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Hakimullah Mehsud hands former PML-N MNA list of Taliban prisoners


Mar 10, 2012
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PESHAWAR / DI KHAN: Former Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) MNA Javed Ibrahim Paracha has said that Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief Hakimullah Mehsud has handed over a list of prisoners being held by the government to him.
“Hakimullah Mehsud talked to me about the Taliban prisoner issue around 10am,” said Paracha while speaking to The Express Tribune.
Contradicting Paracha’s statement, TTP spokesperson said that Hakimullah Mehsud didn’t talk to anyone on the phone and denied that he had talked to Paracha.
“Paracha is a politician. He might have his own motives behind the whole issue,” said Shahidullah Shahid, adding that Hakimullah did not use the phone and could not have called Paracha.
Paracha said that the TTP chief had handed over a list of Taliban inmates who were being held in various prisons across the country.
Paracha said that he had gone to Adiala Jail with the approval of the government and had verified that 50 Taliban inmates were being held there. The former MNA said that he spent two hours at the jail to discuss the issue.
He further said that he was gathering information about Taliban inmates in Peshawar, Multan and Quetta as well.
“I came into contact with Hakimullah Mehsud around 2pm again and shared the details with him,” confirmed Paracha, adding that the TTP chief said they will convey their response after discussing the matter with the Taliban Shura.
Paracha said that he had not been designated mediator by the government or the Taliban. He added that if both parties trusted him and wanted him to play the role, he was ready to do so.
“For the sake of the country and the province (Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa), I am ready for the role of mediator if I am asked for it to do so,” he added.

Hakimullah Mehsud hands former PML-N MNA list of Taliban prisoners – The Express Tribune
I will still persist that having peace talks with TTP is 'bad idea'.According to news sources,Mr.Mehsud has given him a list of prisioners and the number which they have mentioned is around fifty.
I have a gut feeling that this 'list' has strong connection with D.I khan jail break incident.
The list 'may' consist of names of those terrorist,who were re-arrested after jail break incident.
What TTP's intentions seem that they will get those terrorist who were re-arrested after jail break case back,and then after taking them from government,they will attack again...
@Aeronaut @Luftwaffe @Last Hope @Secur @nuclearpak @Zakii and others...what do you all think?
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طالبان کی جاوید ابراہیم پراچہ سے رابطے کی تردید


کالعدم تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے ترجمان نے سابق رکن قومی اسمبلی جاوید ابراہیم پراچہ سے رابطوں کی تردید کی ہے.

اسلام آباد: (دنیا نیوز) کالعدم تحریک طالبان پاکستان نے جاوید ابراہیم پراچہ سے رابطے کی خبروں کی تردید کی ہے۔ طالبان کے ترجمان کا کہنا ہے کہ طالبان سربراہ حکیم اللہ محسود یا میری سابق رکن قومی اسمبلی جاوید ابراہیم پراچہ سے قیدیوں کی رہائی سے متعلق کوئی بات نہیں ہوئی ہے۔ اس سے قبل جاوید ابراہیم پراچہ نے دعویٰ کیا تھا کہ کالعدم تحریک طالبان کے سربراہ حکیم اللہ محسود نے ان سے ٹیلی فونک رابطہ کیا اور انھیں اپنے 50 قیدیوں کی رہائی کی تفصیلات فراہم کی ہیں۔ ان قیدیوں میں تحریک طالبان، سپاہ صحابہ اور لشکر جھنگوی کے زیر حراست افراد شامل ہیں۔ جاوید ابراہیم پراچہ کا طالبان رہنماء سے ہونے والی گفتگو کی تفصیلات بتاتے ہوئے کہنا تھا کہ حکیم اللہ محسود جاننا چاہتے کہ کیا ان کے ساتھی زندہ ہیں؟ جس کے بعد میں نے حکومت کی اجازت سے اڈیالہ جیل میں تحریک طالبان کے 50 قیدیوں سے ملاقات کی۔ میں حکومت سے قیدیوں کی رہائی کیلئے طریقہ کار پر بات کر رہا ہوں۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ حکومت پاکستان سے مذاکرات پر طالبان کے مختلف دھڑوں کے درمیان اتفاق نہیں ہو سکا۔ جب تک کچھ طے نہ ہو فوج آپریشن کیلئے آزاد ہے اور طالبان بھی جو چاہیں کر سکتے ہیں۔ ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ وفاقی وزیر داخلہ چودھری نثار علی خان نے بھی آئی ایس آئی کے نمائندے کے ہمراہ جاوید ابراہیم پراچہ سے ملاقات کی اور قیدیوں کے معاملات پر گفتگو کی ہے




