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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

Thank you. That is precisely the point.
The structure was meant to stand. Any one who has followed syrian conflict and israels employment of Spice bomb munitions would know the impact and damage it does. The structure is gutted from inside. All the kinetic action happens inside. Externally and from a TOP view perspective - you wouldnt come to know. I am sure if you were stand close to building you would see its effects. ISPR did a fab job in organizing a sham tour of supposed journos who didnt have a clue. The tour happened 40 days after.

what bharat mata ki horse sh1t is this?

Spice-2000 uses MK-84 which has 2,000 lbs and almost 1,000 lbs of HE which is more then enough to obliterate bunkers and and structures. The strike on Syrian structure you are talking about was a result of a cluster bomb because a "kinetic action" of 2,000 lbs or even 1,000lbs would create huge creator from impacting the ground.
this Indiots theory is defying law of physics.
what bharat mata ki horse sh1t is this?

Spice-2000 uses MK-84 which has 2,000 lbs and almost 1,000 lbs of HE which is more then enough to obliterate bunkers and and structures. The strike on Syrian structure you are talking about was a result of a cluster bomb because a "kinetic action" of 2,000 lbs or even 1,000lbs would create huge creator from impacting the ground.
this Indiots theory is defying law of physics.
Multiplt those lbs with factor of five.

This is what a bunker buster does. And Spice aint one.

From a Pakistani perspective - its fine. Like i said. PAF and Pak armed forces achieved its objective.

40 days to give a tour of neighborhood site - sure COWS were the only living organisms that were killed. Gafoor did his job well , with utmost sincerity. Pity he was passed off for promotion.

Every bomb of yours fell short of target by 500 mtrs to more than a KM. It just means poor employment of stand off weapons. But PAF is a professional air force - this will be corrected immediately.

With regards to ballistic missiles - how did you deny India that oppurtunity. I dont know of this. India did not climb escalation ladder because it met its objectives. Also the utter capitulation on PAK's part to return back Abhinandan - it hoped for cessation of hostilities. It got what it wanted.

If only we had rafales - is a perfectly acceptable statement. If you cannot process it then its your problem. Our generals have much more freehand to speak. We dont put generals in house arrest due to a difference of opinion

You are full of shit is a statement resorted by people who are incompetent and jingoistic. Absolutely devoid of facts.
O my god
You actually ARE full of shit
Pity, IAF or India failed to show the impact of Pakistani weapons even after a year so that world can form its own opinion about PAF's strike's accuracy or otherwise. It is GHAFOOR. OH, BTW, this is how the world has seen accuracy of IAF's strike.
Accuracy of Spikes on ground...

Sure - this is how ISPR wanted the world to see it. The fact that most of the members on this forums parots Gafoors line of crows killed essentially proves the buffoonery of it all. You guys are eating out of the palms of ISPR department with no and i mean no critical questioning back.

And Govt. of Pakistan/FO/PAF ... all have explained the reason why it was so. PAF showed recorded footage of its stand-off weapon which was deliberately guided off-target. Where is SPIKE's footage? Where is footage of carters created by PAF's weapons which you r claiming 1/2 to 1 KM off target? Nothing! NADA..

Pakistan when it fights a battle , it considers information warfare central to fighting overall battle. I think its absolutely the correct strategy - with a ever changing world. This is an area where we lagged and are still lagging. India came out the very day - stating that Cristal Maze which was supposed to record the impact could not be released or malfunctioned. Here i would commend communication - there was no change in its statement from Day1. Coming back to the point - It never had the footage - because it never considers information warfare central to its war fighting capabilities. If it had, it would have build redundancy. At this point its all conjecture - but this is what i believe in. India has a shoddy to a non existent communication department.

By simply making US intervene by bringing our BM launcher in open for their satellites to pick it up. Yeah India met her objectives that's why after Balakot it sends a sub into Pakistani waters just to be detected and threatened its existence with missile strike. Of course, Pakistan never wanted to increase the hostilities. It was Indian enterprise, Pakistan just responded. Pakistan, with its conventional deterrence, thwarted Indian design to establish a new normal in subcontinent.
You are going to threaten a sub with a missile strike ? Really ? Anyways congratulations on detecting sub - its a good capability to have. Indians will be careful the next time. Also India never sought to impose a new normal. It just had 2 political objectives. It achieved both.

Releasing a POW a gesture which was received well from across the world. Question is, if India wanted to punish Pakistan for helping so-called terrorism, why Kashmir is still under curfew? Your own people.

