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lol the 100% Indian plane that will God willing never be inducted


Oh dont worry - we will get Khulbushan. Unlike PAK, we dont abandon our people. for starters you can ask students in Wuhan. Anyways in spyfare - these things happen. You do remember the case of missing PAK colonel from Nepal, dont you ? Call 27th feb - a low intesity conflict. Who cares.
Pakistanis are more safe in China then Indians are safe in India. Remind me again how many women and children get raped in India?
let me enlighten you.
even though this research is 13 years old its still valid since rape epadamic is all time high in india.

Over 53% children face sexual abuse: Survey

Read more at:

as for Indian spy, last time India tried to get him back they were b1tch slapped by Pakistan in court. things wont get any better for him.

Groan - not these pics again. Countless articles have been written on how this is a sham job. All the best if this is core of your argument !

Yah just run away from evidence and take cover in some imaginary stories so you wont feel bad. And your source must be that indiot sameer joshi who smokes cow dung before writing his blog. and the story you are referring to is the one where they claim all these missiles were bought from ebay? retards
watt a compelling evidence by indiots.

There are so many holes in the story -- so many holes that water just floods out of them. Do you ever ask critical questions to your government or in your case to your Army ? Any sane country with a functioning government and a independent press would have ripped apart your above statement. Its a waste of time to go over the same stuff. Doosra banda humarein pass hain , Doosre bandain hospital main hain aur uske sath hum acha saluk karenge, khan announcing in pariliament, ...i mean what a mockery. Thats not all - the entire chain of events and communication contradicts one another.

LOL my stories has certainly busted your dam.
btw 1/4 of your country has media black out where kashmiris can not communicate atrocities of indian occupied forces with out side world. worst form of freedom of expression can be found in India ONLY.
See, the difference between your Kashmir and ours is the locals were shouting slogans in favor of Pakistan military while freedom fighter kashmiris were pelting stones on IAF chopper that was trying to land at Mi-17 crash site.... Its India that suppresses freedom of expression by gun... Pakistan army does not suppress pakistani kashmir voice its India that does to its people. and thats why we dont see any footage from Indian occupied kashmir of paf 27th feb strike on Indian sovereignty that was violated by 1960s Mirages and block 1 JF-17s..
Where as almost every villager in mig-21 crash site that had a cellphone with camera recorded the whole incident without fear of getting killed by its own army.

With regards to F16 - you tell me. Another plane went down. IAF official presser provided radar images of F16 disappearance. Dont know how it disappeared - whoever did that , amazing stuff.

Even anti-pakistani lady does not agree with this cartoonish radar image which was a propaganda tool used by IAF to brainwash its citizens like you who fall for any imaginary stories.
Even I could do a photoshop of a radar image and say look i found UFOs!! thats exactly what IAF did. lol
yah dont know how it disappeared, just fking photoshop up because in reality IAF can only dream about shooting down F-16 while PAF shot down mig-21 and SU-30 lol

You have the gumption to say what IAF brought? Really its that open source ? Most of us - were not even aware of SPICE till Balakot happened. So to say IAF has mated with MK84 - is a bit rich. Here's a fact - SPICE can be mated with lot of munitions and we dont know which one was mated on 26th.

a unguided air to ground armament is top secret purchase in India now? lol... Spice-2000 ONLY uses MK-84 in IAF do you understand that part? IAF does not have any other munition to "mate" it with spice.

I doesnt need to be a reinforced structure. I have seen sheds standing after SPICE impacts. You can refer to a video that was posted by one user above. Anyways are you asking me to do your work for you ? Go search - start with Israelis - they do have some good stories to tell. It might bust your myth actually.
yah that was in your dreams that you saw.
show me a video of 2,000 lbs just "gutting" inside a building without leaving a single mark. on the roof.

The only thing we lack is ISPR department - hopefully it will be fullfilled. All the other shortcomings of 27th are being addressed on war footing.
India can only do propaganda because ISPR stands for transparency where media personals like anti-army hamid mir is allowed to ask tough questions after a press conference.

And your ex air chief B(ull) S(hit) Dhona recently said they lost footage of spice-2000 thats why they can not provide evidence of the strike. again what kind of BS is this?? lol... every spice is independent from each other so what are the odds of each of them losing footage?
see i told you, you guys are only good at making up stories like this one.
Sure - this is how ISPR wanted the world to see it. The fact that most of the members on this forums parots Gafoors line of crows killed essentially proves the buffoonery of it all. You guys are eating out of the palms of ISPR department with no and i mean no critical questioning back.

