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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

About the grounded LCA whatever it is water inside the cockpit is a very problematic. LCA has a manual mechanically operated canopy and lets faceit pilots are also humans if its not sealed properly water can seep in very easily specially in heavy rain.

On the networking system that I have worked on a specific humidity value is tolerated anything more and there are issues with write up/back of the streams or sync problem's. Its because of the sensitive nature of the broadcaster and receiver systems.
@waz @Irfan Baloch
Can you please merge the threads by @Zarvan and @ashok321 about Tejas being grounded here

Lol... was about to post there!.... Think the aircraft is the Trainer NOT the 2 that is inducted!
The inclusion of these two blatent LIES:

1) "Grounding" of LCA
2) This is the second fighter for the IAF's operational fighter SQN

Highlights simply how bought some sections of the Indian media are and/or how dismissive they are of India's own capabilities to this day.

I had to read about halfway down the page to learn that the "grounding" was actually simply an extended stay of an EXPERIMENTAL aircraft at a airbase/airport quite some distance from "home base" caused by unfavourable weather conditions.

I do hope that it is understood that any development program ANYWHERE in the world would have done the exact same thing. The a/c is NOT a production model but an experimental fighter (hence equipped with all kinds of gadgetry; sensors, on board computers, extra data links, that would never appear on operational a/c) and thus a one off that they cannot afford to take any risks with. Furthermore, the fact that the a/c was on a deployment/test AWAY from its homebase means the test team would be even less inclined to take any risks as there would not be support/spares readily available for the type.

The ADA/NFTC's zero-risk approach is why there has not been a single airframe loss to date and minimal flight safety incidents.

The fact that the Indian media even reported on this is utterly bizzare.







Private sector must play a larger role in defence manufacturing: Hindustan Aeronautics’ T. Suvarna Raju

State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) handed over the first two indigenously developed light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas to the Indian Air Force in July.

With the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government allowing up to 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in the defence sector—49% FDI participation under the automatic route and beyond 49% through government approval—HAL, a Bangalore-based aerospace and defence firm, is looking at more private sector participation to boost defence manufacturing in India. The NDA government has placed defence orders worthRs.2 trillion to encourage domestic manufacturing and foreign investments.

In an interview with InfraCircle, T. Suvarna Raju, chairman and managing director of HAL, spoke about the opportunity for the Indian industry in defence production, role of the government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative and its light utility helicopters becoming operational shortly. Edited excerpts.


Private sector must play a larger role in defence manufacturing: Hindustan Aeronautics’ T. Suvarna Raju

State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) handed over the first two indigenously developed light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas to the Indian Air Force in July.

With the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government allowing up to 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in the defence sector—49% FDI participation under the automatic route and beyond 49% through government approval—HAL, a Bangalore-based aerospace and defence firm, is looking at more private sector participation to boost defence manufacturing in India. The NDA government has placed defence orders worthRs.2 trillion to encourage domestic manufacturing and foreign investments.

In an interview with InfraCircle, T. Suvarna Raju, chairman and managing director of HAL, spoke about the opportunity for the Indian industry in defence production, role of the government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative and its light utility helicopters becoming operational shortly. Edited excerpts.

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When will this happen? When will private player will set up assembly line.. Any new regarding this... HAL for sure not interested in ramping up production more than 16 and that a bit worrying part I must say

For instance oder should be increased to 150+ so Tejas production takes phase for internal export needs with one more private production line
When will this happen? When will private player will set up assembly line.. Any new regarding this... HAL for sure not interested in ramping up production more than 16 and that a bit worrying part I must say

For instance oder should be increased to 150+ so Tejas production takes phase for internal export needs with one more private production line
I have heard L&T wanting to set up the private sector line for LCA for almost last 2 years.. It has sent the proposal to DM MP, MOD. Its plan is 16 jets a year and it can expand it further. In short, if MOD approves we can have easily

Line - 32 Jets a year (16 HAL, 16 private sector)
Minimum production - 24 jets a year (assuming one 8 jet/year line not working and is used for testing and upgrades under HAL for bettering LCA)

Orders will eventually reach 300 over years.. The reason being any private sector investing will request minimum 10 years order so anyways 160 jets from private sector will come. Add HAL line as well you can easily reach 300 LCA different product versions over time
Private sector must play a larger role in defence manufacturing: Hindustan Aeronautics’ T. Suvarna Raju

State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) handed over the first two indigenously developed light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas to the Indian Air Force in July.

