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HAL pegs price of Tejas fighter at Rs 162 crore

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Guys we get the message about jf17 thanks.

The thread is about tejas and its price of 26 million dollar.

When we consider each su30mki costs $50m plus and rafale wil cost 100m dollars plus its obvious we can't induct 39 sqs of these.

I see 280 mki and 126 rafale around 22 sqds. The remaining 200 fighters have to forfilled by tejas at 26 million each. Cheap by rafale/su30mki standard's

i think we will buy 63 more rafales
and manufature120 tejas mk 2
Currently JF-17 is clearly superior aircraft that is operational with PAF..while tejas is a failure. Complete failure. It does not good for iaf..it was supposed to be inducted wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy earlier but failed to deliver. As a "project", Tejas is a remarkable failure while JF-17 Thunder is a remarkable success.

Really?And who are you?LCA adds to Indian capability to design & develop a 4.5 (LCA mark 2 ) & 5 th generation fighter,avionics etc.It also adds to our capability in manufacturing modern airframes - Composite wings,structures..etc

Let me see what has JF 17 added to aircraft designing capabilty of Pakistan.And we will only see it when you guys embark on utilizing your designing & manufacturing capabilities for an indigenous project-like a Jet Trainer or something.

Till then...:wave:

lol.. LCA the futuristic jet... which you claim is in production is inferior in all accounts right now!!

SP 1 was 60% complete at time of IOC 2

"Potential" .. lol even Gripen has 26 deg AOA..

But IAF is looking for a 24° angle of attack.. not 28 deg...

Why say 'even gripen' ?Tejas can do what IAF is looking for.
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Really?And who are you?LCA adds to Indian capability to design & develop a 4.5 (LCA mark 2 ) & 5 th generation fighter,avionics etc.It also adds to our capability in manufacturing modern airframes - Composite wings,structures..etc

Let me see what has JF 17 added to aircraft designing capabilty of Pakistan.And we will only see it when you guys embark on utilizing your designing & manufacturing capabilities for an indigenous project-like a Jet Trainer or something.

Till then...:wave:

come on man that idiot doesn't deserves a reply
MUHAHAHAHAHA.... its 45-50km... because of issues with LCA nose.. :lol:

HAL looking to improve it by 80km..
Thats because LSPs had is composite radome .New quartz radome is ready.

lol.. not asking about prototypes.. :lol:

Prototype vehicles were made almost 7 years back.

:lol: hahahha... it improves maneuverability,weight reduction,performance... and the F-16 was a test bed for F-35 .. :lol:

Prove the bolded part.
Really?And who are you?

Whose askin??? You the king of Antartica or somethin??

The LCA adds to Indian capability to design & develop a 4.5 (LCA mark 2 ) & 5 th generation fighter,avionics etc.It also adds to our capability in manufacturing modern airframes - Composite wings,structures..etc

I Dnt see even a 4th gen prototype lca mk1 n you are boasting about mk2...!?

Let me see what has JF 17 added to aircraft designing capabilty of Pakistan.And we will only see it when you guys embark on utilizing your designing & manufacturing capabilities for an indigenous project-like a Jet Trainer or something.

Till then...:wave:

Poor us we can't produce a 4.5 gen supa dupa LCA.. :D heck nobody in the world can.. U win..

[SP1 was 60% complete at time of IOC 2

Kewl how many in service ?? Weapons integration,problems with radar etc etc etc fixed?

Why say 'even gripen' ?Tejas can do what IAF is looking for.

See you friends post abt the 28 deg AOA of LCA.. While it's 22 de right now and aimed for 24 deg....
Kewl how many in service ?? Weapons integration,problems with radar etc etc etc fixed?

See you friends post abt the 28 deg AOA of LCA.. While it's 22 de right now and aimed for 24 deg....
The first squadron will be formed within months......

24 degree AOA has been acheived,28 degree is the target for FOC which we will get next year......
come on man that idiot doesn't deserves a reply

come on man that idiot doesn't deserves a reply
Personal attacks the last resort of a loser.. Can't talk with fact... Starts talking from his behind..

The first squadron will be formed within months......

24 degree AOA has been acheived,28 degree is the target for FOC which we will get next year......

Nope.. Not what I read quiet recently... It's 22 deg right now and looking to increase it to 24 deg...

