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HAL pegs price of Tejas fighter at Rs 162 crore

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It's not about money, its determination to reinforce your ally's existence ability. If PAF is perceiving any substantial risk of breaking war with India, China could produce JF17 for them in the term of soft loan. The top priority is to ensure the national secueity of Pakistan, everything comes second.

PAF shall have some lead time for preparation, i just assume it. i don't think IAF has the ability to take out Karokarram high way, it means war with China.IAF can't stand for two front war, that's for sure.
How much 'lead time' do you think Pakistan will get for 'war preparation'? Why do you think India does'nt have the ability to take out the Karokaram highway in AKJ and GB regions?
BTW.. India has always factored in and trained for a two front war..

China will own 2000 units of 3rd gen fighters in year 2020, not including J31 AND j20. How you gonna deal with two front? China is able to mobolize at least 500 4gen/4++gen fighters against India if needed.

That's all very fantastic and good for China,, when China is facing the might of US, Japan, South Korea, Phillipines, Vietnam, Taiwan etc. in the Pacific and SCS front...
only two countries cause substantial threats to China in the east direction, Japan and USA. The rest are not worthy worrying.
South Korea: a potential friend
Phillipine: zero ariforce
Vietnam: a baby airforce
Taiwan: won't mess in cause KMT in control
You don't have to draw the list every time you argue with Chinese members here, it only shows your backward.

Russia will sure stand with China when war breaks out with Japan and USA. Two giants countries standing back to back, what to worry for?
only two countries cause substantial threats to China in the east direction, Japan and USA. The rest are not worthy worrying.
South Korea: a potential friend
Phillipine: zero ariforce
Vietnam: a baby airforce
Taiwan: won't mess in cause KMT in control
You don't have to draw the list every time you argue with Chinese members here, it only shows your backward.

Russia will sure stand with China when war breaks out with Japan and USA. Two giants countries standing back to back, what to worry for?

He is bring in Threat to china in LCA Tejas thread. Exhibition of Paranoid mentality.
South Korea: a potential friend

China and India are closer to being friends than China and South Korea :)

Russia will sure stand with China when war breaks out with Japan and USA. Two giants countries standing back to back, what to worry for?

Russia's good very good relations with India, far better than China :)

Vietnam has a formidable army :)

Taiwan will certainly aid in an US/Japan vs China conflict. They are US allies :)
In war time, China could produce hundreds of Jf17 in a incredible speed for PAF if needed. How India is gonna deal with it? WS13 will be operational in year 2015, which means JF17 is fully owned at that time. Do India has any plan to indeginize LCA right now? The answer is probably no.

We have AESA and IMA plan for JF17, more composite material will be apllied if PAF asks. Tejas is outgunned and outnumberred. The only choice is bet on Rafale, you don't have anyother choice.

The price we offering JF17 to PAF is only 15 million USD, much cheaper than LCA. The export price pegs around 25 millions, still cheaper than LCA.

What is the maximum production Capacity of any Chinese plane per anum?
LCA is on par with JF17, period. It is a good point defence fighter, JF17 is a multirole fighter for sure .what IAF need the most is multirole fighters.

China and India are closer to being friends than China and South Korea :)

Russia's good very good relations with India, far better than China :)

Vietnam has a formidable army :)

Taiwan will certainly aid in an US/Japan vs China conflict. They are US allies :)
Taiwan won't do anything against China mainland in the war, you wanna bet? South Korean is contained by North Korea, our relationship is just fine. Vietnam is too weak compared with China, she is a cummunist country as well. If war occurs, Russia's influence in Vietnam can't be ignored.

What is the maximum production Capacity of any Chinese plane per anum?
We produce 128 units of fighters in year 2013.
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LCA is on par with JF17, period. It is a good point defence fighter, JF17 is a multirole fighter for sure .what IAF need the most is multirole fighters.

Taiwan won't do anything against China mainland in the war, you wanna bet? South Korean is contained by North Korea, our relationship is just fine. Vietnam is too weak compared with China, she is a cummunist country as well. If war occurs, Russia's influence in Vietnam can't be ignored.

We produce 128 units of fighters in year 2013.

Well that's all very well and good then :)

Vietnam is far weaker than China, agreed. But that's not the point, they can station a few divisions on the Sino-Viet border, forcing China to deploy an equal or greater number of soldiers to face them, thus taking away soldiers from other areas of potential conflict.

TBH as I've said before, the country that can easily be a Chinese ally is India, the CCP leadership needs to recognise that and take measures to facilitate it.
LCA is on par with JF17, period. It is a good point defence fighter, JF17 is a multirole fighter for sure .what IAF need the most is multirole fighters.

Taiwan won't do anything against China mainland in the war, you wanna bet? South Korean is contained by North Korea, our relationship is just fine. Vietnam is too weak compared with China, she is a cummunist country as well. If war occurs, Russia's influence in Vietnam can't be ignored.

We produce 128 units of fighters in year 2013.

Give the source and type produced. What is the maximum Number of any individual fighter produced?