Friends always verify news from other sources because Express news a.k.a garbage tribune can mislead you

@Leader @Jazzbot @chauvunist @RangerPK @Slav Defence
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its between PTI & PMLn the race to win taliban hearts to be in that talibanistan, out of pakistan?
I will still persist that having peace talks with TTP is 'bad idea'.According to news sources,Mr.Mehsud has given him a list of prisioners and the number which they have mentioned is around fifty.
I have a gut feeling that this 'list' has strong connection with D.I khan jail break incident.
The list 'may' consist of names of those terrorist,who were re-arrested after jail break incident.
What TTP's intentions seem that they will get those terrorist who were re-arrested after jail break case back,and then after taking them from government,they will attack again...
@Aeronaut @Luftwaffe @Last Hope @Secur @nuclearpak @Zakii and others...what do you all think?

Those who were re-arrested after jailbreak were common criminals with small charges not taliban, they actually surrendered to police themeselves.
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Those who were re-arrested after jailbreak were common criminals with small charges not taliban, they actually surrendered to police themeselves.

yes terrorists TTp talibans are still on the run, & making bomb blasts to kill innocent civillians in peshawar, just yesterday?
I will still persist that having peace talks with TTP is 'bad idea'.According to news sources,Mr.Mehsud has given him a list of prisioners and the number which they have mentioned is around fifty.
I have a gut feeling that this 'list' has strong connection with D.I khan jail break incident.
The list 'may' consist of names of those terrorist,who were re-arrested after jail break incident.
What TTP's intentions seem that they will get those terrorist who were re-arrested after jail break case back,and then after taking them from government,they will attack again...

My friend we are in a real messy awkwardly bad position...

We don't have funds to fight them for a long time nor do we want to lose many solders, civilians and infrastructure civil/military. Over the top world is not interested in giving "charity" funds to fight terrorism. TTP or any other group their roots are all in the mujahideen/talibans that were raised by US/Pak, saudis and other fund raisers. I don't see any perfect solution indeed TTP is worthless scums I don't know why for so long have they been spared they should have been eradicated by 2007-2008 when funds were arriving.

@batmannow, let us give you a honor of collecting chanda from the entire world to fight terrorism even the world powerful military US is getting out ending war after 13/14 Years after denting her economy I don't understand why do you want to kill your own solders and civilians for so long fighting them. Know that this is a perfect example of "NEVER ENDING CAT & MOUSE GAME" it will never end if you keep asking for more the only losers would be Pakistani people and its soliders these terrorists will keep coming there is no one stopping them i bet it if 12 years couldn't do next 12 years won't so i want you and your friends to carry on discussion in meaningful ways and tell us how in next 2-3-4 years would you end this War by keeping up to fighting let us hear something new from you lot.
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I will still persist that having peace talks with TTP is 'bad idea'.According to news sources,Mr.Mehsud has given him a list of prisioners and the number which they have mentioned is around fifty.
I have a gut feeling that this 'list' has strong connection with D.I khan jail break incident.
The list 'may' consist of names of those terrorist,who were re-arrested after jail break incident.
What TTP's intentions seem that they will get those terrorist who were re-arrested after jail break case back,and then after taking them from government,they will attack again...
@Aeronaut @Luftwaffe @Last Hope @Secur @nuclearpak @Zakii and others...what do you all think?

you and 170 million other Pakistanis, but these 170 million are not the problem its the remaining 10 million who need to be shown that look as tried to talk to them and make peace but they dont want peace.
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I will still persist that having peace talks with TTP is 'bad idea'.According to news sources,Mr.Mehsud has given him a list of prisioners and the number which they have mentioned is around fifty.
I have a gut feeling that this 'list' has strong connection with D.I khan jail break incident.
The list 'may' consist of names of those terrorist,who were re-arrested after jail break incident.
What TTP's intentions seem that they will get those terrorist who were re-arrested after jail break case back,and then after taking them from government,they will attack again...
@Aeronaut @Luftwaffe @Last Hope @Secur @nuclearpak @Zakii and others...what do you all think?
No sir they are not those guys they are other ones fire related to attack on soldiers which took place in array bazar
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The federal governament is distracted due to karachi operation and MQM's whinning. They need to focus more on talks with taliban.
If war with taliban continued for another decade, pakistan might disintegrate due to economic collapse because lets admit it pakistan is not U.S or soviet union....as @Luftwaffe pointed out pakistan wont recieve chanda baraye war on terror after their withdrawl from afghanistan. The contineous presence of 1.5 lakh troops, contineous operations would soon be unbearable for the economy....
There is also some risk factors that we have to keep in mind if pakistan decides to defeat taliban militarily and this war is continued for another decade. The major risk factor is possible shift of TTP stance on pakistan. They might decide to go for indepedent emirate of tribal areas or might announce the decision to make FATA part of islamic emirate of Afghanistan....this would eventually happen when they become weak beyond certain point.
Another major risk factor is Afghan taliban, they might become liability rather than stretagic assets.
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My friend we are in a real messy awkwardly bad position...