Could you post a reliable source to support your claim?

Thats because LSPs had is composite radome .New quartz radome is ready.
Ready or being worked upon to increase the detection range to 80km?

Prototype vehicles were made almost 7 years back.


Prove the bolded part.

Oh no sire... DSIs are just for showing off .. Pardon my ignorance..
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Desert fighter,

When you pakistanis actually try and build a fighter from scratch in your own country then you WIL REALISE how a project like this takes time and money.

Pakistan & PAF has no time and no money so they ordered a fighter specfic to their needs ie cheap with BVR and stand off weapons capability with the sort of technology that PAF basic kamara could handle in their factories for maintenance and license building.. from China & chengdu.

You get what you pay for . Quick easy and ready to take away with 5-7 years.

Technology wise you gained nil/nothing.

You have no wind tunnels, simlulators or computer programmes for the Thunder.

completely reliant on china.

Tejas as we have explained gave india the infrastucture to build and test and develope LCA MK2 and in future AMCA.

Above all as we have explained 40 x to you people even LCA basic mk1 beats youir Thunder MK1 & 2 in FCS and airframe technology. And has the added beneffit of israeli and usa hitech, proven, low maintenance engine and radars etc.

even LCA basic mk1 beats youir Thunder MK1 & 2 in FCS and airframe technology. And has the added beneffit of israeli and usa hitech, proven, low maintenance engine and radars etc.

How so? Tejas has no DSI. That's going to affect its aerodynamics. JF-17 has huge LERX making it extremely agile. Tejas has neither DSI nor LERX. I wouldn't call Tejas airframe advanced. :p:
I Dnt see even a 4th gen prototype lca mk1 n you are boasting about mk2...!?

HAL Tejas Technology demonstrator 1-rolled out in 1995,first flight 4 May 2001


HAL Tejas Prototype Vehicle 1-first flight 25 November 2003


I guess you would need an eye surgery to see them..:omghaha:

Poor us we can't produce a 4.5 gen supa dupa LCA.. :D

First develop a basic trainer aircraft on your own,then come to compare

Kewl how many in service ?? Weapons integration,problems with radar etc etc etc fixed?

Did I say they are in Service?You were claiming it weren't even in series production which is wrong.It is already in series production.Weapons integration is underway.

First series production LCA as of December 2013


See you friends post abt the 28 deg AOA of LCA.. While it's 22 de right now and aimed for 24 deg....

I said it has the potential to reach 24 deg AoA as per FOC requirements.

Ready or being worked upon to increase the detection range to 80km?

There is nothing wrong with Hybrid MMR,its the composites used on radomes of current LSPs absorb radar waves.New quartz dome would be used in Series Production models.And I hope that gives an idea about RCS of Tejas which has one of the highest percentage of composites among fighters .


Oh no sire... DSIs are just for showing off .. Pardon my ignorance..

Can you prove that thrust produced would be less with a Y Duct on LCA?
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In other words, JFT and Tejas both had their prototype first flight in 2003. However, JF-17 IOC in early 2010 but Tejas yet to achieve IOC (which by definition can only be attained upon completion of first operational squadron). :p:

First develop a basic trainer aircraft on your own,then come to compare

Two words. Super Mushak. :p:
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Indian Friends dont insult JF-17.You cant imagine their capacity.Their JF-17 can shootdown geostationary satellites.F-22 raptor dont have chance against mighty star war JF-17.
In other words, JFT and Tejas both had their prototype first flight in 2003. However, JF-17 IOC in early 2010 but Tejas yet to achieve IOC (which by definition can only be attained upon completion of first operational squadron). :p:

Whose definition?It already achieved IOC 1 & 2

Two words. Super Mushak. :p:

Super Mushak is a Modified SAAB Supporter with a retrofitted american engine.Hardly Pakistani
Whose definition?It already achieved IOC 1 & 2

No country has ever IOCed a fighter jet without first establishing an operational squadron of the said fighter jet. Only in the case of Tejas is there such an exception of IOC. :p:
No country has ever IOCed a fighter jet without first establishing an operational squadron of the said fighter jet. Only in the case of Tejas is there such an exception of IOC. :p:

IOC is Initial Operational Clearence-Initial Operating Capability (IOC). The state achieved when Military Capability is available in its minimum usefully deployable form.
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