Pakistan when it fights a battle , it considers information warfare central to fighting overall battle. I think its absolutely the correct strategy - with a ever changing world. This is an area where we lagged and are still lagging. India came out the very day - stating that Cristal Maze which was supposed to record the impact could not be released or malfunctioned. Here i would commend communication - there was no change in its statement from Day1. Coming back to the point - It never had the footage - because it never considers information warfare central to its war fighting capabilities. If it had, it would have build redundancy. At this point its all conjecture - but this is what i believe in. India has a shoddy to a non existent communication department.

You are going to threaten a sub with a missile strike ? Really ? Anyways congratulations on detecting sub - its a good capability to have. Indians will be careful the next time. Also India never sought to impose a new normal. It just had 2 political objectives. It achieved both.

Releasing a POW is what i call a classical deescalation maneuver. In other words you dont have what it takes to stand up and fight. Pakistans knows it will have huge problem with its current state of economy if a fight breaks out. It was spooked ! Nothing explains 'No Fly' zone over PAK airspace for literally 6 months - whereas Indian airspace was open from Day 1.
What about Kashmir ? India will break insurgency which has active PAK support. There is no two ways about it.

You had to do this..didnt you ? Childish way to retort over the years have never changed. This aint the first time where i have seen its usage.

This is an incorrect statement. Spice 2000 is a guidance kit and its not a bomb. Only exception is Spice 250 and its mated to a bomb. In case of 2000 and 1000, It can be mated with various types of munitions including munitions that are developed in house. Most probably it would have been a low mass TNT instead of high mass MK84. There are plenty of evidences on its usage if you care to search.

Let me again try to summarize -
SPICE 2000 is an all weather 1000 KG bomb kit. It has 12 control surfaces - with tail having sensors to sense the pressure and direction ; head having micrpphones which controls microfuses - the entire idea being to count the floors or measuing the impact on the floors before detonating. The fuses were critical - since it controls the penetration and when the detonation would happen. There are other things in SPICE as well - IN/GPS , image matcher, etc which right now is not relevant. SPICE has enough mass to penetrate the ground sufficiently deep and the pressure variation from the center of the fireball is enough to eliminate soft tissue targets in near by region. Sure it can cause a structure to fall (not explode in flames or be gutted) , but it depends at what level below the ground the detonation happened and the pressure it exerted. So needless to say - the structure can withstand. I mean thinking about it - happen to see 2005 historical images of Balakot training camp, it withstood the earthquake in that area which otherwise caused significant destruction in that area.

Actually its all about physics. I am not an expert but have read enough to understand the situation. Syrian employment is relevation - go through the forums of other nations and you will understnad the nature.

Yo ! Floyd fan- do you have anything to contribute ? or its really numb ?

SPICE is not employed as a Bunker buster. GBU 24 is a bunker buster coupled with 116. However SPICE can be employed as one if required.
your fragile dreams will be broken................
Pakistanis are more safe in China then Indians are safe in India. Remind me again how many women and children get raped in India?
let me enlighten you.
even though this research is 13 years old its still valid since rape epadamic is all time high in india.

Over 53% children face sexual abuse: Survey

Read more at:

as for Indian spy, last time India tried to get him back they were b1tch slapped by Pakistan in court. things wont get any better for him.
Pakistanis are more safe in china is something that PDF posters can only think. What a utter disgrace ! A country that cant even bring its own citizens back. Heres a brand new report from CNBC pn stranded pak students

Yah just run away from evidence and take cover in some imaginary stories so you wont feel bad. And your source must be that indiot sameer joshi who smokes cow dung before writing his blog. and the story you are referring to is the one where they claim all these missiles were bought from ebay? retards
watt a compelling evidence by indiots.
Imaginary stories are what you concoting..ISPR is known that for that. Doosra banda humarein pass hain..oops the pilot that was in hospital was our own and he died. Sameer Joshi is an ex Mirage fighter pilot - the kind of planes that you still swear by. Independent analysts have rebuffed the stories that you quote - you can check for it online. Heck F16 forum had a very famous defence analyst and very close to PAK establishment confirming the loss of F16. But hey dont let that trouble you - its all propoganda. By the way - has PAF come out in open rebutting the radar images by placing their own picture OR it shoots from lackeys like you ?

LOL my stories has certainly busted your dam.
You are giving way too much credit to yourself. You have parroted the same lines with no worthy articles or new thought process.

btw 1/4 of your country has media black out where kashmiris can not communicate atrocities of indian occupied forces with out side world. worst form of freedom of expression can be found in India ONLY.
See, the difference between your Kashmir and ours is the locals were shouting slogans in favor of Pakistan military while freedom fighter kashmiris were pelting stones on IAF chopper that was trying to land at Mi-17 crash site.... Its India that suppresses freedom of expression by gun... Pakistan army does not suppress pakistani kashmir voice its India that does to its people. and thats why we dont see any footage from Indian occupied kashmir of paf 27th feb strike on Indian sovereignty that was violated by 1960s Mirages and block 1 JF-17s..
Where as almost every villager in mig-21 crash site that had a cellphone with camera recorded the whole incident without fear of getting killed by its own army.
Kashmir will be ours. You can say whatever you want. For 80 yrs you all are trying - try more. You lost half of your country in that process - who knows whats next.

