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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

me? what did i post in THIS thread taht constitutes 'derailing'? just because i pointed out AnnoyingOrange willingly engaged SingaporeanGuy?

Sorry. I was referring to the other person. Wrong quote. my bad.
Still too much reluctant to accept the truth.
Be happy with your stupid dreams. But stop warmongering.
Chill, no need to call people stupid. I am not warmongering, war is part and parcel of being a respected country. India did it, China did it. Please don't look at it at some kind of genocide against India, sometimes if agreement is not achieved, war is the only solution to settle it.

Why , You guys have monopoly of using sub sonic missile and we can not retaliate with supersonic missile? If you use any subsonic missile than at least 30 to 50 time higher kinetic energy missile shall come to you at a speed four time higher than yours.

Many missile better than Brahmos? Which are they?
If only you understood what you were saying. Nobody uses supersonic antiship missiles to attack land targets. You ever wonder why the missiles are supersonic in the first place? =)
If only you understood what you were saying. Nobody uses supersonic antiship missiles to attack land targets. You ever wonder why the missiles are supersonic in the first place? =)

If only you were upto date about the topics you speak of. India will.

Brahmos happen to have multiple variants for quite few years now. Sea, Land and soon, Air.

Speed is used to overwhelm the defense systems, on any platform.
If only you were upto date about the topics you speak of. India will.

Brahmos happen to have multiple variants for quite few years now. Sea, Land and soon, Air.

Speed is used to overwhelm the defense systems, on any platform.
OMG, another Indian is thinking to use supersonic missiles for land attack. Is brahmos your only missile, you can use it for every role it seems. Different missiles with different weight, firepower, range and speed all play different roles. You don't see Russian using Oniks for everything right? Common sense.
OMG, another Indian is thinking to use supersonic missiles for land attack. Is brahmos your only missile, you can use it for every role it seems. Different missiles with different weight, firepower, range and speed all play different roles. You don't see Russian using Oniks for everything right? Common sense.


Oniks is a antiship missile.

Brahmos is not a antiship missile alone. There are other variants. Stop using chrome translate to understand.

Why is China showing DF21 when US shows them CBG?

But to your point, it will depend upon the Chinese strike formations. China does not have credible defense against Brahmos/Shaurya, if navy is in play swarm as of now. No, don't get riled up, You just dont. So Brahmos maybe used to take out HV targets. Then cheap Prahar missiles.

Edit: Forgot Shaurya formations are in NE area. Added that reference. But likely, It is limited to naval engagements.

Oniks is a antiship missile.

Brahmos is not a antiship missile alone. There are other variants. Stop using chrome translate to understand.

Why is China showing DF21 when US shows them CBG?

But to your point, it will depend upon the Chinese strike formations. China does not have credible defense against Brahmos/Shaurya, if navy is in play swarm as of now. No, don't get riled up, You just dont. So Brahmos maybe used to take out HV targets. Then cheap Prahar missiles.

Edit: Forgot Shaurya formations are in NE area. Added that reference. But likely, It is limited to naval engagements.
Brahmos is based on Oniks bhai, it is a watered down export version to satisfy MTCR. By your logic, Russians don't even need anything else, they can just use an antiship missile for all roles. =)
Brahmos is based on Oniks bhai, it is a watered down export version to satisfy MTCR. By your logic, Russians don't even need anything else, they can just use an antiship missile for all roles. =)

Who said it is not?


Cruise missile

Air-launched cruise missile
Anti-ship missile
Land-attack missile
Surface-to-surface missile

Stop typing posts that does not make sense and to the point. Your rant about Brahmos will not be used is debunked.

Brahmos is based on Oniks. Brahmos have multiple variants now. Also, it WAS watered down. Not anymore. ;). Even Oniks have Land variant.

No one is here to make you believe otherwise. Stop wasting other peoples time.
Who said it is not?


Cruise missile

Air-launched cruise missile
Anti-ship missile
Land-attack missile
Surface-to-surface missile

Stop typing posts that does not make sense and to the point. Your rant about Brahmos will not be used is debunked.

Brahmos is based on Oniks. Brahmos have multiple variants now. Also, it WAS watered down. Not anymore. ;). Even Oniks have Land variant.

No one is here to make you believe otherwise. Stop wasting other peoples time.
Can you tell me Oniks surface to surface missile variant?
Can you tell me Oniks surface to surface missile variant?

K 300 Bastion system. Surface to Water.


Brahmos S-to-S



Last edited:
K 300 Bastion system. Surface to Water.


Brahmos S-to-S


I was asking a surface to surface version. Do you know why there isn't one, because genius, you don't need to go supersonic against static land targets. Understand? You can just use convetional long range subsonic cruise missiles. Against moving targets like a ship with anti missile defense, you need to go fast. Therefore, range is sacrificed.

The reason India is using Brahmos for everything is because that's the only thing she has. So she creates Brahmos this and that. Until Nirbhay is proven successful, that's all she has. India can't even produce simple subsonic cruise missiles. So only can use the Russian Brahmos.
Why are u guys quarrelling? Tejas achieved its goals while JFT did its own, although similar aircrafts but entirely different programs. I thought the thread is to update about Tejas progress.
absolutely its got completely derailed

Guys there is no Singaporean guy, just the way there is no khalistani guy who loves aurangzeb or tamil nationalist who does not speak tamil or a dutch guy cheerleading CPEC or a china only loving german guy here.

He is a chini or pakistani troll and we are feeding him.
he is a pakistani who is perhaps too ashamed of his origin
Chill, no need to call people stupid. I am not warmongering, war is part and parcel of being a respected country. India did it, China did it. Please don't look at it at some kind of genocide against India, sometimes if agreement is not achieved, war is the only solution to settle it.

This is what your so called country impose on other countries.
You guys impose war on others and later declare unilateral ceasefire.
Taiwan is also one of the nation tired of bullying.
If only you understood what you were saying. Nobody uses supersonic antiship missiles to attack land targets. You ever wonder why the missiles are supersonic in the first place? =)
1st. Brahmos is not only a Anti-ship missile , there are other variants too.
2nd. Nobody used it because nobody has (except Russia)
3rd. You guys can use your Df-41 than sure we will use our Agni series instead of Brahmos.
4th. We use Anti-ship missile to destroy Karachi port during Operation Trident. ( This implies use of available resources is not a bad thing)

Suggestion: calm down and don't Warmongering
And stick with the thread, don't derail it
I was asking a surface to surface version. Do you know why there isn't one, because genius, you don't need to go supersonic against static land targets. Understand?

Meh, Chini trolls


India can't even produce simple subsonic cruise missiles.

But we can produce a quasi ballistic SSM.

what Indian made munitions are going to be on the fighter?


LOL. You can intercept ballistic missiles, cruise missile I don't think so.

says who ?
Why are u guys quarrelling? Tejas achieved its goals while JFT did its own, although similar aircrafts but entirely different programs. I thought the thread is to update about Tejas progress.
I always said that jf17 is a better executed fighter program than LCA Tejas, which one is good out of these two only time will tell, in a possible future Indo Pak war. By paper specifications both have pros and constraints over each other.

And lastly I don't call anyone a false flagger based on his attitude towards India,but I think @SingaporeGuy is a a false flagger. Though Singapore is a tiny nation,it's human resources is of high standard,there is no way a stupid person like him born and brought up in Singapore.
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