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HAL pegs price of Tejas fighter at Rs 162 crore

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No one want to waste billions of hard cash when he/she doesn't see threats from others. China don't want to make India surrender or obey by force, we want sincere friendship from your heart. Understand what i say?

You will never grow up. China or India or their friendship or enmity is out of purview of discussion. I appreciate your feeling of friendship though.
Chinese are emotional people like Indians, who the hell wanna invest billions on defence if we are treating each other like friend?
Well many Indian members are comparing Tejas(current specification) with some very mature platforms is not good. Yes in future, Tejas is bound to be a great fighter comparable to those but not now.
Still current Tejas mk1(IOC-2 standard) is comparable to JF-17 block1 while the Tejas mk1(FOC standard) will be comparable to JF-17 block2.
Chinese are emotional people like Indians, who the hell wanna invest billions on defence if we are treating each other like friend?

May chinese people be emotional like us but not CCP goons. Indian and Chinese need to get rid of them.
You will never grow up. China or India or their friendship or enmity is out of purview of discussion. I appreciate your feeling of friendship though.
dick measuring will be endless unless the bi-relationship could improve. China's deployment reinforcement will be meaningless if both nations could enhance trust. We don't wanna invade or conquer India, hope you understand. We could set up another assembly line within one year time, i don't think it is neccessary because we already have 1500 fighters in inventory.

May chinese people be emotional like us but not CCP goons. Indian and Chinese need to get rid of them.
CCP has many flaws, so as Congress.
Please dont confuse your litres with KG.. it makes you look hasty Less intellectual and more out to score ego points.
Now. So, lets get to two points.
I just took relative density of fuel as one for avoid more confusion... so i clearly noted (kg~L) as i was sure it is way below one [as that only adds the litre figure to 300Lmore favour of LCA].....

...but then the Ge-404 burns more fuel than the Rd-93 at similar levels.
High bypass ratio single engine in jf17 is another drawback of jf17... Resulting fuel efficiency will decrease combat performance greatly... Also sp.fuel consumption with after burner of the two are almost same....

Well, if one is to look at the DRDO website(unless we think DRDO is a stupid resource to get data from).. It agrees with the Tejas.gov.in (ADA website) of empty takeoff weight and max takeoff weight figures but it states internal fuel capacity of the Tejas at 2458kg(3170 liters)..
According to this data also... Max take off wt=13300kg, Empty wt=6560... Any way LCA can carry ONE TON+ extra fuel or wepons than jf17.. Am i correct????

Which means that neither of your assertions has been proven .. and your quick happy(inaccurate) conclusion is as true as a smile from a girl that is not interested in you.
Till then, go search around.. read Guptas and Shuklas.. or some other tom, dick and harry source.. and try again.
Ha ha.. Okk Sir....
dick measuring will be endless unless the bi-relationship could improve. China's deployment reinforcement will be meaningless if both nations could enhance trust. We don't wanna invade or conquer India, hope you understand. We could set up another assembly line within one year time, i don't think it is neccessary because we already have 1500 fighters in inventory.

CCP has many flaws, so as Congress.

Where is the question understanding where I am not at all talking of war or conflict but totally discuss the timing of setting up assembly line and production rate of aircraft. Your problem is that you always post out of context.

Congress has many Flaws but it is a democratic party and answerable to people unlike CCP which can line up people and gun them down in public or run the tank on students to scare the people.
Where is the question understanding where I am not at all talking of war or conflict but totally discuss the timing of setting up assembly line and production rate of aircraft. Your problem is that you always post out of context.

Congress has many Flaws but it is a democratic party and answerable to people unlike CCP which can line up people and gun them down in public or run the tank on students to scare the people.
Congress also has lots of scandals, just a kettle call pot black.

Where is the question understanding where I am not at all talking of war or conflict but totally discuss the timing of setting up assembly line and production rate of aircraft. Your problem is that you always post out of context.

Congress has many Flaws but it is a democratic party and answerable to people unlike CCP which can line up people and gun them down in public or run the tank on students to scare the people.
Which democratic country in the world ruled by a single party over the last 60 years? I would call India semi-democracy.
I bet Congress will win the next election, you are on bet?