Even anti-pakistani lady does not agree with this cartoonish radar image which was a propaganda tool used by IAF to brainwash its citizens like you who fall for any imaginary stories.
Even I could do a photoshop of a radar image and say look i found UFOs!! thats exactly what IAF did. lol
yah dont know how it disappeared, just fking photoshop up because in reality IAF can only dream about shooting down F-16 while PAF shot down mig-21 and SU-30 lol

Execuse me. Who exactly is she ? Is she a defence authority or defence spokesperson ? Why should i listen to a GORA ? You may have a colonial hangover and may be colonial slave - i am not. Shes a nobody to me. 'If its official PAF spokesperson then i am all ears. Heck even Mr Tufail redacted his written story couple of times after he was caught out.
Anyways start by photoshopping a radar image - and then let PAF personnel do a presser with it. Then lets see what happens. Here's something for you - PAF will never come out with Su 30 MKI radar intercepts - because there lies will be called out by IAF. IAF on the other hand has made radar intercepts public - it has nothing to hide.
By the way - Su 30 MKI that you claim to shot down - flew on republic day. It is for PAF to prove - that its not the same Su30 MKI.
So wake me up when you some tangible proof on Su 30 MKI. By the way - your thoughts on Pilot who supposedly shot down MKI getting a lesser award that the one who shot Mig21 ? Praise the lord - but i thought you guys valued MKI. Its lies thats why. If your objective is to placate domestic audience - then these are things that you will do.

a unguided air to ground armament is top secret purchase in India now? lol... Spice-2000 ONLY uses MK-84 in IAF do you understand that part? IAF does not have any other munition to "mate" it with spice.
Utter BS. First your lies that Spice 2K can only be mated with M84 was called out ..then you are resorting to 'But IAF only has Mk84' ..its just plain stupid and retarded. Ofcourse if you can prove it otherwise. IAF has its disposal different munitions just like IsAF has.

yah that was in your dreams that you saw.
show me a video of 2,000 lbs just "gutting" inside a building without leaving a single mark. on the roof.
Dont wnat to do your work. It was not 2000lbs, it was much lower TNT. Further it depends on ground penetration. For starters look at the video posted in this thread of bunker busting bomb.

India can only do propaganda because ISPR stands for transparency where media personals like anti-army hamid mir is allowed to ask tough questions after a press conference.
Hmaid mir...hahaha ..really ? Sure he used to ask tough questions. But then he got a bullet or two , after that he has suddenly become uber patriotic. Please take this BS somewhere else. ISPR stands for transparency..ROFL.

And your ex air chief B(ull) S(hit) Dhona recently said they lost footage of spice-2000 thats why they can not provide evidence of the strike. again what kind of BS is this?? lol... every spice is independent from each other so what are the odds of each of them losing footage?
see i told you, you guys are only good at making up stories like this one.
Its not a story. Its reality. IAF said the very day - Cristal Maze malfunctioned or it could not be released. As a result, we dont have recording. Like i said - information warefare is not central to the plans otherwise redudancy would have been built in.
By the way - why did you guys close your airspace for 6 months and more ? What spooked the much vaunted PAK fazaya ? lol
Nice ! But no MAWS on Mk1A. It will be on MK2.

so is abhijit Iyer Mitra a right wing Indian analyst a liar.

Fun starts at 3:30
if the su-30 is this bad and the pilot training is inferior, then it’s safe to assume that Indian pilots and equipment is not effective.

so is abhijit Iyer Mitra a right wing Indian analyst a liar.

Fun starts at 3:30
if the su-30 is this bad and the pilot training is inferior, then it’s safe to assume that Indian pilots and equipment is not effective.


KV - read more, before posting. Mitra is not a defence personnel neither he is a defence correspondent. Mitra's points are very outdated - all the things that he mentioned were rectified long time back - years before Feb 27.
KV - read more, before posting. Mitra is not a defence personnel neither he is a defence correspondent. Mitra's points are very outdated - all the things that he mentioned were rectified long time back - years before Feb 27.