Releasing a POW is what i call a classical deescalation maneuver. In other words you dont have what it takes to stand up and fight. Pakistans knows it will have huge problem with its current state of economy if a fight breaks out. It was spooked ! Nothing explains 'No Fly' zone over PAK airspace for literally 6 months - whereas Indian airspace was open from Day 1.
What about Kashmir ? India will break insurgency which has active PAK support. There is no two ways about it.

what bharat mata ki horse sh1t is this?
You had to do this..didnt you ? Childish way to retort over the years have never changed. This aint the first time where i have seen its usage.

Spice-2000 uses MK-84 which has 2,000 lbs and almost 1,000 lbs of HE
This is an incorrect statement. Spice 2000 is a guidance kit and its not a bomb. Only exception is Spice 250 and its mated to a bomb. In case of 2000 and 1000, It can be mated with various types of munitions including munitions that are developed in house. Most probably it would have been a low mass TNT instead of high mass MK84. There are plenty of evidences on its usage if you care to search.

which is more then enough to obliterate bunkers and and structures. The strike on Syrian structure you are talking about was a result of a cluster bomb because a "kinetic action" of 2,000 lbs or even 1,000lbs would create huge creator from impacting the ground.
Let me again try to summarize -
SPICE 2000 is an all weather 1000 KG bomb kit. It has 12 control surfaces - with tail having sensors to sense the pressure and direction ; head having micrpphones which controls microfuses - the entire idea being to count the floors or measuing the impact on the floors before detonating. The fuses were critical - since it controls the penetration and when the detonation would happen. There are other things in SPICE as well - IN/GPS , image matcher, etc which right now is not relevant. SPICE has enough mass to penetrate the ground sufficiently deep and the pressure variation from the center of the fireball is enough to eliminate soft tissue targets in near by region. Sure it can cause a structure to fall (not explode in flames or be gutted) , but it depends at what level below the ground the detonation happened and the pressure it exerted. So needless to say - the structure can withstand. I mean thinking about it - happen to see 2005 historical images of Balakot training camp, it withstood the earthquake in that area which otherwise caused significant destruction in that area.

this Indiots theory is defying law of physics.
Actually its all about physics. I am not an expert but have read enough to understand the situation. Syrian employment is relevation - go through the forums of other nations and you will understnad the nature.

O my god
You actually ARE full of shit
Yo ! Floyd fan- do you have anything to contribute ? or its really numb ?

On Internet I couldn't find a reference saying Rafale is a bunker buster.
SPICE is not employed as a Bunker buster. GBU 24 is a bunker buster coupled with 116. However SPICE can be employed as one if required.
Releasing a POW is what i call a classical deescalation maneuver. In other words you dont have what it takes to stand up and fight. Pakistans knows it will have huge problem with its current state of economy if a fight breaks out. It was spooked ! Nothing explains 'No Fly' zone over PAK airspace for literally 6 months - whereas Indian airspace was open from Day 1.
What about Kashmir ? India will break insurgency which has active PAK support. There is no two ways about it.

more horse sh1t... Indian high profile Naval officer is still under Pakistan's custody for past several years despite of India trying to prove him innocent of any wrong doing. IAF is the one who backed off because they have yet to score a kill. right now the score is PAF 2 IAF -1 (-1 for shooting down its own fighter lol)

You had to do this..didnt you ? Childish way to retort over the years have never changed. This aint the first time where i have seen its usage.
Have you seen Indians behavior on Twitter?

This is an incorrect statement. Spice 2000 is a guidance kit and its not a bomb. Only exception is Spice 250 and its mated to a bomb. In case of 2000 and 1000, It can be mated with various types of munitions including munitions that are developed in house. Most probably it would have been a low mass TNT instead of high mass MK84. There are plenty of evidences on its usage if you care to search.