We don't have funds to fight them for a long time nor do we want to lose many solders, civilians and infrastructure civil/military. Over the top world is not interested in giving "charity" funds to fight terrorism. TTP or any other group their roots are all in the mujahideen/talibans that were raised by US/Pak, saudis and other fund raisers. I don't see any perfect solution indeed TTP is worthless scums I don't know why for so long have they been spared they should have been eradicated by 2007-2008 when funds were arriving.

@batmannow, let us give you a honor or collecting chanda from the entire world to fight terrorism even the world powerful military US is getting out ending war after 13/14 Years after denting her economy I don't understand why do you want to kill your own solders and civilians for so long fighting them. Known that this is a perfect example of "NEVER ENDING CAT & MOUSE GAME" it will never end if you keep asking for more the only losers would be Pakistani people and its soliders these terrorists will keep coming there is no one stopping them i bet it if 12 years couldn't do next 12 years won't so i want you and your friends to carry on discussion in meaningful ways and tell us how in next 2-3-4 years would you end this War by keeping up to fighting let us hear something new from you lot.

thats the theory no 1, that we pakistan will keep fighting them, & they keep destroying us?
what happened in sawaat? we lost?
if you want to surrender or bow to terrorists demands like, handing over the killers of innocent pakistani civillians in bomb blasts or even other means, what next?
to free all other, criminals too cause thier crimes still are lesser?
what then bowing in terrorsits demands, like handing over whole FATA & KPK?
what next whole pakistan?
lets make forward, what about a demand that, pakiatan should give its nucks to them, even half of them? thn what?
i mean if you are going to bow to them, jst for once, wont they come & ask for more?
like they did in sawaat?
my friend,
strong nations never bow to terrorits demands!
even a tiny nation, like srilanka stood up against a masssive terrorist army of LTTE, it took them 27 years to destroy that, war against a terrorist organization, which waa supported by another bigger power like india?
whatever , however they kept fighting it, & the won just because they had the dedication, will power, & above all selfbelive?
with your statement sadly, i feel that we are much more weaker thn srilanka, cause peoples like you has lost selfbelive in themselves, in one united nation, our freedom?
i am really sorry about that , but dont worry still peoples like me going to defend this great nation, till ournlast drop of blood, & insha allha with the will power, & with selfbelive in ourselves given by allmighty we, are going to win against these animals, even it takes 100 more days or months, or even years?
with that said. dont think that US will be out of afghanistan completly, like a flash?
no its not going to happen in next 3 years, just belive me, dont look at those stupid news
channels who, only speard there own agenda,s for money?
i was in qatar, when that mullha group went to talk with americans & belive me in a very rude demand or shought, they hve put back there own talbani flag?
US has its own designs in the region, they want to use sunni talibans with arabian money against shia IRAN which is making many kings of arabias unsleep these days?
israel & america are also IRAN enemy no 1, so talibans going tobe used in a divided country?
if they become succsessfull against iran, they will get some medal, if not you will find them only in the history,s darker pages?
then as a whole sole supporter of them, what this world is would be to doing with us, i dont jst want to imagine now?
BTW, if we start a real war against terror against those who are attacking us now, many countiers will be supporting us, be it china, russia, or even IRAN all of them would be in our support?
try me again!
thanks my respected friend, surrender is no option, war agianst terror is the only peace we can get?
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kabh tou apna mun bund raka kar.

challoo jin kutoon ney kal peshawar mien bomb blast kar-wayaa, uun ko tu kuta kah dien app, aur dua kareen key allha unn ki nasslien khatam kar dey! plz say ammen with love to pakistan?
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