Really now abhijit is not a defence analyst, why does Indian media, Bjp and others keep inviting him. Dude you are soooooooo of reality that it hurts.

so what is your qualifications to make this assessments

and I don’t believe I am defending abhijit Iyer Mitra. May God forgive me

About the Speaker: - Abhijit Iyer-Mitra is Senior Fellow at the Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies. A Defence Economist, he has regular columns in the Economic Times & Business Standard as well as bylines in all major dailies and the New York Times. He also has co authored two books, one on military reforms and another on Afghanistan and has several academic publications to his credit dealing with defence and foreign policy. Prior to his current post he coordinated the National Security Programme at the Observer Research Foundation, was visiting scholar at Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque) & at the Stimson Center (Washington D C). His hobbies include flying recreational aircraft and scuba diving and he is the proud parent of two dogs and a cat.
Pakistanis are more safe in china is something that PDF posters can only think. What a utter disgrace ! A country that cant even bring its own citizens back. Heres a brand new report from CNBC pn stranded pak students

Why should pakistan join propaganda club against China?
Let me repeat again, China is more safer for Pakistanis then India is safer for Indians. Should I remind you again how many millions of people die in India each year from rape HIV AIDS malaria etc? So should everybody start fleeing India?

Imaginary stories are what you concoting..ISPR is known that for that. Doosra banda humarein pass hain..oops the pilot that was in hospital was our own and he died.
Like i said, the doosra banda is now your jeejuu g. btw ISPR clarified communication mistake which is expected during fog of war. One unit on ground reported one pilot captured (abhi) and other unit who treated abhi in hospital also reported him so this was translated as 2 pilots.
Also all PAF pilots have patches such as flag and name and also have a tongue and can speak in urdu so had the pilot been captured by villagers they would have known he is one of ours.
Go watch abhi's captured videos where villagers asked him questions to confirm his indian identity before getting a beating. It only happens in Indian imaginary world where they think a PAF pilot was beaten by villagers despite all evidence of him being Pakistani. Also if Pakistan was trying to cover up PAF losses then they would not simply disclose him to media and thats a simple logic which indiots fail to comprehend.
and since India can not provide substantial international standard non propaganda evidence so they are resorting to finding mistakes in ISPR statements.
Sameer Joshi is an ex Mirage fighter pilot - the kind of planes that you still swear by. Independent analysts have rebuffed the stories that you quote - you can check for it online.
You mean that guy who fools his fanboys with his imaginations? Yah, sure he was a fighter pilot... do you have a picture of him in a cockpit? because i only see this monkey in a bush plane pretending to be a top gun pilot.
Before I was banned from twitter (because Indians can not stand to truth) i owned this guy every time he uttered a word about this imaginary F-16 kill. First he tried persuading his fanboys that the Mig-21 wreckage images and videos are that of F-16 like the below image of Mig-21 was claimed as F-16 engine cowling :lol:
or are you one of those slow learners who still believes this is f-16 engine. :rolleyes:

Heck F16 forum had a very famous defence analyst and very close to PAK establishment confirming the loss of F16. But hey dont let that trouble you - its all propoganda. By the way - has PAF come out in open rebutting the radar images by placing their own picture OR it shoots from lackeys like you ?
LOL did you seriously had to bring this? more humiliation for IAF fanboys :agree: :lol:
I infact took part of this discussion on that forum. initially few non indian members believed F-16 was downed but within few weeks of the incidents they all realized that just like scam calls this is indeed another scam by Indian propaganda factory. :lol:
Go to this thread and enjoy humiliation IAF fanboy cry babies are receiving from non pakistani members.
Do note that only Indians believe in their F-16 imaginary kill theory which keeps getting busted.

Here is what one of the member from Estonia has to say....

Alright then, I didn't bother with this crap when the event happened, but now since some still try to concoct some sort of "evidence", let's examine some real evidence, shall we?

This is dedicated to everyone believing in "SECOND PARACHUTE" story irreversibly proving a second aircraft was downed:

Soviet planes had several iterations of ejection seats, including but not limited to K-22, KS, KM-1, KT-1, K-36 etc.

Here's how a K-22, a seat used in MiG-19 worked:


One couldn't help but noticing that a separate stabilizing/main chute deployment parachute exists.

The venerable MiG-21 used several different seats, with early models having KS, which in the later models, including MiG-21bis, were upgraded to KM-1 ejection seat. And it's my pleasure to inform the entire congregation of "Second Chute Church" that after the ejection the seat also deploys it's own parachute and lands in the immediate vicinity of the pilot. "Why would they do that?", one may wonder? Well you see, the seat carried the survival kit for the pilot (НАЗ-7), so it had to land near the pilot for him to be able to use that, as neatly illustrated by this caricature from the polish magazine. Whoever doubts me may type all that text manually into translator. I didn't do that, because I believe it will be pretty identical to the russian sources I found online.


