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HAL LCH deployed in Ladakh

Is that why so much of your soldiers surrendered without even a fight?
Go back to raping cows
our soldiers sent lots of them packing in body bags that you are still counting... :lol::lol::lol: another big loss of face is coming.... your army is pushed back already... enjoy your time on pdf... you are an easy target for me :lol::lol::lol:

and dude this is pdf, its takes heavy toll on your psyche ... do some mind control exercise it will keep check on your emotions....
beat him up.... we will send him back in body bag like his fellow soldiers :lol::lol::lol:

slowly the arrogance is going off.... beating is taking its effect.... :lol::lol::lol:
I only see Indians getting beaten here
I only see Indians getting beaten here
and that is the last step of a chinese who has lost it all.....
first step - aggressive stance
second step - tell others how chinese achieved a lot
third step - how others are fool only china superior
fourth step - being sarcastic and reply something else
fifth and last step - laugh it off.... make a joke and look for exit....

copy this ... read it again and again.... apply it on all your chinese posters and you will find similarities....

this is enough education to you for the day
Oh I'm sure Indians back home are convinced it's Abinandan is flying into the sunset .

he is still flying for all that matters..... but all those keyboard warriors who punched so many keys about him yet to get some rest huh?

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