indiot where did i say Spice is not a kit? IAF specifically acquired MK-84 from Israel because IAF does not have ANY OTHER unguided 2,000lbs that fits on Spice-2000. Their is no such thing as "LOW TNT" on a 2,000lbs as it is designed with thick-walled metal casing with explosive filler that can not be reduced or increased.
Even if lower TNT was used all that energy would escape from penetration mark causing the structure on top to collapse. Also its just Indiot imagination that their is a bunker underneath.
Let me again try to summarize -
SPICE 2000 is an all weather 1000 KG bomb kit. It has 12 control surfaces - with tail having sensors to sense the pressure and direction ; head having micrpphones which controls microfuses - the entire idea being to count the floors or measuing the impact on the floors before detonating. The fuses were critical - since it controls the penetration and when the detonation would happen. There are other things in SPICE as well - IN/GPS , image matcher, etc which right now is not relevant.
yah, blah blah blah
SPICE has enough mass to penetrate the ground sufficiently deep and the pressure variation from the center of the fireball is enough to eliminate soft tissue targets in near by region
indian imagination defying law of physics.
PICE has enough mass to penetrate the ground sufficiently deep and the pressure variation from the center of the fireball is enough to eliminate soft tissue targets in near by region. Sure it can cause a structure to fall (not explode in flames or be gutted) , but it depends at what level below the ground the detonation happened and the pressure it exerted.
yet again just imagination no logic.
S So needless to say - the structure can withstand. I mean thinking about it - happen to see 2005 historical images of Balakot training camp, it withstood the earthquake in that area which otherwise caused significant destruction in that area.

Not every structure in 2005 collapsed so ur logic is just as stupid as u.

Actually its all about physics. I am not an expert but have read enough to understand the situation. Syrian employment is relevation - go through the forums of other nations and you will understnad the nature.
yes i have, no forum supports indian theories on balakot strike.
more horse sh1t... Indian high profile Naval officer is still under Pakistan's custody for past several years despite of India trying to prove him innocent of any wrong doing. IAF is the one who backed off because they have yet to score a kill. right now the score is PAF 2 IAF -1 (-1 for shooting down its own fighter lol)
You can say whatever crap you want. Doesnt make it true. Naval officer on espionage charge has got nothing to do with war. It was actually very cowardly for you guys to release Abhi. Utter lack of courage. You can sugar coat and claim it as a world peace gesture but reeks of cowardice. By the way did you find the Doosrabanda in your hospital ? 2 planes went down allright - only 1 of them was IAF. Your Su 30 MKI claim are exactly the lies that Pakistanis are known for. Remember 60 second MM Alam, hilarious.

Have you seen Indians behavior on Twitter?
So ?

indiot where did i say Spice is not a kit? IAF specifically acquired MK-84 from Israel because IAF does not have ANY OTHER unguided 2,000lbs that fits on Spice-2000. Their is no such thing as "LOW TNT" on a 2,000lbs as it is designed with thick-walled metal casing with explosive filler that can not be reduced or increased.
No you einstien- you said Spice 2000 is only mated with Mk-84 - its balatantly false. It can be mated with lot of munitions including MK 84.

Even if lower TNT was used all that energy would escape from penetration mark causing the structure on top to collapse. Also its just Indiot imagination that their is a bunker underneath.
yah, blah blah blah
All that energy would escape penetration mark.... ? What ???? No it wont. It depends on mgh/d; d stands for depth of penetration. Essentially it means how much did spice bomb penetrate into the ground - that would determine if structure would fall or not. There are countless videos which illustrate structure standing and inside being gutted.

indian imagination defying law of physics.
rudimentary education -- oh i forget you dont have great colleges from where you come from - right..

yet again just imagination no logic.
No logic - here stands i dont understand a crap of what he is saying but then i might have overestimated your capacity to absorb.

Not every structure in 2005 collapsed so ur logic is just as stupid as u.
No but it does provide a reference. WHat do you think is the TNT equivalent of the earthquake that happened ?

yes i have, no forum supports indian theories on balakot strike.
I was referring to working of SPICE bomb - for starters , read . Do you read ? Or you refer only to ISPR statements ?
You can say whatever crap you want. Doesnt make it true. Naval officer on espionage charge has got nothing to do with war. It was actually very cowardly for you guys to release Abhi.Utter lack of courage. You can sugar coat and claim it as a world peace gesture but reeks of cowardice.
Or Pakistani army on ground could have let abhi get mauled to death by villagers. Indians are just thankless people. The fact is India insist that naval officer is not a spy and is innocent, so Pakistan is actually capturing innocent man which is against geneva convention :enjoy: so do something about it. and btw 27th feb was not a war u indiot.
By the way did you find the Doosrabanda in your hospital ? 2 planes went down allright - only 1 of them was IAF. Your Su 30 MKI claim are exactly the lies that Pakistanis are known for. Remember 60 second MM Alam, hilarious.

the doosrabanda is now your jeejuu. :bunny: just kidding.

btw this is getting quite boring answering to same question over and over again with same result in indians running away from evidence like you are about to...

