He is basically saying the weapon for video recording failed. The weapon is Cristal Maze.

What grade school are you in ?

Second the confirmation of SAR images from friendly countries which was shown to Journos.

You are a joker, you know that. Dont you..dont cry. You destroyed your own argument - thats for IAF chief statements.

Yah PAF was so scared of mighty IAF who lost Mig-21 Su-30 and mi-17 which due to PAF action IAF shot it down
Fraticide happened. We never denied. A court of inquiry was conducted and people were court martialled. We lost Mig 21. This is called transparency. Why did you dump your F16 doosra banda pilot ? Why did you have to close your airspace for 6 months ..what spooked you ? You can check the airline activity at our side- everything was as if - nothing happened.

So without AMRAAM wreckage PAF was planing on keeping F-16 usage a secret? Seriously what do Indians eat or drink that makes them act so stupid?
Only after Amramm wreckage was displayed ..did Gafoora make the admission of usage of F16. Doesnt matter how you spin it. It started out "Operation swift retort did not have any F16'..to yes we did use F16. So lies on top of lies. So what is the next lie ? By the way - i am still waiting for Su 30 kill citation ? Which pilot got the award for Su 30 kill ?

Your daddy Gafoora said that NO f-16s were used in striking Indian territory which was done by only JF and Mirages. Also US Airforce has its personnels in PAF airbases who monitor each and single F-16 move. For a change use some logic in your thought process!
Sure i understand you were a US slave that you have their personnel at bases. Chinese anyways are practically ruling your country..next would be turkey. Give this logic of having US personnel to someone else.

Have you realized that this statement goes against you?
Its hard to find airline planes yet within few hours of PAF air assault IAF found Amraam which it pulled from a Su-30 @ss. :lol:
No its not. 5 Amraam's fired - just got lucky we found one. By the way - it doesnt mean that IAF has not recovered wreckages of other Amraams. There is no point in showing , since the objective of proving PAF to be liars was achieved. The statement changed from we did not use F16's to we used F16's only in self defence..

Like this lady who was invited by her salves :lol:
This lady is a nobody in defence community. Shes probably does not understand difference between aesa and pesa. But then its not surprising - you are colonial slave. So you look for validation in which anyone with white skin says something favorable for you. I am not - there's a reason why Indian CEO's are leading companies around world. We have come out of slave mentality.

And if a defeat had a face this video is the prime example of it :lol:
No ! If defeat had a face then the below video is prime example
There are blocks/marks/etc. no different to anyother. It's inducted and in production.

Without FOC and 2,000 km away from the pakistani border???

Which block has been inducted and when? Is it even combat ready? Does it have an operational radar?

Can you provide one non indian source? ( a country India where even an airforce chief lies, nothing can be trusted coming out of it!)
Without FOC and 2,000 km away from the pakistani border???

Which block has been inducted and when? Is it even combat ready? Does it have an operational radar?

Can you provide one non indian source? ( a country India where even an airforce chief lies, nothing can be trusted coming out of it!)

It has achieved FOC, the first FOC model is nearing flight. The next squadron is rumored to be in N. India.


Here's one in the production line.

The problem right now is HAL isnt producing them fast enough. It needs to ramp up production.

It has operated in the largest IAF exercise recently, it has done well. Still a while to go before pilots become totally used to it and to find all the pre production snags.

"We did trials and validation of operational efficiency of LCA Tejas. We were able to generate six sorties per platform per day. In this exercise, we had deployed eight platforms," said an IAF official who was associated with this exercise.

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Are we still at it ...........:help:. I don’t understand this argument.

Buddy, went from this, that and the other all the way back to 71. Why don’t we all let him provide a certificate from the Russian government saying that all su-30 mki are accounted for.

Stop twisting and live in present.

The first FOC model is nearing flight!! The end.

it has been 35+ years to date and there is not a single FOC squadron of LCA!!!

Did jf have foc at the beginning? Did it have refueling probe, etc? The first squad is already up and drilling. Took part in intensive air exercises. The FOC is done. The production models are rolling out. The end.
Again it just means that you dont trust your government. Its ok - its expected. You guys have a history of leaving behind people. Rest of your post - where you think you are smart with your come back but its actually retarded.
Its just a fact, Pakistanis are more safe in China then Indians are in India.
How many percentage of Pakistanis in China have died compared to Indians dying? exactly, so stfu

Not my imgination; By the way - does your pilots wear name tag and flag during a mission ? I am just curious.Anyways you tell me

- on why recordings are not there. Multiple evidences support the fact - doosra banda, villager proclaiming sikh pilot, radar intercepts, Comm intercepts, sightings by soldiers, etc, etc. Its not my domain - i am leading you to a realization that there are lot of loose ends at your side.
None of which are credible source of information but a source for Indian imagination and dismissed by entire independent military community around the world.

