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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

At this point it is clear the most logical and simple solution is emerging as the most viable/likely outcome- no 2nd single engine fighter (for god's sake why would one be required now the LCA is in servFurthermnd the Rafale MII.

Notice how none of the propoganda centres on a the twin-engined MII requirement as Dassualt have all but tied that up. Where is the news of the Super Hornet production line shifting to India? Is the dearth of such coverge because Dassualt are the only OEM (despite what SAB or OEM may claim) to have been allowed to progress a MII offer by the MoD?

For some reason SAAB and LM think they can arm-twist this GoI into killing off India's homegrown single engine fighter project all through the ruse of promoting "Make in India"- how ironic!

+ @Ankit Kumar 002 no new Russian jet deal is on the horizon with India beyond the FGFA. The MKI is already being produced in India in massive numbers (that will be increased yet further in the coming years) but India is more than aware of the hazards associated with dealing with the Russians and how deceptive the "cost" of their products can be.

I mentioned Super Hornet because the first time this years LM started making noises about F16, just a couple of days ago Boeing had actually met with a Indian representation comprising of MoD officials . Something which I think LM hasn't done till now.Further a month ago , a Hindustan Times article did quoted Parikkar saying " We are reviewing the needs of IAF and if needed for IAF and India's domestic Aero space industry , we will not shy from tieing up with a willing foreign supplier " , and all LM and SAAB started making noises over it , ignoring the next line which he said the same time " To tie up with a foreign supplier for Medium weight " TWIN" Engine Aircraft ".

Mentioned the Russians as many have hinted that follow on of Su30MKI may sometime down the line lead to Su35 to.

All I will say is I will be quite happy till it is
1. Upgraded Su30MKI
2. Rafales
3. Tejas

5Th option if the above are not available to satisfy the need to replace near 250 Mig21/27 over next 5 years.
LOL, my viet friend, I bet you haven't deal with an Indy before. You have no idea what you are gonna face, good luck!
Lol don't worry already there are more than enough dealings between India and Vietnam to make Chinese nervous. From training logistics supports to weapon exports in the near future. Think about a day when when Vietnam armed it's sukois, submarines and surface vessels with bramose? . Tejas, Howitzers, rocket launchers,bombs are on the wish list. Lol Happy Diwali
Lol don't worry already there are more than enough dealings between India and Vietnam to make Chinese nervous. From training logistics supports to weapon exports in the near future. Think about a day when when Vietnam armed it's sukois, submarines and surface vessels with bramose? . Tejas, Howitzers, rocket launchers,bombs are on the wish list. Lol Happy Diwali
Well there are already getting those from Russia. It's not like India manufactures anything really indigenous anyway. Brahmos? Ever wonder why it cant go more than 300km? Lol
Lol don't worry already there are more than enough dealings between India and Vietnam to make Chinese nervous. From training logistics supports to weapon exports in the near future. Think about a day when when Vietnam armed it's sukois, submarines and surface vessels with bramose? . Tejas, Howitzers, rocket launchers,bombs are on the wish list. Lol Happy Diwali
Pal !... Dont engage the Troll that is Han. He is just waiting for a chance

Well there are already getting those from Russia. It's not like India manufactures anything really indigenous anyway. Brahmos? Ever wonder why it cant go more than 300km? Lol

Stop being A JOKE! and Start contributing to the society!
Well there are already getting those from Russia. It's not like India manufactures anything really indigenous anyway. Brahmos? Ever wonder why it cant go more than 300km? Lol
Lol OK... What ever makes you happy. Troll somewhere not here. It's for Tejas enthusiasts. Or aircraft enthusiasts. Not for u
From Tejas -LCA FB Page :https://www.facebook.com/tejas.lca/

Some quotes


Well Integration is a key term here and no doubt MIC will benefit a lot ...


Now thats some good quotes

  • SP3 maiden flight in 3rd week august so next week is the due date...
  • Quartz radome testing is going on
  • Derby full range with proper mid course guidance is needed to be tested.
  • Gun trials by September
I guess if all is well we might sneak in FOC by December 2016 instead of Mar2017


Very good and rationale words.. The point to note is the need of production facility for such a aircraft standard and the concurrent technologies is posing a challenge in front of Tejas.

What it also hints is our MIC and Aerospace industry is still not fully capable to fully rise upto the role and levels of Tejas LCA production. So it would be a herculean challenge for its future iterations as well as other homegrown projects inclusive of AMCA and a later stage FGFA apart from Super Upgrade program (in terms of localisation parts production and integration).

I hope Make In India and Skill India succeeds..

@Abingdonboy @anant_s @randomradio @Ankit Kumar 002 @MilSpec @Koovie @Echo_419 @Dash @hellfire @ito @SR-91 @AMCA @DesiGuy1403 @ranjeet @hellfire @fsayed @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Joe Shearer @Tshering22 @Dandpatta @danger007 @Didact @Soumitra @SrNair @TejasMk3@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @egodoc222 @Nilgiri @SarthakGanguly @Omega007 @GURU DUTT @HariPrasad @JanjaWeed @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @Spectre@litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular@Ryuzaki @CorporateAffairs @GR!FF!N @migflug @Levina @-xXx- @Perpendicular @proud_indian @Mustang06 @Param @Local_Legend @Ali Zadi @hellfire @egodoc222 @CorporateAffairs @Major Shaitan Singh @jha @SmilingBuddha @#hydra# @danish_vij @[Bregs] @Skillrex @Hephaestus @SR-91 @Techy @litefire @R!CK @zebra7 @dev_moh @DesiGuy1403 @itachii @nik141993 @Marxist @Glorino @noksss @jbgt90 @Skull and Bones @Kraitcorp @Crixus @others
From Tejas -LCA FB Page :https://www.facebook.com/tejas.lca/

Some quotes

View attachment 325794
Well Integration is a key term here and no doubt MIC will benefit a lot ...