If war last for 15 days, You can certainly add 5 fighters during the war time if the figure of 128 is correct.
It's funny to see Indians going over board with LCAs price and comparing it to Rafales or M-MRCAs, although the LCA MK1 can't meet core IAF requirements of the M-MRCA competitions like the 9G limit, or a TWR of 1 or better. It has just passed the ICO 2 requirements, which means the MINIMUM requirements to be inducted into IAF service, but doesn't mean that it would be even close to the flight and A2A combat performance of the upgrade Mig 29 or Mirage 2000, let alone the top level of MKI and Rafale. So guys stop these nonsens calculations about "we can get ... LCA MK1s for the money we spend on Rafale, ignoring every bit of logical sense, or even requirements of MoD and IAF of the M-MRCA competition (ToT, offsets, industrial improvement, fully fledged medium class multi role combat capability...)!!!

What does the price really mean? That even after all the delays and cost-overruns, the price of the fighter is still around the $20 million unit cost that was aimed for it initially. So that is one thing we should be happy about, that it didn't cost us too much apart from many years delays.However, the figure alone doesn't tell us anything about LCA's real performance, about it's technical capabilities and that are the real points that sets the fighters apart and not the cost of a light class fighter. It doesn't tell us about the radar cone, the drag, or the speed issues, or the fact that we still speculate only what the radar of the MK1 or even the early MK2s will be and what performance they have.
The 300Km combat range is also a figure that is given on very old specboards, but neither says anything about the profile and the loads related to the figure, nor what combat range the version now has, that was cleared through the IOC 2.
In comparison to the JF 17...

...we know that both currently have pretty similar empty weight and internal fuel capacities
...that both have 3 x wet stations to carry similar sized fuel tanks
...that both have can carry only 4 x AAMs with all wet stations loaded
So does anybody really believe that JF 17 could have X times longer combat radius than LCA with the same load, although their base specs are so similar in this role? Also don't forget that increased internal fuel capacity was not a requirement of IAF for the MK2 varient, but from IN since N-LCA needs more for carrier operations and ski-jump take off. That again shows, that range actually isn't an issue and when you look up official statements, there were no complains about the range at all. So this whole issue seems to be more one for discussions on forums, rather than a real problem for the fighter or the forces that want to use it.

So paper specs, or price figures alone doesn't make LCA worse, or better than it is, but of course there will be always those that try to critize it, just like there will be those that overhype it, just to fight about it. :pop:
sancho, if we factor out the cost of the engine and radar what would you think the cost of the lca/jft structure be ? any speculations?
Offcourse HAL should take advantage of india...wats wrong in it?
Meanwhile you milk pakistan with JF 17

The cheap will become expensive. India will be paying for more than $26 million per plane as some other costs will be claimed as "not added at the first count".

Its clear that only India would buy this plane as this plane is produced in India. Lets put it this way, if this plane was produce in another country, India would not even consider this plane. So India need to buy what India produces, even though the plane is not what India would buy if its produced else where.
We have four big companys in China Producing jets:
1. CAC: J10A/B, UAV,J20
2. shengyang: J11A/B, J16, J31, J15, J8
3.hongdu: trainer jets(L15, JL-9)
4. Xian: bombers/transportation
lots of cooperation programme between them to boost the development. For example: Y20 transporter.
China will own 2000 units of 3rd gen fighters in year 2020, not including J31 AND j20. How you gonna deal with two front? China is able to mobolize at least 500 4gen/4++gen fighters against India if needed.

this is why I told the Indians that they will not be able to counter China without American assistance by 2020. The Indians like to think that time is on their side. But the reality is that time is against India.

We have four big companys in China Producing jets:
1. CAC: J10A/B, UAV,J20
2. shengyang: J11A/B, J16, J31, J15, J8
3.hongdu: trainer jets(L15, JL-9)
4. Xian: bombers/transportation
lots of cooperation programme between them to boost the development. For example: Y20 transporter.

Which company is producing Y20 and the new passenger jet?
LCA is on par with JF17, period. It is a good point defence fighter, JF17 is a multirole fighter for sure .what IAF need the most is multirole fighters..

Beg to differ.. Tejas-Mk1 is better than Mirage-2000 in capability and FC-1 is just an remodeled MiG-21/F-7
Well that's all very well and good then :)

Vietnam is far weaker than China, agreed. But that's not the point, they can station a few divisions on the Sino-Viet border, forcing China to deploy an equal or greater number of soldiers to face them, thus taking away soldiers from other areas of potential conflict.

TBH as I've said before, the country that can easily be a Chinese ally is India, the CCP leadership needs to recognise that and take measures to facilitate it.
Will India goverment willing to make friend with China? first solve the border dispute and sign a peaceful pact.
We have four big companys in China Producing jets:
1. CAC: J10A/B, UAV,J20
2. shengyang: J11A/B, J16, J31, J15, J8
3.hongdu: trainer jets(L15, JL-9)
4. Xian: bombers/transportation
lots of cooperation programme between them to boost the development. For example: Y20 transporter.
oh my god...what an amazing country china must be!!!

Will India goverment willing to make friend with China? first solve the border dispute and sign a peaceful pact.
No we are non aligned...we dont have any friends...
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