Dude you are so full of s$%t...i see people like you all the time..will claim anything and when they are pressed, they will start quoting stories of how i was banned in twitter, my posts got deleted , i showed endians their place in f16 forum..
you are slowing dying of a painful reality check :lol:
the thing ..you did nothing ! The pilots that you are talking about - is not in your calibre (and neither mine..). You should leave to PAF professionals to dismiss them. Like i said - you are at a lower orbit.
The amount of knowledge these IAF idiot pilots on twitter possess can easily be refuted by anyone with access to google. I was able to shut this pilot piehole who kept insisting that the mig-21 rear fuselage panel belongs to F-16 tail hook section. This guy just like you was delusional but then with heavy dose of reality check he no longer imagine mig-21 wreckage as f-16 wreckage. :enjoy:
I am glad this is the level of training and professionalism of IAF pilots.

Quoting random garbage about ejection seat having two chutes and yet conviniently ignoring everthing else..

Its not random garbage. IAF mig-21 uses KM-1M ejection seat which has a parachute for pilot and one for the seat.
its called 'not understanding how to make argument'. Doosra banda , multiple parachutes, radar intercepts, village intercepts..all point to a second plane. So you can keep your parachute theory with yourself. So tell me - whats the color of C9 parachute ?
This is what i call "garbage" information that has been busted many times by me.
All parachutes look like Indian flag.

Had forgotten about this .. thanks for reminding. Yes one more pointer to the fact that two pilots were indeed captured.
Its only indian imagination to think Pakistanis will beat up its own pilot to death who is wearing pakistani flag and also speaks urdu, and then on top of that its military also fails to identify its own pilot and claim him as indian pilot. This is what happens when you consume cow urine as a holy drink, makes you imagine stuff.
Like i said - you are not producing coz PAF is scared it will be called out. I mean look at this. IAF painted a complete aerial engagement picture in front of media with radar intercepts -- not a single peep from DGISPR. They will not respond - coz it will lead to another lie. By the way - can you give me serial #'s of both R73 please.
:lol: exactly, IAF painted one still aerial engagement picture on MS paint. :enjoy:
This is what i call - having no clue what you are talking about. Go back ..stand for 5 mins for your Kashmir and wait for the miracle to happen..lol. Did you happen to read breifs from American diplomats calling you two faced lying people. There are youtube videos - if reading is not your thing.
No body gives a fk about your imagination.

Say it with me 'My national hero is lie' ..entire story was concoted.
:lol: you are absolutely right, abhi your national hero is a lie.

Ever wonder why Alam was discarded for 71 , was unceremoniusly pushed out and lead a life of recluse from their on..Read up.
Most of bangali origin pilots were not allowed to fly because of fear of their loyalty with India or Bangladesh. In fact one of bangali origin pilot tried to abduct a trainee pilot in a T-33 and fly away to india but at last minute before entering indian air space the trainee pilot was able to gain cautious and crash the plane to avoid being captured.

Ohhh..what happened ? Did i puncture your bubble ? Your first statement- Spice only works with MK84 is a lie. Your second "But but...IAF only has MK84..you prove to me"..is a lie. Fact is you dont know. Your making a assertion , you prove. There is plenty of artciles which says Spice 2K works with different munitions which has different TNT. What IAF has and does not have is outside of your domain ? Do you even know what PAF has ? I doubt it. So point is - All gas and nothing.

you are just making a fool out of yourself who claims India has multiple 2,000 lbs can can be fitted with spice-2000. All i have said mk-84 is the only one in IAF inventory that can be fitted with Spice-2000 kit. And then these retarded cow piss drinker indiots think TNT can be reduced in mk-84.

Are you saying DGISPR should not do its job ? Indian miltary does not have DGISPR kind of department (it has a rudimentary one..just for namesake). Baring aside - every other interaction, its a grilling that happens. The fraticide that happened was brought out by media - thats the level of grilling. And its good. Thats how it should be.