View attachment 325792

Now thats some good quotes

  • SP3 maiden flight in 3rd week august so next week is the due date...
  • Quartz radome testing is going on
  • Derby full range with proper mid course guidance is needed to be tested.
  • Gun trials by September
I guess if all is well we might sneak in FOC by December 2016 instead of Mar2017

View attachment 325793

Very good and rationale words.. The point to note is the need of production facility for such a aircraft standard and the concurrent technologies is posing a challenge in front of Tejas.

What it also hints is our MIC and Aerospace industry is still not fully capable to fully rise upto the role and levels of Tejas LCA production. So it would be a herculean challenge for its future iterations as well as other homegrown projects inclusive of AMCA and a later stage FGFA apart from Super Upgrade program (in terms of localisation parts production and integration).

I hope Make In India and Skill India succeeds..

@Abingdonboy @anant_s @randomradio @Ankit Kumar 002 @MilSpec @Koovie @Echo_419 @Dash @hellfire @ito @SR-91 @AMCA @DesiGuy1403 @ranjeet @hellfire @fsayed @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Joe Shearer @Tshering22 @Dandpatta @danger007 @Didact @Soumitra @SrNair @TejasMk3@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @egodoc222 @Nilgiri @SarthakGanguly @Omega007 @GURU DUTT @HariPrasad @JanjaWeed @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @Spectre@litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular@Ryuzaki @CorporateAffairs @GR!FF!N @migflug @Levina @-xXx- @Perpendicular @proud_indian @Mustang06 @Param @Local_Legend @Ali Zadi @hellfire @egodoc222 @CorporateAffairs @Major Shaitan Singh @jha @SmilingBuddha @#hydra# @danish_vij @[Bregs] @Skillrex @Hephaestus @SR-91 @Techy @litefire @R!CK @zebra7 @dev_moh @DesiGuy1403 @itachii @nik141993 @Marxist @Glorino @noksss @jbgt90 @Skull and Bones @Kraitcorp @Crixus @others
Were they able to sort out the vibration issues with the Gun when they did ground trials? and the trials in September is air? ( Truly hope so its air )
Were they able to sort out the vibration issues with the Gun when they did ground trials? and the trials in September is air? ( Truly hope so its air )
The ground integration checks called butt firing tests have been done. The required structural modification for handling vibrations also have been done.

It was revealed in January by same Tejas FB team. Here its covered -
@PARIKRAMA bro, the LCA fb page is doing a GREAT job of explaining the enormity of the challenge faced by the design and test team which goes a long way to address those ignorant fools endlessly demeaning the fighter/project. They also more than make the case for rejecting any other single engined fighter that would not add 1/100th of the capacity the LCA project will eventually add to India's MIC and would undo all of this valuble work being undertaken by the LCA team.



If one looks at the naval aviation pioneers like USA and other countries, the experience and knowledge acquired by these countries are over decades probably closer to a century of naval flight testing have been achieved with numerous aircrafts. Whereas, a nation like us are trying to stand with similar achievement with ONE prototype and not even one tenth of time frame. Thereby, the technology and understanding of the most complex fighter flying tasks and execution of the task will see some phenomenal achievements in the days to come with limited experience.

Jai Hind..








Tejas journey has often seen lots of technicians, engineers, scientists, academicians, managers, directors and private participants. Apart from the above people, there are couple more who hardly get noticed.

Here, we bring two such gentlemen of the program.

MUNIRAJU(facing the camera) and UMESH NAIK (extreme right) : two wonderful persons in the team as far as our day to day work goes on a detachment.

It is nothing technical about their work, yet more than they mean.
Starting from pulling the GPUs, cooling trolleys to the desired location, polishing/cleaning the aircraft, doing all odd jobs around aircraft.... they are all countless.

To describe Umesh, one has to find an utility vehicle which he can not operate. There is hardly any vehicle in any of the airforce station he can not drive or operate, be it a fuel bowser or a tractor or a fork lift or a armory vehicle or a truck or a long flat bed trailer or the one seen it here(he is on the wheels), the list is never ending.
To top of it, he is a humble guy. Always smiling....

They are, in a true sense, the squirrel who participated in building the Ram Setu.

They are hardly seen complaining, cribbing or finding excuses for not doing the work.
To top of all these, what salary they earn .. meager.
Their dedication, which they hardly know, are exemplary.
The smiles in their faces, is another way of expressing selfless dedication towards work.
There are whole lot of people like Muni and Umesh in our set up.
Another reason to smile and get motivated.

Jai Hind..

@Levina @Water Car Engineer @MilSpec @nair @Taygibay @Skull and Bones @Omega007 @acetophenol @Stephen Cohen @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @SpArK @dadeechi @Parul @Star Wars @noksss @Sky lord @GuardianRED @Local_Legend @bloo @arp2041 @SR-91 @danish_vij @Nilgiri
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That FB page is quite dithyrambic to my known liking
and that amount of pics is close to spamming but . . .
the basic idea is right.

Even if it failed, Tejas is the appropriate step for India
considering its objectives in the domain and at large so
that it just can't be spared.

Very nice, matey, Tay.
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