They say that the picture is worth that a thousand words, so let me post some for your entertainment:

Exhibit 1: LNA Fishbed shot down in Libya this summer, pilot ejected, survived, captured. Run a reverse image search to read the details. Please note the holy second chute:


Exhibit 2: Libyan Air Force Flogger (MiG-23 also used KM-1) shot down over Benghazi in spring 2011, pilot ejected, survived. Run a reverse image search to read the details. Please note the holy second chute:


Now to the videos, I found one quite interesting and informative. It's mainly about Soviet K-36 (an impressive specimen to say the least!), but I believe there's footage of Fishbed also (maybe KM-1, maybe modified to accept K-36) at 0:55 mark:

Exhibit 3a: @00:55-01:03 a single person ejects from a plane that looks a lot like Fishbed then transforms into two separate chutes, because the seat has it's own
Exhibit 3b: @01:47-01:54 we see footage of Fullback ejection. It apparently uses older generation of K-36 seat, because two ejected dummies are separatee from their seats... which soon after deploy their own chutes, doubling the number of chutes. Note that the seat chutes are slightly different from persons' chutes. I hope none of you are going to claim a four-seater Fullback exists.
Exhibit 3c: @01:55-02:00 we are treated to a footage of ejection from the tail of a "flying lab". I believe this is also an early gen K-36. As one can notice (watch at 0,25 speed) the seat deploys it's own chute and can be seen dangling near by the pilot in the upper right corner after disappearing from the frame for a second.

"Well why don't you see seat having their own chutes in some well documented crashes at airshows?" Well, I got two versions for that. Either it's disabled/removed because the pilots don't need survival kit at the airshow, OR they were equipped with later gen K-36 (called K-36M, K-36D and K-36D-3,5) which got rid of the seat chute in lieu of strapping survival kit (upgraded to НАЗ-8) directly to the pilot:


Actually, one can see footage @01:16-01:19 of ejected pilot with a raft dangling beneath him after two Fulcrums collided at 1993 RIAT. Or one can look up footage of Fencer shot down by Turks. It also features two pilots parachuting down with rafts dangling beneath them. Su-24 was the first aircraft to feature K-36 seat and thus is eligible to be upgraded to newer K-36 models.

So there you have it: the second chute apparently seen by the locals (but so far absent from any footage) is not a conclusive proof of the second downed aircraft, since MiG-21 would have produced two chutes by itself.

You are giving way too much credit to yourself.
Yes i have PHD in busting Indian myths :lol:
You have parroted the same lines with no worthy articles or new thought process.
You do good job portraying yourself.
Kashmir will be ours. You can say whatever you want. For 80 yrs you all are trying - try more. You lost half of your country in that process - who knows whats next.
In 1947 India was sliced and diced :lol:
And then in 1948 we took almost half of kashmir from 2-3 times bigger military.
The only military achievement India could ever accomplish was from already geographically divided Pakistan which was 1,000 miles apart and in a civil war.

Execuse me. Who exactly is she ?
She is IAF top brass mistresses who was invited to whip her slaves :rofl:
Is she a defence authority or defence spokesperson ? Why should i listen to a GORA ? You may have a colonial hangover and may be colonial slave - i am not. Shes a nobody to me.
I dont know, ask her slaves in indian military who invited her.
'If its official PAF spokesperson then i am all ears. Heck even Mr Tufail redacted his written story couple of times after he was caught out.
you are more then welcome to pretend what ever you want.
Anyways start by photoshopping a radar image - and then let PAF personnel do a presser with it.
PAF does not believe in photoshop propaganda like IAF does. They only present "substantial evidence" as proof like this picture that haunts iaf fanboys.

Then lets see what happens. Here's something for you - PAF will never come out with Su 30 MKI radar intercepts - because there lies will be called out by IAF.
Same thing was said about Mig-21 missiles... indians were like... where are the missiles??? and then they were smacked with more evidence.
IAF on the other hand has made radar intercepts public - it has nothing to hide.
you mean radar intercepts made on MS paint?
By the way - Su 30 MKI that you claim to shot down - flew on republic day. It is for PAF to prove - that its not the same Su30 MKI.
And being like a good slave boy you bleived it without asking a question, "could it be random Su-30s that may have flown for face saving"?
So wake me up when you some tangible proof on Su 30 MKI.
stay tuned because on 27th febuary of this year PAF will present more "NEW" evidences.
By the way - your thoughts on Pilot who supposedly shot down MKI getting a lesser award that the one who shot Mig21 ? Praise the lord - but i thought you guys valued MKI. Its lies thats why. If your objective is to placate domestic audience - then these are things that you will do.

Because Mig-21 kill came with a wreckage and a pilot who was the face of Indian government embarrassment while Su-30 wreckage and pilot were hidden from public... but dont worry few days from now on 1st year anniversary more evidence will be presented.

Utter BS. First your lies that Spice 2K can only be mated with M84 was called out ..then you are resorting to 'But IAF only has Mk84' ..its just plain stupid and retarded. Ofcourse if you can prove it otherwise. IAF has its disposal different munitions just like IsAF has.

heeeyyyyy doooooooooooooooooont lie dooooooooooooooont lie okay :lol:
this is what i said that you interpreted it with your imagination.
"Spice-2000 uses MK-84 which has 2,000 lbs and almost 1,000 lbs of HE"

Dont wnat to do your work. It was not 2000lbs, it was much lower TNT. Further it depends on ground penetration. For starters look at the video posted in this thread of bunker busting bomb.
Indiot, only 2,000 lbs can be "mated" with spice.

