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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

dirty politics will be played to ensure HAL interests are nt harmed in any manner..
Really Dirty.
By this time i'm sure defence PSUs would've realized that they would find it hot to keep up with pace of requirements of Indian Defence forces and hence it is better to concentrate on matured products they offer (or can offer) and let private players come into fray for technologies and products beyond capacity of d-PSUs.
if anybody's interest has to be protected, it should be of armed forces and not their suppliers.
yes Ka226 vs LUH dilemma by HAL was something pointed by @Abingdonboy , @anant_s , @Rajaraja Chola and i said back then also this.

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Basically dirty politics will be played to ensure HAL interests are nt harmed in any manner.. but doing so it will harm our country's national interest as all things will be delayed.

Does govt has any plans to make Ka226 through a private vendor?
Does govt has any plans to make Ka226 through a private vendor?
Not really.. it's HAL facility only..

From the same link from earlier post

This IGA, unprecedentedly, mandates an Indo-Russian joint venture for building the helicopter, with a 50.5 per cent stake for HAL, and a 49.5 per cent stake for Russian Helicopters. HAL is permitted to co-opt an Indian vendor with part of its stake.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/make-in-india-challenge-for-kamov-helicopter.418451/#ixzz4JDYjO6EZ

So far HAL has not opted for any Indian vendor nor shared any stake in the JV..
Hello Sir ji ; any update on F 16 proposal
No change in position for F16. We still won't go for them ..unless they give us something new.. i am waiting for a meeting of DM MP soon with folks.. will come to know if Carter has indicated anything special. But as of now what I have heard, nothing has changed position stated earlier.
The Naval prototype NP-1 taking off for a routine sortie with the LEVCONs being set up at a higher angle. At this set up, the LEVONCs supppose to aid in taking off from the ramp as well as help in coming down for an arrested landing..


Some said that Mk1A will never exist. True? I don't know
Possible , many reports and counter reports - Last i read was that the Mark1A is for the IAF as an interim solution to issues of the Mark 1 (post 20 Nos.) Till the Mark 2 is built
It's 20 IOC + 20 FOC + 80 Mk1A

IOC - MMR (2015-2018)

FOC - MMR + IFR (2018-2020)

Mk1A - AESA + IFR + Inbuilt EW suite + Weight reduction + Maintenance refinements (2020-2021/2)

Personally, we should have gone for an all 2 seater arrangement for 20 IOC + 20 FOC. This way these aircraft cold be used for future LIFT requirements once Mk1A begins to roll out steadily. Converting the IOC and FOC aircraft to Mk1A standard is again a time consuming and expensive affair which could be utilised for production of more Mk1A airframes.

MMR - Multi Mode Radar ( Isreali EL/M-2032 ) It is an advanced pulse Doppler, multimode planar array fire-control radar which has a maximum range of around 150 km. HAL has also integrated the Israeli Derby and Python air-to-air missiles, and a data link that digitally interconnects between all the hardware elements.

IFR - In-Flight Refuelling (Cobham)

AESA - Active Electronically Scanned Array radar(
Isreali EL/M-2052 for initial batches)
The EL/M-2052 is based on a fully solid-state active phased array technology which has a longer detection range, high mission reliability and a multi-target tracking capability of up to 64 targets. In Air-to-ground missions, the radar provides very high resolution mapping (SAR), surface moving target detection and tracking over RBM, DBS and SAR maps in addition to A/G ranging.

Weight reduction - HAL envisages the Mk 1A as being around 1,000 kg lighter than the Mk 1, which weighs 6,500 kg. It aims to achieve this weight loss by shedding 200-300 kg of ballast secured in the aircraft's nose to stabilise it and another 700-800 kg by reducing its heavy and 'over-engineered' landing gear.

Maintenance refinements - Repositiong of several LRUs for easy maintenance access. Combining several small LRUs into single LRUs. Uniformity among panels to facilitate interchangeability.

Inbuilt EW suite - EW suite will be integrated to the airframe in contrast to previous version where an external pod will have to be carried.

Good Day all!
Some said that Mk1A will never exist. True? I don't know

There is no MK-1A, actually there is only one MK-1 and the so called MK-1A was mentioned by some reporter and everyone starts beating the bush.

MK-2 is for the Carrier operation, where you need hieghter thrust to take off from the ski jump, with usefull fuel and amunitions. There is no need for the MK-2 for the IAF.

Actually problem is that the LCA MK-1 was originally designed around the Kaveri Specs, with highter mass flow and lower pressure than the F-404 engine, that's why ADA latter on have to open few auxillary air ducts to lower down the airpressure, and increase the airflow, and this is what no technical reporters will mentioned flawed.

Any way, F-404 will now will be used for the time being, till Kaveri K-10 matures, probably in 2024, and everyone knows that the airframe needs 2.5 engine in its life time.

Personally, we should have gone for an all 2 seater arrangement for 20 IOC + 20 FOC. This way these aircraft cold be used for future LIFT requirements once Mk1A begins to roll out steadily. Converting the IOC and FOC aircraft to Mk1A standard is again a time consuming and expensive affair which could be utilised for production of more Mk1A airframes.

LOLz it is a standard procedure to upgrade slowly, and there is nothing called MK-1A rather SOP 2018 standard.
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