Scandal and Human right violation are different thing. We can recover scandal money. can you recover lost lives?
We better stop, i don't wanna troll. What you said is all some stuffs 20 years ago, now things have changed. You don't have to address China issue when you never visit China.
Scandal and Human right violation are different thing. We can recover scandal money. can you recover lost lives?
can India goverment restore the life of the girl being burned after gang-raped? We don't have this kind of thing in China. As a member of caste system, you wanna talk human right with me? fine, let's start.
Combat radius is a related measure based on the maximum distance a warplane can travel from its base of operations, accomplish some objective, and return to its original airfield with minimal reserves. That means combat radius depends on the objective... There is no standard value of combat radius... Combat radius will change according to different combat or fighting (ie.mission,fuel,load,altitude etc)... Here just know two figures... So can't compare this...
Ferry range comparison is more sensible... Ferry range means the maximum range the aircraft can fly. This usually means maximum fuel load, optionally with extra fuel tanks and minimum equipment.
Ferry range of JF17=1880Nm=3482km( may be with 3 drop tans because of low internal fuel){ some sources including JF17 website showing only ferry range 2,037 km (1,266 miles)}
Ferry range of LCA=3000km{ some sources saying only 1700km including Press Info Beuro,GOI}[testing mostly done with two 800l drop tanks]...

Both have almost same range... Also Tejas can carry ONE TON extra fuel... How????
According to IDEAS 2012 JF17 spec,,,,
Empty weight= 6,586 kg (14,520 lb),Max. takeoff weight: 12,383kg (27,300 lb), Max payload=3580kg(7900lbs)....
So fuel~~12383-(6586+3580)= 2217L(kg~l)
According to ADA lca Final brochure.....
Empty=6560kg,Max take off=13500kg, External payload=3500-3700kg...
So fuel~~13500-(6560+3500)=3440L

That is 3440-2217~~1200L extra.......

Same empty wt but one ton extra max take off wt.. with almost same power engine... Now say which airframe is advanced?????

Tejas off-coarse.

BTW kindly provide source for the claims you made.

It's funny to see Indians going over board with LCAs price and comparing it to Rafales or M-MRCAs, although the LCA MK1 can't meet core IAF requirements of the M-MRCA competitions like the 9G limit, or a TWR of 1 or better. It has just passed the ICO 2 requirements, which means the MINIMUM requirements to be inducted into IAF service, but doesn't mean that it would be even close to the flight and A2A combat performance of the upgrade Mig 29 or Mirage 2000, let alone the top level of MKI and Rafale. So guys stop these nonsens calculations about "we can get ... LCA MK1s for the money we spend on Rafale, ignoring every bit of logical sense, or even requirements of MoD and IAF of the M-MRCA competition (ToT, offsets, industrial improvement, fully fledged medium class multi role combat capability...)!!!

What does the price really mean? That even after all the delays and cost-overruns, the price of the fighter is still around the $20 million unit cost that was aimed for it initially. So that is one thing we should be happy about, that it didn't cost us too much apart from many years delays.However, the figure alone doesn't tell us anything about LCA's real performance, about it's technical capabilities and that are the real points that sets the fighters apart and not the cost of a light class fighter. It doesn't tell us about the radar cone, the drag, or the speed issues, or the fact that we still speculate only what the radar of the MK1 or even the early MK2s will be and what performance they have.
The 300Km combat range is also a figure that is given on very old specboards, but neither says anything about the profile and the loads related to the figure, nor what combat range the version now has, that was cleared through the IOC 2.
In comparison to the JF 17...

...we know that both currently have pretty similar empty weight and internal fuel capacities
...that both have 3 x wet stations to carry similar sized fuel tanks
...that both have can carry only 4 x AAMs with all wet stations loaded

So does anybody really believe that JF 17 could have X times longer combat radius than LCA with the same load, although their base specs are so similar in this role? Also don't forget that increased internal fuel capacity was not a requirement of IAF for the MK2 varient, but from IN since N-LCA needs more for carrier operations and ski-jump take off. That again shows, that range actually isn't an issue and when you look up official statements, there were no complains about the range at all. So this whole issue seems to be more one for discussions on forums, rather than a real problem for the fighter or the forces that want to use it.

So paper specs, or price figures alone doesn't make LCA worse, or better than it is, but of course there will be always those that try to critize it, just like there will be those that overhype it, just to fight about it. :pop:

So does anybody really believe that JF 17 could have X times longer combat radius than LCA with the same load, although their base specs are so similar in this role?

Not possible.
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We don't have this kind of thing in China..

Sure you do... Doing a simple google search of "China+rape" yields a multitude of results (from non-chinese sources)

Not saying India's any better, but at least their media reports rapes and their country is vocalizing it and trying to make their country better.... Unlike the Chinese media which won't even air stories about rapes (you know since it's negative and we can't have negative news about China now can we?)
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