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HAL LCH deployed in Ladakh

your pain seems to be coming from a fact that your false narrative is not accepted?

when a chinese military hardware fails you can cover it up, but when its too late its been labelled as exercise which is too funny.

this thread is about Indian LCH deployment, and your post has nothing to do with it. on the other hand, you are trying to hide your own shortcomings on some video?

and troller like you come here and try to complain about others is classical example of how chinese folks work. troll when its possible, when trolled back complain and make a scene out of it.
One of you posted the tweet so when we post your t 90 breaking down while climbing a slight ramp, don’t cry to the mods like you did earlier.
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One of you posted the tweet so when we post your t 90 breaking down while climbing a slight ramp, don’t cry to the mods like you did earlier you Indian pussy
Kid... Mods are here to protect you... Remove mods from picture and see how you and your made in china will not last even for a minute
ATGM integration and testing should be fast paced although it won't be needed

If only you could understand the documentary ... immediately after this scene, it stated the IFV sunk due to operator error, not any design or QC flaws. Meanwhile, India cannot even assemble their Su-30MKIs properly lmao. Here is a very good read the excellent maintenance and QC of the Indian air force.

Why are India's air force planes falling out of the sky?
Andrew North

Are India's ageing air force planes falling out of the sky?
All air forces have accidents, but accounts of Indian warplanes crashing on training flights have become almost routine news.
The latest incident came earlier this week, when a Russian-made Sukhoi-30 crashed in eastern India - both pilots surviving after ejecting for unspecified reasons.
All five crew died in March this year on a training flight in their US-made Hercules transport aircraft.
'Flying coffin'
But it is the Russian-made aircraft that form the backbone of the Indian fleet which have been the most accident-prone. The MiG jet in particular has become known as the "flying coffin" or the "widow maker".
Two years ago, India's then defence minister told an astonished parliament that more than half the 872 MiGs it had purchased from Russia had been lost in accidents, at a cost of over 200 lives.
Apparently, pilots regularly complain that some MiG models land too fast and that the design of the window canopy means they can't see the runway properly.
The Indian air force has gradually been retiring the older planes - some dating back to the 1960s.
Yet only this month the air force chief warned the delay in introducing replacements was putting India's security at risk as parts of the fleet were on "their last legs".

Meanwhile, India's regional rival China continues to leap ahead in both spending and firepower.
Indian-designed warplanes have so far not been up to the job. But more than two years since a deal was signed to buy 126 Rafale fighters from France, the bargaining goes on.
Some say it's not what India needs though.
If it does eventually buy French, that will only worsen matters, warns Delhi-based defence analyst Bharat Karnad.
"We have a diversity problem," he says, referring to the wide variety of planes the air force already uses, "making it much harder to keep training and maintenance up to standard".
The Russians have also been accused of being tardy with supplies of spare parts. India - now the world's largest arms importer - is increasingly turning to the West for its weapons. The US is now its number one supplier.
Yet Mr Karnad fears Western nations will hold up critical spare parts and support "as a means of political leverage on India", something he believes the Russians are less prone to do.
But it's not just the air force that has a problem with its gear.
Just yesterday [Tuesday], a former Indian navy chief lashed out at defence ministry as "so dysfunctional" he couldn't even order "a set of batteries" for his submarines.
Admiral DK Joshi made headlines last year after resigning following a series of submarine accidents that left 18 sailors dead. As it happens, the vessels involved were also Russian-made.
The new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, partly won office on the back of hopes he will put India on course to becoming a superpower and has promised to modernise the military.
But it's an old challenge, says retired navy officer Uday Bhaskar. "Finding the solution is something that's eluded every Indian leader until now."
One of you posted the tweet so when we post your t 90 breaking down while climbing a slight ramp, don’t cry to the mods like you did earlier you Indian pussy
India cannot even beat Angola in the tank biathalon even though they have the same exact setup. And you expect these people to fare well against China and Pakistan? Indian T-90s will be more or less cannon fodder for Chinese/Pakistani ground attack aircraft and artillery. Whatever remains can be mopped up by their tanks and other vehicles. Honestly I feel very sorry for the T-90 tanks themselves to because they are very good tanks indeed ... only they are abused by incompetent Indian operators.
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Russian tank wheel also fell off during biathlon. Russian tank tracks also fell off in another incident during another biathlon. Russian tank also broke down and caught fire during training on video. Indian T-90 broke down two times in same biathlon. Chinese tank only suffered the wheel problem the whole time in all these years of biathlon. Chinese tank kept going after suffering this problem. We all have problems but India had two and China had one. Chinese problem still allowed the tank to finish the race where Indian problem put them out of competition. India like PISA test when fail year after year after year, Indian just quit.