Hmaid mir...hahaha ..really ? Sure he used to ask tough questions. But then he got a bullet or two , after that he has suddenly become uber patriotic. Please take this BS somewhere else. ISPR stands for transparency..ROFL.
Whats wrong with being "uber patriotic"? So now to you someone who is patriotic to Pakistan is notttttttttttt gooooddddddddddd?:omghaha:

Its not a story. Its reality. IAF said the very day - Cristal Maze malfunctioned or it could not be released. As a result, we dont have recording. Like i said - information warefare is not central to the plans otherwise redudancy would have been built in.
Which part of "each spice is independent from each other" do you not understand?
so why all 5 would malfunction? See, you have to lie 1,000 times to cover 1 lie :rofl:
By the way - why did you guys close your airspace for 6 months and more ? What spooked the much vaunted PAK fazaya ? lol
Because Pakistan has regard for human lives unlike cowards in the east which on purpose flew their spicejet with IAF code to force PAF and thus their cunning agenda was exposed.
Why should pakistan join propaganda club against China?
Let me repeat again, China is more safer for Pakistanis then India is safer for Indians. Should I remind you again how many millions of people die in India each year from rape HIV AIDS malaria etc? So should everybody start fleeing India?
But ofcourse a country which has no shame will resort to these statements. What hope a country can have when its president quotes haddith instead of a action plan. Heck it also can never get rid of slave mentality - always will depend on other country to do its work. First it was sucking up to americans, then chinese..soon thoorkey. Your erstwhile east pakistan also managed to evacuate its students, heck even lankans and maldives also evacuated..but you guys dont even have the capability. Utter shame - doesnt matter how you spin it.

Like i said, the doosra banda is now your jeejuu g. btw ISPR clarified communication mistake which is expected during fog of war. One unit on ground reported one pilot captured (abhi) and other unit who treated abhi in hospital also reported him so this was translated as 2 pilots.
Also all PAF pilots have patches such as flag and name and also have a tongue and can speak in urdu so had the pilot been captured by villagers they would have known he is one of ours.
Go watch abhi's captured videos where villagers asked him questions to confirm his indian identity before getting a beating. It only happens in Indian imaginary world where they think a PAF pilot was beaten by villagers despite all evidence of him being Pakistani. Also if Pakistan was trying to cover up PAF losses then they would not simply disclose him to media and thats a simple logic which indiots fail to comprehend.
and since India can not provide substantial international standard non propaganda evidence so they are resorting to finding mistakes in ISPR statements.
This is the most hilarious explanation. I am seriously amused as to how the population be so gullible. Gafoora mentioned about doosra banda for 2 days - he is not some badshah khan who is sepoy; he is DGISPR. Fog of war - exists for an hour or two ! Not for 2 days..Heck your PM also announced on the floor and even grandiously said 'we will treat doosra banda well'..poor fellow 'A PAF pilot died and was not recognized by its country' ; but then its not surprising, so many NLI were never recognized in kargil as well.

You mean that guy who fools his fanboys with his imaginations? Yah, sure he was a fighter pilot... do you have a picture of him in a cockpit? because i only see this monkey in a bush plane pretending to be a top gun pilot.
Before I was banned from twitter (because Indians can not stand to truth) i owned this guy every time he uttered a word about this imaginary F-16 kill. First he tried persuading his fanboys that the Mig-21 wreckage images and videos are that of F-16 like the below image of Mig-21 was claimed as F-16 engine cowling :lol:
or are you one of those slow learners who still believes this is f-16 engine. :rolleyes:

Yup he is a Mirage pilot of the same squadron who intruded into Balakot. So he knows a thing or two. And did you say -- you owned this guy ? Hahahahahahaha...i doubt you can own the kid staying in your building. He is a professional , there are enough professionals in PAF - let them deal with him. You are orbiting at a much lower level.

LOL did you seriously had to bring this? more humiliation for IAF fanboys :agree: :lol:
I infact took part of this discussion on that forum. initially few non indian members believed F-16 was downed but within few weeks of the incidents they all realized that just like scam calls this is indeed another scam by Indian propaganda factory. :lol:

You took part in nothing ! All you are doing is huffing and puffing nose in pdf - nothing else.People who parrot these kind of dialogues are the ones who usually dont do anything. Rest of the theory - you wrote is garbage. It is never based on singular evidence - its multiple pieces of evidence. 2 parachutes , radar intercepts, comm intercepts, EW signatures , visual sightings , video evidences - everything corborates to the fact that second plane went down and it wasnt a IAF one.

