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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

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@Oscar life cycle costs can only be calculated for a fighter plane which has completed a certain number of years in service as it requires a calculations of which spare parts are needed more and which are needed less.
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Cost of flying a Tejas on a mission per hour along with life cycle costs.

Cost per hour can be at par with Gripen since both are flying with same engine and since most of the parts are own stuff it may be lower than of Gripen.
Cost per hour can be at par with Gripen since both are flying with same engine and since most of the parts are own stuff it may be lower than of Gripen.

Too simplistic an estimation. The gripen A has different costs than the C.. and those too are based on estimates given fuel consumption, engine operating costs and parts usage.
Too simplistic an estimation. The gripen A has different costs than the C.. and those too are based on estimates given fuel consumption, engine operating costs and parts usage.

Well I didn't see any such estimates anywhere for tejas, it should be much lower than any other jets operating in IAF. All we know the sortie rates are very high compared to other jets. It did 3 in a day at high areas of leh
Well I didn't see any such estimates anywhere for tejas, it should be much lower than any other jets operating in IAF. All we know the sortie rates are very high compared to other jets. It did 3 in a day at high areas of leh

That is no indication of anything. By that contrast PAF F-7PGs have been tested doing 6 -40 minute sorties from Skardu on and off. What is important is to know the cost vs the capability that the Tejas is bringing, and it surprises me that no claimed official data is available as it goes against the character of HAL(or DRDO or any Indian R&D for that matter) not to immediately give out data.
@Oscar let the plane be inducted, once the plane starts ops at a full fledged pace and then only can the life cycle cost be calculated.
The fuel cost, the spares needed and weapons costs as well as ops cost in different environment can be calculated. Gun trials and bvr trails will be able to clarify the costs involved.

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