Come back to me when your pathological liar Indian sate sponsored propaganda factory media has the balls to question Indian military atrocities on Indian occupied kashmir! In pakistan after every operation against terrorists all media questions Pakistan military on why innocent people died. In India no one has the freedom of doing that.
And let me also remind you, initially IAF and indian media was claiming mi-17 crashed due to mechanical fault and then later they tried to hide black box blaming it on kashmiris that they stole it and then later they admitted it was shot down by its own SAM.

Moron . do you even understand english ? Thank you posting above - IAF chief confirmed what i was saying. Here read again with English tense "The ‘target hit’ information was delayed as weapon (the extra 's' is here a journo mistake - you can make out with sentence contruction) for video recording the kill failed, and the satellite pass at 8.30am could not pick up much due to clouds"..He is basically saying the weapon for video recording failed. The weapon is Cristal Maze.
Second the confirmation of SAR images from friendly countries which was shown to Journos.

You are a joker, you know that. Dont you..dont cry. You destroyed your own argument - thats for IAF chief statements.

Cristal maze is only used in your rear which gives you all that weird imagination and gives you pleasure just like when you ask your deedee how much she likes the dosra banda ;)
Only Spice-2000 were used by IAF and becuase it never hit any of the target IAF chief is blaming its incompetency on clouds :lol:
Spice are all weather capable meaning it will work just as well as a fighter jet operating in cloudy day.
Only in India they give new meaning to "all weather capable" with a caption saying "except for clouds"!
What grade school are you in ?
Im a middle school drop out but i am glad I am able to make a fool out of Indian pilots :lol:

Fraticide happened. We never denied. A court of inquiry was conducted and people were court martialled. We lost Mig 21. This is called transparency. Why did you dump your F16 doosra banda pilot ? Why did you have to close your airspace for 6 months ..what spooked you ? You can check the airline activity at our side- everything was as if - nothing happened.

Sure i understand you were a US slave that you have their personnel at bases. Chinese anyways are practically ruling your country..next would be turkey. Give this logic of having US personnel to someone else.
US is their to monitory PAF fair use of its technology and to prevent technology theft.
Slave is what Christina fair made out of Indian air force officials :lol:

No its not. 5 Amraam's fired - just got lucky we found one. By the way - it doesnt mean that IAF has not recovered wreckages of other Amraams. There is no point in showing , since the objective of proving PAF to be liars was achieved. The statement changed from we did not use F16's to we used F16's only in self defence..
The AMRAAM was pulled out of Su-30 @ss :lol:

This lady is a nobody in defence community. Shes probably does not understand difference between aesa and pesa. But then its not surprising - you are colonial slave. So you look for validation in which anyone with white skin says something favorable for you. I am not - there's a reason why Indian CEO's are leading companies around world. We have come out of slave mentality.

And then your IAF slaves did not have the balls to even correct her because she chained them down like slaves.

No ! If defeat had a face then the below video is prime example

stop copying me.

and honestly im getting tired of even arguing with you...
you won okay? IAF sot down F-16 with the 5th missile... happy??? now go have some more cow dung and cow urine as your daily diet. :angel:
Its just a fact, Pakistanis are more safe in China then Indians are in India.
How many percentage of Pakistanis in China have died compared to Indians dying? exactly, so stfu
Hows that fact ? Chalo its a fact - it just means that PAK doesnt care about its citizens. PAK students should become chinese citizens..lol, i have not seen more sad situation about country.

I asked a simple question - do your pilots wear badges/tags in operational scenario. The reason i am asking is - world over its very common to not have badges identifying your country or any other informaiton. So was curios- anyways its immaterial.

None of which are credible source of information but a source for Indian imagination and dismissed by entire independent military community around the world.
"on PDF" - there i completed the statement

The amount of knowledge these IAF idiot pilots on twitter possess can easily be refuted by anyone with access to google. I was able to shut this pilot piehole who kept insisting that the mig-21 rear fuselage panel belongs to F-16 tail hook section. This guy just like you was delusional but then with heavy dose of reality check he no longer imagine mig-21 wreckage as f-16 wreckage. :enjoy:
I am glad this is the level of training and professionalism of IAF pilots.
It tells a lot about you - if you rely on google to debate with professional. Cheers man - you should now get into PAF as an aerospace engineer.