With the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government allowing up to 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in the defence sector—49% FDI participation under the automatic route and beyond 49% through government approval—HAL, a Bangalore-based aerospace and defence firm, is looking at more private sector participation to boost defence manufacturing in India. The NDA government has placed defence orders worthRs.2 trillion to encourage domestic manufacturing and foreign investments.

In an interview with InfraCircle, T. Suvarna Raju, chairman and managing director of HAL, spoke about the opportunity for the Indian industry in defence production, role of the government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative and its light utility helicopters becoming operational shortly. Edited excerpts.

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That is pure lip service by the HAL chairman. None of the PSU would like to see a public sector company entering the manufacturing arena. They pretty well know that they cannot compete with the quality that these public sector units can offer. For example....the Vikas engine history before it was transferred to Godrej.
That is pure lip service by the HAL chairman. None of the PSU would like to see a public sector company entering the manufacturing arena. They pretty well know that they cannot compete with the quality that these public sector units can offer. For example....the Vikas engine history before it was transferred to Godrej.
I can tell you honestly L&T has been pretty much irritated with the way their plan for line setup for LCA was resisted and is still being resisted by using some logic which will come out as a farce over time. I think they might give up soon on that plan and soon will be okie doing LRU work adn wing work instead of a full line bcz its a sheer time waste, resource waste and critically big stones being placed in order to protect HAL's own interest.

I would be oki with that if HAL can deliver what it wants to protect. But i doubt that really. I have more confidence of a pvt sector line delivering more than HAL line in a 24/year program. Anyways looks like we might see an extended 8-10 jets a year unless DM MP steps in and changes things..
I can tell you honestly L&T has been pretty much irritated with the way their plan for line setup for LCA was resisted and is still being resisted by using some logic which will come out as a farce over time. I think they might give up soon on that plan and soon will be okie doing LRU work adn wing work instead of a full line bcz its a sheer time waste, resource waste and critically big stones being placed in order to protect HAL's own interest.

I would be okie with that if HAL can deliver what it wants to protect. But i doubt that really. I have more confidence of a pvt sector line delivering more than HAL line in a 24/year program. Anyways looks like we might see an extended 8-10 jets a year unless DM MP steps in and changes things..

Its an excellent proposal. In reality, HAL might not really help the private line to be a big success. They will make sure the private line is dependent on HAL for every thing. This is where the DM can make a difference, If this is to work out, high level involvement is very important. And if it really takes off, you can witness high level war of words between HAL and the private line about how the other is not cooperating or upto the mark. Personally, I don't think HAL will do the necessary hand holding for a private line like a foreign partner would do. Its best to have HAL retain Tejas and private lines being used for foreign aircraft.

P.S: In an ideal world, nothing better than having HAL and private line go hand in hand. In reality, highly doubt things working out due to the ever famous Indian ego. No-one helps their competition gain an edge over them.
Need an example? Keep an eye on Ka-226 project under HAL over time. One of the advantage of ordering Ka-226 along with HAL LUH was the timeline difference between having a proven product vs waiting for a product to prove itself. HAL will make sure that advantage is taken away from Kamov and you will see both platforms rolling out of assembly lines at similar timelines.

Good Day all!
P.S: In an ideal world, nothing better than having HAL and private line go hand in hand. In reality, highly doubt things working out due to the ever famous Indian ego. No-one helps their competition gain an edge over them.
Need an example? Keep an eye on Ka-226 project under HAL over time.
One of the advantage of ordering Ka-226 along with HAL LUH was the timeline difference between having a proven product vs waiting for a product to prove itself. HAL will make sure that advantage is taken away from Kamov and you will see both platforms rolling out of assembly lines at similar timelines.

Good Day all!

yes Ka226 vs LUH dilemma by HAL was something pointed by @Abingdonboy , @anant_s , @Rajaraja Chola and i said back then also this.





Basically dirty politics will be played to ensure HAL interests are nt harmed in any manner.. but doing so it will harm our country's national interest as all things will be delayed.
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