In 1947 India was sliced and diced :lol:
And then in 1948 we took almost half of kashmir from 2-3 times bigger military.
The only military achievement India could ever accomplish was from already geographically divided Pakistan which was 1,000 miles apart and in a civil war.

Chalo - atleast you acknowledged your Indian ancestry. Lot of people in this forum are confused about that. Anyways - keep on trying ! Like i said , you lost half of your country in 71 (god bless them, they are doing very well). We are just waiting to split it more. By the way - you guys were planning to do a lot after Article370 , ahem what exactly happened ? Hows the Friday 5 min thing going on ?

you mean radar intercepts made on MS paint?
Wait i am actually looking at the radar intercepts furnished by PAF. Crap - i was dreaming. Yes , the kind of intercepts which were not furnished by PAF. And they wont. Because their lies will be caught. Tufail tried to publish - but then redacted it. IAF on the other hand - has had one consistent story ! Never , ever changed.

And being like a good slave boy you bleived it without asking a question, "could it be random Su-30s that may have flown for face saving"?

Ohh dear sony. You see it doesnt work like that. If you are claiming something - then you have to provide evidence/proof. You guys are claiming that you shot down Su 30 - Now the burden of proof is on you to prove that the one which flew on republic day is not the same. You make a claim, you provide the proof - isnt it elementary ? Ohh wait, thats where education comes in.

Because Mig-21 kill came with a wreckage and a pilot who was the face of Indian government embarrassment while Su-30 wreckage and pilot were hidden from public... but dont worry few days from now on 1st year anniversary more evidence will be presented.

Wait...what ??????? Thats your rationale...seriously ? Is that the official line ? By the way - can you send me link for official citation of the pilot which shot down Su 30 - please i now really want to read it. What a professional force - but then its not surprising. MM Alams60 second false hood is considered true, so..anythings possible
I am eagerly waiting for 27th and the new evidences that it will herald.

heeeyyyyy doooooooooooooooooont lie dooooooooooooooont lie okay :lol:
this is what i said that you interpreted it with your imagination.
"Spice-2000 uses MK-84 which has 2,000 lbs and almost 1,000 lbs of HE"
Yeah you just reiterated your lie ! Spice can use many other types of munitions including low TNT ones. You are keeping on harping about only MK 84. Fact is - you dont know.

Indiot, only 2,000 lbs can be "mated" with spice.
are you serious ? I mean whats the point ? You are reiterating to make yourself understand ? One more time - trying in a different way. 2000lb's - doesnt mean 1000 lbs of HE or2000 lbs of he. Weight can be 2000 LB's which is why the name SPICE 2000 - the TNT yield will vary depending on the munition and the mission profile.

Whats wrong with being "uber patriotic"? So now to you someone who is patriotic to Pakistan is notttttttttttt gooooddddddddddd?
Nothing wrong ! But you referred Hamid Mir as a shining beacon of asking tough questions to Army. He has become a cheerleader after getting couple of bullets. essentially its a banana republic. And PAK armed forces is the major business organization. Do you know how much business your Armed forces owns ?

Which part of "each spice is independent from each other" do you not understand?
so why all 5 would malfunction?
And you said you had a debate with Sameer ? Spice & Crystal Maze = two differnt munitons. Crystal Maze = Has TV seeker and live image is relayed back. Spice version that we had did not have that capability. So India due to its utter lack of experience in information warefare - never built redudancy into its plan. CrytalMaze malfunctioned and out went the recording. These statements - were told by IAF the exact same day. Again - clear communication ! It will stand test of time - because its the truth.

See, you have to lie 1,000 times to cover 1 lie
reminds me of Gafoor.

Because Pakistan has regard for human lives unlike cowards in the east which on purpose flew their spicejet with IAF code to force PAF and thus their cunning agenda was exposed.

High regardof human lives...hehe. Do you even believe what you write ? Or you write because you are convincing yourself. I mean even a kid could see the fallacy in logic here.
6 months of air space closure essentially PAF was really spooked ! PAK fazaiya. Indian airspace was not closed for even 1 minute. What happened that spooked them so much ?? What a chronology of events - right from crows killed - but we will not take anyone to the site ; we have doosra banda with us ; we never used F16 - mother promise ; That Amraam is not ours - its Taiwanese Amraam ; i can just go on and on...Anyways truth will come out one day; It always does!
But ofcourse a country which has no shame will resort to these statements. What hope a country can have when its president quotes haddith instead of a action plan. Heck it also can never get rid of slave mentality - always will depend on other country to do its work. First it was sucking up to americans, then chinese..soon thoorkey. Your erstwhile east pakistan also managed to evacuate its students, heck even lankans and maldives also evacuated..but you guys dont even have the capability. Utter shame - doesnt matter how you spin it.