This is what i call "garbage" information that has been busted many times by me.
All parachutes look like Indian flag.
So it wont be surprising that villagers would beat up a pilot because of indian flag parachute. Poor F16 pilot.

Its only indian imagination to think Pakistanis will beat up its own pilot to death who is wearing pakistani flag and also speaks urdu, and then on top of that its military also fails to identify its own pilot and claim him as indian pilot.
Hasnt happened for the first time in the world. A pilot coming down in a Indian looking parachute - lol , people will believe that he is a pakistani. Hell even Indian villagers might bash him up.

This is what happens when you consume cow urine as a holy drink, makes you imagine stuff.
Looks like you have experience with it since you clearly know the end result. I dont .

:lol: exactly, IAF painted one still aerial engagement picture on MS paint. :enjoy:
Waiting for PAF aerial picture. Wait it doesnt want to do - since it lost F16.

you are just making a fool out of yourself who claims India has multiple 2,000 lbs can can be fitted with spice-2000. All i have said mk-84 is the only one in IAF inventory that can be fitted with Spice-2000 kit. And then these retarded cow piss drinker indiots think TNT can be reduced in mk-84.
You are in position of authority to make that assertion. You are keyboard commando - who thinks he has dealt with professional pilot.

Come back to me when your pathological liar Indian sate sponsored propaganda factory media has the balls to question Indian military atrocities on Indian occupied kashmir! In pakistan after every operation against terrorists all media questions Pakistan military on why innocent people died. In India no one has the freedom of doing that.
And let me also remind you, initially IAF and indian media was claiming mi-17 crashed due to mechanical fault and then later they tried to hide black box blaming it on kashmiris that they stole it and then later they admitted it was shot down by its own SAM.
Hahahahahahaha...question Pakistan military. Boy - Pakistani military has the country - they are the country. If you dont see it , then what do you see. With regards Mi17 , yes the news reports started out Mechanical fault , but quickly changed to 'We shot down our own Mi17' - nothing to hide.

Cristal maze is only used in your rear which gives you all that weird imagination and gives you pleasure just like when you ask your deedee how much she likes the dosra banda ;)
You quoted IAF chief- he clearly said 'Weapon providing video image failed'. lol - you got screwed with your own quote.

Only Spice-2000 were used by IAF and becuase it never hit any of the target IAF chief is blaming its incompetency on clouds :lol:
Clouds was about SAT images - we requested SAR images from Israel who provided us.

Spice are all weather capable meaning it will work just as well as a fighter jet operating in cloudy day.
Only in India they give new meaning to "all weather capable" with a caption saying "except for clouds"!
Cloudy day has nothing to do with SPICE - but then looks like you cannot comprehend english.

Im a middle school drop out but i am glad I am able to make a fool out of Indian pilots :lol:
Middle school - i doubt it !

US is their to monitory PAF fair use of its technology and to prevent technology theft.
Slave is what Christina fair made out of Indian air force officials :lol:
Cristina - who ? You may be infatuated with the stuff that you are taking. Shes a nodbody to me. But you clearly have a colonial hangover.

The AMRAAM was pulled out of Su-30 @ss :lol:
I see - a school dropout and apparently not straight ! Nothing wrong with that.

and honestly im getting tired of even arguing with you...
you won okay? IAF sot down F-16 with the 5th missile... happy??? now go have some more cow dung and cow urine as your daily diet. :angel:
I am interested in truth - till then cheers.
It has achieved FOC, the first FOC model is nearing flight. The next squadron is rumored to be in N. India.


Here's one in the production line.

The problem right now is HAL isnt producing them fast enough. It needs to ramp up production.

It has operated in the largest IAF exercise recently, it has done well. Still a while to go before pilots become totally used to it and to find all the pre production snags.

"We did trials and validation of operational efficiency of LCA Tejas. We were able to generate six sorties per platform per day. In this exercise, we had deployed eight platforms," said an IAF official who was associated with this exercise.


I think at some point Tejas will join the IAF but not in numbers it will go the same route as India’s first fighter jet the HF-24 Marut, yes India had a jet before the Tejas but with the same problems. It was underpowered and not mission capable.

At the time India had thousands of aircrafts and only inducted 147 units. This off course was a failure as a fighter aircraft.


India unfortunately is a business minded country and fighters are really not good business sense in the short term. Pakistan being a security state with a militaristic narrative (some perceived some real) has a better developed defence industry.

Happy to discuss further

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