Here are pictures of all 4 missiles recovered from abhi's mig-21. notice 1 r-77 was stuck on pylon and the other one that was dislodged was recovered which has a serial number that can be traced back to IAF inventory.





Villagers could have mistaken mig-21 drag chute with dosrabanda or they saw abhi's parachute which was in vicinity of abhi's arrest location and they thought its another pilot and had their been another pilot then pakistani troops would have ran towards him but this never happened. also if their was an f-16 within their reach then their would have been F-16 wreckage video. and dont give me more bs that all videos and images were deleted.

No you einstien- you said Spice 2000 is only mated with Mk-84 - its balatantly false. It can be mated with lot of munitions including MK 84.

Where did i say it "only uses" mk84? u r just being stupid.
I said it uses mk-84 which india bought from isreal along with spice kits and all mk84 have 1,000 lbs of HE.

All that energy would escape penetration mark.... ? What ???? No it wont. It depends on mgh/d; d stands for depth of penetration. Essentially it means how much did spice bomb penetrate into the ground - that would determine if structure would fall or not. There are countless videos which illustrate structure standing and inside being gutted.
you are giving balakot structure importance of a underground nuclear reactor which has 10 feet thick walls.
their is not even any evidence of a underground bunker but here we are dealing with indian imaginations.
Show me one video or picture proving your imagination theory of structure standing and inside being gutted?

rudimentary education -- oh i forget you dont have great colleges from where you come from - right..
Yah i did not even go to school but i have more knowledge then you :smart:

No logic - here stands i dont understand a crap of what he is saying but then i might have overestimated your capacity to absorb.
Outside India when you say something make sure you can back it up with evidence cuz i know it does not exist on your part of imaginary world.

No but it does provide a reference. WHat do you think is the TNT equivalent of the earthquake that happened ?

I was referring to working of SPICE bomb - for starters , read . Do you read ? Or you refer only to ISPR statements ?
Or Pakistani army on ground could have let abhi get mauled to death by villagers. Indians are just thankless people. The fact is India insist that naval officer is not a spy and is innocent, so Pakistan is actually capturing innocent man which is against geneva convention :enjoy: so do something about it. and btw 27th feb was not a war u indiot.
Oh dont worry - we will get Khulbushan. Unlike PAK, we dont abandon our people. for starters you can ask students in Wuhan. Anyways in spyfare - these things happen. You do remember the case of missing PAK colonel from Nepal, dont you ? Call 27th feb - a low intesity conflict. Who cares.

the doosrabanda is now your jeejuu. :bunny: just kidding.

btw this is getting quite boring answering to same question over and over again with same result in indians running away from evidence like you are about to...

Here are pictures of all 4 missiles recovered from abhi's mig-21. notice 1 r-77 was stuck on pylon and the other one that was dislodged was recovered which has a serial number that can be traced back to IAF inventory.
Groan - not these pics again. Countless articles have been written on how this is a sham job. All the best if this is core of your argument !

Villagers could have mistaken mig-21 drag chute with dosrabanda or they saw abhi's parachute which was in vicinity of abhi's arrest location and they thought its another pilot and had their been another pilot then pakistani troops would have ran towards him but this never happened. also if their was an f-16 within their reach then their would have been F-16 wreckage video. and dont give me more bs that all videos and images were deleted.
There are so many holes in the story -- so many holes that water just floods out of them. Do you ever ask critical questions to your government or in your case to your Army ? Any sane country with a functioning government and a independent press would have ripped apart your above statement. Its a waste of time to go over the same stuff. Doosra banda humarein pass hain , Doosre bandain hospital main hain aur uske sath hum acha saluk karenge, khan announcing in pariliament, ...i mean what a mockery. Thats not all - the entire chain of events and communication contradicts one another. With regards to F16 - you tell me. Another plane went down. IAF official presser provided radar images of F16 disappearance. Dont know how it disappeared - whoever did that , amazing stuff.

