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HAL LCH deployed in Ladakh

Indian steps:
1) start fight with China or Pakistan
2) get shit kicked out of
3) surrender( like mig 21 pilot and Indian officers vs China)
4) claim high amount of enemy casualties or f 16 shot down without proof
5) go home and rape a cow

you are so easy and controllable... absolutely easy.....

i wonder how your soldiers bot beaten up in the dark of the night that your ccp still counting them?
all the mengshi's are broken and dudes got killed.... bring more we want more.... :lol::lol::lol:
you are so easy and controllable... absolutely easy.....

i wonder how your soldiers bot beaten up in the dark of the night that your ccp still counting them?
all the mengshi's are broken and dudes got killed.... bring more we want more.... :lol::lol::lol:
We don’t want any more Indian pows, the amount of surrendering last time was too much
What's with this trolling man? I am warning you one last time!
Honest mistake bro I thought it really was called that, couldn’t tell with their accent. Anyways nice to see butt hurt Indian members here have to call mods to save them again
@Foxtrot Alpha Please take a look at this op with this "sinking tank" thing again, the whole thread and his sole purpose is to troll, the op and another drumstick both came out of banned not long ago and they just never learned,facepalm.jpg.
@Foxtrot Alpha Please take a look at this op with this "sinking tank" thing again, the whole thread and his sole purpose is to troll, the op and another drumstick both came out of banned not long ago and they just never learned,facepalm.jpg.

your pain seems to be coming from a fact that your false narrative is not accepted?

when a chinese military hardware fails you can cover it up, but when its too late its been labelled as exercise which is too funny.

this thread is about Indian LCH deployment, and your post has nothing to do with it. on the other hand, you are trying to hide your own shortcomings on some video?

and troller like you come here and try to complain about others is classical example of how chinese folks work. troll when its possible, when trolled back complain and make a scene out of it.

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