This is the most hilarious explanation. I am seriously amused as to how the population be so gullible. Gafoora mentioned about doosra banda for 2 days - he is not some badshah khan who is sepoy; he is DGISPR. Fog of war - exists for an hour or two ! Not for 2 days..Heck your PM also announced on the floor and even grandiously said 'we will treat doosra banda well'..poor fellow 'A PAF pilot died and was not recognized by its country' ; but then its not surprising, so many NLI were never recognized in kargil as well.

Yup he is a Mirage pilot of the same squadron who intruded into Balakot. So he knows a thing or two. And did you say -- you owned this guy ? Hahahahahahaha...i doubt you can own the kid staying in your building. He is a professional , there are enough professionals in PAF - let them deal with him. You are orbiting at a much lower level.

You took part in nothing ! All you are doing is huffing and puffing nose in pdf - nothing else.People who parrot these kind of dialogues are the ones who usually dont do anything. Rest of the theory - you wrote is garbage. It is never based on singular evidence - its multiple pieces of evidence. 2 parachutes , radar intercepts, comm intercepts, EW signatures , visual sightings , video evidences - everything corborates to the fact that second plane went down and it wasnt a IAF one.

Chalo - atleast you acknowledged your Indian ancestry. Lot of people in this forum are confused about that. Anyways - keep on trying ! Like i said , you lost half of your country in 71 (god bless them, they are doing very well). We are just waiting to split it more. By the way - you guys were planning to do a lot after Article370 , ahem what exactly happened ? Hows the Friday 5 min thing going on ?

Wait i am actually looking at the radar intercepts furnished by PAF. Crap - i was dreaming. Yes , the kind of intercepts which were not furnished by PAF. And they wont. Because their lies will be caught. Tufail tried to publish - but then redacted it. IAF on the other hand - has had one consistent story ! Never , ever changed.

Ohh dear sony. You see it doesnt work like that. If you are claiming something - then you have to provide evidence/proof. You guys are claiming that you shot down Su 30 - Now the burden of proof is on you to prove that the one which flew on republic day is not the same. You make a claim, you provide the proof - isnt it elementary ? Ohh wait, thats where education comes in.

Wait...what ??????? Thats your rationale...seriously ? Is that the official line ? By the way - can you send me link for official citation of the pilot which shot down Su 30 - please i now really want to read it. What a professional force - but then its not surprising. MM Alams60 second false hood is considered true, so..anythings possible
I am eagerly waiting for 27th and the new evidences that it will herald.

Yeah you just reiterated your lie ! Spice can use many other types of munitions including low TNT ones. You are keeping on harping about only MK 84. Fact is - you dont know.

are you serious ? I mean whats the point ? You are reiterating to make yourself understand ? One more time - trying in a different way. 2000lb's - doesnt mean 1000 lbs of HE or2000 lbs of he. Weight can be 2000 LB's which is why the name SPICE 2000 - the TNT yield will vary depending on the munition and the mission profile.

Nothing wrong ! But you referred Hamid Mir as a shining beacon of asking tough questions to Army. He has become a cheerleader after getting couple of bullets. essentially its a banana republic. And PAK armed forces is the major business organization. Do you know how much business your Armed forces owns ?

And you said you had a debate with Sameer ? Spice & Crystal Maze = two differnt munitons. Crystal Maze = Has TV seeker and live image is relayed back. Spice version that we had did not have that capability. So India due to its utter lack of experience in information warefare - never built redudancy into its plan. CrytalMaze malfunctioned and out went the recording. These statements - were told by IAF the exact same day. Again - clear communication ! It will stand test of time - because its the truth.

reminds me of Gafoor.

High regardof human lives...hehe. Do you even believe what you write ? Or you write because you are convincing yourself. I mean even a kid could see the fallacy in logic here.
6 months of air space closure essentially PAF was really spooked ! PAK fazaiya. Indian airspace was not closed for even 1 minute. What happened that spooked them so much ?? What a chronology of events - right from crows killed - but we will not take anyone to the site ; we have doosra banda with us ; we never used F16 - mother promise ; That Amraam is not ours - its Taiwanese Amraam ; i can just go on and on...Anyways truth will come out one day; It always does!

Air space was closed because we were waiting for retaliation and was closed fro civilian use not military. Syrian air space is closed. Does it prevent Americans, French, Israelis carrying out their strikes???

Spice 2000 is created to carry out 1000 lbs. Changing warhead will effect the weight distribution and the flight characteristics. Its basic physics.

You are asking us proof of SU 30. We dont have it. Where is your proof of F-16??? You only have one statement tod doosra banda. Meanwhile on 27th your MEA siad no plane went down until Abhi was shown on TV hours later then you accepted it.

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