This is about helicopter the thread but cheap Indian bitch needs to make it about China. What about Indian submarines getting flooded because of stupid Indians? What about Indian destroyer fall over in dock during building? India cannot even manufacture amphibious tanks and Chinese have hundreds and many different models, one had failure during a test and it is shown publicly.

This helicopter is Indian piece of junk worse than 1960s Chinese made lol


:woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot: ONLY 4...

This junk LCH is based on Dhruv which has crashed 4 out of 6 in Ecuador sale. So Indian Dhruv has 67% crash rate based on Ecuador facts. Then rejected by Ecuador. No one wants Dhruv and India had to give them away for free to Nepal who never ask for them :p:

For LCH from 2010 to 2020 only has 4 in service.
Indians making fun and criticizing Chinese is really too funny. Shit filled country talking about how they are better than improving country. Smelly c*rry f*ckers.
Another first for the Indian defense industry, a 105 mm mounted on a 4x4. The Indians are truly revolutionizing modern warfare :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Wonder how many years (or decades) it will take for this to enter combat.
When making fun of this particular test vehicle shown having problems in broadcast show, they ignore the thousands of amphibious vehicles without problems which already have been retired even. They forgot they cannot even make one yet and in 20 years or whenever they build one they assume it will be the best and not have problems. Maybe in that time they find out it has problems and so many lol

Like man with only sword weapons laughing at the soldier with machine gun that jammed one time but killed thousands of his sword fellows already. Stupid c*urry jai hindis.
One of the members who watched the video confirmed it was an operator problem, not a design or production/QC problem. But as usual, the Indians will post any crap they see without doing extremely basic verification. I doubt they can even successfully reverse engineer the PT-76 lol ... forget modern IFVs.
I don't even watch the shows. It is just entertainment mostly. Not much good interesting new information at all. Everything is secret. Something like these vehicles in test they just set up for fun and many of these are just propaganda anyway. Bradley vehicle suffered immense problems with balance the whole career and F-35 whistleblower reveal the fighter cannot operate at all without major software change and some upgrades too in recent times. Problems are everywhere but because problem exist doesn't mean the military or people are worthless. Only worthless animal is the Jai Hind.

Chinese military if has 100 things and 10 has problems while India has 2 things and 1 has problem, the Jai hind c*rry dwarf will say see this proves China is shit we are mighty super duper.
Well it was a CCTV-9 documentary ... I watched the one on the J-11 and the Z-10, both of which were super informative and interesting. They interviewed basically everyone important who worked on them. Regardless, the ZBD 05 has clearly been extremely successful. As I have said before, India current does not even have the capability to successfully reverse engineer a Soviet PT-76.
Doesn't matter, the curry thinks he is best in world still and ch*kis much lower than him even though he rape his cousin and shit next to his made in China bicycle on his slum front door.
I actually really doubt they think it. The Indians have the mentality of a bully (even though the only places they can bully are Nepal, Bhutan, and J&K). A bully, through their actions, wants to portray strength and superiority in order to compensate for internal insecurities. Deep down, these Indian trolls know how far behind they are to China ... the already sizable gap that existed back in the 1990s has exploded and it will only continue to grow even larger (now the Chinese economy is 5 to 6 times bigger). The military gap has also similarly exploded.
Kid... Mods are here to protect you... Remove mods from picture and see how you and your made in china will not last even for a minute
Will last longer than an Indian t 90 climbing a slight ramp that’s for sure

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