Where did i say it "only uses" mk84? u r just being stupid.
I said it uses mk-84 which india bought from isreal along with spice kits and all mk84 have 1,000 lbs of HE.
You have the gumption to say what IAF brought? Really its that open source ? Most of us - were not even aware of SPICE till Balakot happened. So to say IAF has mated with MK84 - is a bit rich. Here's a fact - SPICE can be mated with lot of munitions and we dont know which one was mated on 26th.

you are giving balakot structure importance of a underground nuclear reactor which has 10 feet thick walls.
their is not even any evidence of a underground bunker but here we are dealing with indian imaginations.
Show me one video or picture proving your imagination theory of structure standing and inside being gutted?
I doesnt need to be a reinforced structure. I have seen sheds standing after SPICE impacts. You can refer to a video that was posted by one user above. Anyways are you asking me to do your work for you ? Go search - start with Israelis - they do have some good stories to tell. It might bust your myth actually.

Yah i did not even go to school but i have more knowledge then you :smart:
Yup it shows

Outside India when you say something make sure you can back it up with evidence cuz i know it does not exist on your part of imaginary world.
The only thing we lack is ISPR department - hopefully it will be fullfilled. All the other shortcomings of 27th are being addressed on war footing.
Or Pakistani army on ground could have let abhi get mauled to death by villagers. Indians are just thankless people. The fact is India insist that naval officer is not a spy and is innocent, so Pakistan is actually capturing innocent man which is against geneva convention :enjoy: so do something about it. and btw 27th feb was not a war u indiot.

the doosrabanda is now your jeejuu. :bunny: just kidding.

btw this is getting quite boring answering to same question over and over again with same result in indians running away from evidence like you are about to...

Here are pictures of all 4 missiles recovered from abhi's mig-21. notice 1 r-77 was stuck on pylon and the other one that was dislodged was recovered which has a serial number that can be traced back to IAF inventory.





Villagers could have mistaken mig-21 drag chute with dosrabanda or they saw abhi's parachute which was in vicinity of abhi's arrest location and they thought its another pilot and had their been another pilot then pakistani troops would have ran towards him but this never happened. also if their was an f-16 within their reach then their would have been F-16 wreckage video. and dont give me more bs that all videos and images were deleted.

Where did i say it "only uses" mk84? u r just being stupid.
I said it uses mk-84 which india bought from isreal along with spice kits and all mk84 have 1,000 lbs of HE.

you are giving balakot structure importance of a underground nuclear reactor which has 10 feet thick walls.
their is not even any evidence of a underground bunker but here we are dealing with indian imaginations.
Show me one video or picture proving your imagination theory of structure standing and inside being gutted?

Yah i did not even go to school but i have more knowledge then you :smart:

Outside India when you say something make sure you can back it up with evidence cuz i know it does not exist on your part of imaginary world.


didn’t Abhinandhan admit that he was searching for targets when shot down...........:o: are Indian Air Force officers liars with no sense of honor.....do their words mean nothing???

it is strange how low an opinion Indians have of their soldiers. I believe them to be honorable men who would not lie in the way of their duty.

didn’t Abhinandhan admit that he was searching for targets when shot down...........:o: are Indian Air Force officers liars with no sense of honor.....do their words mean nothing???

it is strange how low an opinion Indians have of their soldiers. I believe them to be honorable men who would not lie in the way of their duty.

Nice video and nice editing. He did not lie - its just his sentence got cut - exactly how you would in movies. I mean think about it - which armed forces in the world is so eager to release videos of captured soldiers with such careful editing. North korea does it. Thats your parallel.

This thread has derailed by a long shot by me ! Apologies to forum members. I replied to a poster above of not derailing, will intend to keep it that way. I will take up on other threads.
I have this nagging question all the time. The probability of two seater f-16 being used in the air defence role is limited as its better suited to an attack role. In the video of the second kill we all see two engine aircraft and two shoots. Why is it so hard to believe it’s an su-30mki. Did the Russians confirm that all of Indian su-30 were accounted for like the Americans told a us journalist ?

I leave you with a abhjit Iyer Mitra a very right wing Indian analyst on his views about su-30

fun starts at 3:30

I agree with his views on su-30


Nice video and nice editing. He did not lie - its just his sentence got cut - exactly how you would in movies. I mean think about it - which armed forces in the world is so eager to release videos of captured soldiers with such careful editing. North korea does it. Thats your parallel.

This thread has derailed by a long shot by me ! Apologies to forum members. I replied to a poster above of not derailing, will intend to keep it that way. I will take up on other threads.

Sorry what is your evidence for this video being cut. That really means that you think your Indian officer is a liar?

I believe that this guy did not lie, at least I never heard him say he shot anything down but I truly believe Indian politicians lied. This incursion in February 26th was a fool hardy election stunt.

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